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White Zombie d20


White Zombie d20
Wydawnictwo ID Adventures wyda w październiku podręcznik White Zombie, oparty na mechanice d20 Modern. Gra będzie adaptacją horroru White Zombie (1932) z Belą Lugosim. Niestety, fani zespołu rockowego o tej samej nazwie (również zaczerpniętej z filmu) będą musieli jeszcze trochę poczekać na własną konwersję.

Przejdź dalej: White Zombie d20

Źródło: GamingReport.com


    I tylko szkoda,...
...że Modern. :/
21-08-2006 00:04
Ehh... I tylko szkoda, ze gra jest od razu skreslona, bo ma nie taka mechanike?
21-08-2006 00:05
Jeśli pojawi się w jednym z dwu sklepików, które wiem, że będę odwiedzał - kupię. :) Nie skreślam niczego z uwagi na mechanikę (hej, ja lubię Kryształy Czasu!) - mam stos podręczników, które posiadam wyłącznie ze względu na pomysł w nich zawarty. :)
21-08-2006 00:35
~Steve Miller

Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
Okay... I have no idea what language you folks are writing in--Polish? Czech?--but I take it you don't like d20 Modern?

I think the book will actually be useful for any d20 System game... BUT it presents the zombie/necromantic magic as a feat/skill-based system, ala the "Mind Over Matter" and "Spookmaster" products I've previously done for IDA. (I think it's an approach that better mirrors/lends itself to better adaptations for film and book characters.)

I hope no one minds an English post (and I hope someone can read and translate it if needed!), and I'll swing by again to see if anyone has questions. (Or you can visit my messageboard and post there. Just know I don't read/write the langauge being used here.)

--Steve Miller (writer of the d20 White Zombie book)
21-08-2006 02:19
It's Polish. And we don't mind posting in English :).

And yes, LimpTiger is complaining about d20 Modern. It seems he preferes background information to numbers.
21-08-2006 02:31
~Steve Miller

Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
Ah, well, I can reassure him. I like background information over numbers, too.

The book will have maps of key locations in the film, extensive backgrounds on the main characters, and what I hope are flavorful and roleplaying oriented mechanics.

I doubt anyone here is familiar with me, but I've worked extensively on Ravenloft and Dragonlance (and contributed to a host of other game-lines)... and I am definately a Roleplayer rather than a Rollplayer.

It's just that the d20 System is one that is easy to work with without having to deal with owners of the system. (Frankly, in The Perfect World, the "White Zombie" book would use either the D6 or the Interlock System, my two favorite game systems.)

Oh... and I see the site address ends with .pl... so, yeah, it makes sense it's Polish. If I could read, I'd be a dangerous man!

(BTW, what does "Temet" mean?
21-08-2006 02:43
"Temat" means "topic" or "subject". ;)
21-08-2006 02:55
Steve, LimpTiger wasn't actually compaining (as most poles do ;)), he just said that it's a pity that WZ will be using modern. Seji forgot to add that LT didin't crossed it off and he'll be more than happy to pick it up if it shows up in stores he frequents.

So it's all good.
21-08-2006 03:37
He was complaining. ;) And he will buy it and say: It's a pretty good sourcebook... but still d20 Modern. ;)
21-08-2006 10:17

Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
Steve, you would be dangerous if you could speak it :)
I hope that White Zombie would be full of information, other things can be easily converted to Savage Worlds :)
21-08-2006 10:25
    Tłumaczenie pierwszej wypowiedzi Steve'a
(Zrobione na gorąco, podczas przerwy kanapkowej ;-). Steve - here's translation of your first post.)

Okej... Nie mam pojęcia, w jakim języku piszcie – polskim? czeskim? -- ale przyjmuję, że nie lubicie d20 Modern?

Sądzę, że książka będzie użyteczna dla każdego systemu opartego na d20. Prezentuje ona JEDNAK magię zombie/nekromantyczną w postaci systemu opartego o umiejętności i atuty, w stylu produktów „Mind Over Matter” czy „Spookmaster”, które tworzyłem wcześniej dla IDA. (Myślę, że takie podejście prowadzi do tworzenia lepszych adaptacji dla postaci filmowych czy książkowych).

Mam nadzieję, że nikt nie pogniewa się na wypowiedź w języku angielskim (a ktoś może ktoś to przeczyta i w miarę potrzeby przetłumaczy!). Zamierzam tu zajrzeć ponownie i zobaczyć, czy nie pojawiają sie jakieś pytania. (Możecie także odwiedzić moje forum dyskusyjne i tam zamieścić swoje notki. Pamiętajcie jednak, że nie czytam/piszę w języku, który używacie tutaj.)

-- Steve Miller (autor podręcznika White Zombie d20)

P.S. Cheers Steve!
21-08-2006 10:54
Can i ask why did U choose d20 Modern as core mechanic? When i saw some previews from WotC on this year about Modern, i was surprised - some shits like Critical Locations & others, and only one on fall - Dark*Matter. It looks like WotC will be planning to close all this line, (yeah - they call that "take a break" like Star Wars d20 ;) ). Who will buy core book, when system will be dead?

Yes - i know, that some people play on Modern SRD, but IMHO there is no fun in rising game from the dead. ;)

Greetings. :)
21-08-2006 11:47
I wasn't complaining. It's just a pity it's not based on a core D20. E.g. Spellslinger is not based on Modern and I find that to be a good choice. Assuming I'd like to use WZ without any drift, I'm forced to buy another book. Book, which is unavailable in Polish stores and won't be available in the nearest future. ;> That's a non-blocker for me but a potential blocker for my players. Besides - Modern is almost dead as Deckard stated in previous comment.

Still I have nothing against D20 and I can almost live with D20 Modern ;) but in my opinion Modern is not the best marketing choice one could make.
21-08-2006 12:46
Your players could use d20 Modern SRD. One book on playing team is completely sufficient, so I don't really understand your point of view ;).

Besides, I really doubt if core d20 would be a good idea for such a game (WZ d20).
21-08-2006 14:43
If they could use English book, they'd be able to use SRD as well. Cost is not the point, Re, language is. Have you seen Polish SRD or Polish D20 Modern? I don't think so. ;)

Game mechanics can be tailored to the setting's needs. FFG did this with Spellslinger (wild west) and D20 (heroic fantasy). So it's possible, isn't it? :)
21-08-2006 15:01
This is an unofficial information, but someone you and I know already started to work on the translation of d20 Modern SRD ;). Who knows - maybe he'll have finished it before ISA ;).
21-08-2006 16:43
~Steve Miller

Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
    Why d20 Modern?
I used "d20 Modern" because I've done a string of products using the Modern OGL for ID Adventures already. Plus, when I did a product that was "generic" d20 System (worked for both Modern and standard d20, many people seemed unhappy about that ["Mind Over Matter" was written to be used with both Modern and standard d20).

I DID think about using standard d20/OGL, but I ulitmately reverted to Modern, primarily because I am not using standard d20 magic system rules in the product, and magic is more of an add-on in Modern, while it's a definate core element in the standard game. (Readers will see a couple of artifacts of the initial Standard OGL/d20 approach... there's an imported feat in the book, one that exists in d20 but not Modern.)

LimpTiger: I'm afraid WZ won't be showing up in stores unless it does really, realy well. At the moment, it's slated for pdf format only. (I'm HOPING it does well, because next 2007 is the 75th anniversary of WZ's original release, so it would be nice product to have on store shelves, I think.

Deckard: Critical hit locations? In a d20 System? That has got to be a monumentally stupid idea. Maybe I need to pay closer attention to the WotC website. (These days, I tend to look at what's new for the OGL, because that's what I work with when I do d20 material.
21-08-2006 17:31
    @Steve Miller
Thanks for clarification. That's a shame it won't be available in print. Have you considered print-on-demand, e.g. lulu.com?
21-08-2006 17:42
~Steve Miller

Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
I've been so locked into pdf-only with the IDA stuff that it hadn't crossed my mind. (I've mostly done 8, 12, and 16 page releases for them until now. But "White Zombie" is slated at 32 pages, which means it COULD be pod. I'll have to bring this up!)

Thanks for giving my brain a good, hard kick!

21-08-2006 18:09
~Steve Miller

Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
And thanks to Buwka for making my initial post readible by everyone on your site! :D

21-08-2006 18:22

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