Star Wars Republic


Republic #32-35. Darkness

Republic #32-35. Darkness

Dracula w wersji Star Wars

15-09-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Seria Republic podzieliła się nieco i rozwija się poprzez dwa główne wątki. Z jednej strony ciągnie Timothy Truman (wspomagany przez różnych rysowników) z Ki-Adim-Mundim i A'Sharadem Hettem jako głównymi postaciami, z drugiej zaś duet Ostrander-Duursema (poza totalnym nieporozumieniem w postaci Infi...
Republic #01-06. Prelude to Rebellion

Republic #01-06. Prelude to Rebellion

Komiksowy wstęp do trylogii prequeli

14-05-2007 00:29 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Powrót do tworzenia legendy po szesnastu latach przerwy to zadanie niełatwe. Szczególnie, jeśli twórcy przychodzi się zmierzyć z mitem Gwiezdnych wojen - jedną z najpopularniejszych baśni filmowych z rzeszą fanów na całym świecie. Obok Mrocznego widma, taki właśnie ciężar musiała unieść seria komiks...
Republic #07-12. Outlander

Republic #07-12. Outlander

Pomieszanie z poplątaniem

30-07-2007 00:21 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 4
Różne wymyślono już światy fantastyczne i każdy z nich ma własne "grzeszki" i bolączki. W uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen natomiast, niezależnie od tego czy weźmiemy pod uwagę filmy, czy produkcje ze strefy Expanded Universe, bolączką główną jest niekonsekwencja. Oczywiście, w jednych produkcjach widać t...
Republic #13-18. Emissaries to Malastare

Republic #13-18. Emissaries to Malastare

Od fanów dla fanów?

11-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Rzeczą oczywistą jest fakt, że każda część Expanded Universe ma do spełnienia pewną konkretną funkcję w świecie Gwiezdnych wojen (poza przynoszeniem uśmiechu na twarz Flanelowca, ilekroć ten sprawdza stan swojego konta, oczywiście). Dla przykładu, serial Clone Wars miał ukazać realia olbrzymiego, a...
Republic #27. Star Crash

Republic #27. Star Crash

Gwiezdne wojny?

28-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Saga Gwiezdnych wojen znana jest ze swojego uniwersalizmu. Łączy w sobie motywy z różnych kultur i religii, mitów i gałęzi literatury, stając się tym samym bliższą dużo większemu odsetkowi ludzi. Może stąd urosło przekonanie, że Gwiezdne wojny są w stanie przyjąć i zasymilować wszystko. Fałszywe prz...
Republic #50. The Battle of Kamino

Republic #50. The Battle of Kamino

"They're cloners. Damned good ones, too..."

10-03-2005 12:26 | Tomek 'Death Star Builder' Nowak | Komentarze: 0
Wojny Klonów ogarniają coraz większe obszary galaktyki. Jednym ze sposobów na ich wygaszenie i zwycięstwo jest dla Separatystów likwidacja kolonii klonerów, wraz z kolejnymi, hodowanymi dopiero, pokoleniami szturmowców. "They're cloners. Damned good ones, too." Buntownicy, kierowani przez Sithów,...
Republic #64. Bloodlines

Republic #64. Bloodlines

19-02-2006 20:05 | Aleksandra 'Jade Elenne' Wierzchowska | Komentarze: 0
Komiksów, których akcja toczy się podczas Wojen Klonów pojawiło się już sporo, dość wspomnieć popularną Obsesję czy Republikę. Do ich grona zaliczyć trzeba także Więzy krwi. Zastosowano tutaj dość nietypową kompozycję: komiks zaczyna się sceną przemówienia Palpatine’a w Senacie, potem zaś sto...
Republic #64. Bloodlines

Republic #64. Bloodlines

Honor Rycerza Jedi

10-02-2006 13:59 | Maciej 'Repek' Reputakowski | Komentarze: 2
Wschodnia ezoteryka i estetyka zawsze znajdowały się na orbicie świata Gwiezdnych wojen. Buddyjski Yoda, ogarniający pustkę mistrzowie Jedi, stroje wzorowane na samurajskich pancerzach i kimonach, technika walki na miecze świetlne – wszystkie te elementy składają się na jednoznaczny sygnał maj...
Republic #67. Forever Young

Republic #67. Forever Young

25-09-2006 12:38 | Aleksandra 'Jade Elenne' Wierzchowska | Komentarze: 19
Wojny Klonów to temat–rzeka dla fanów Star Wars oraz nieustające źródło dochodów ludzi związanych z rozrywkowym imperium Lucasa. W tym fragmencie dziejów odległej galaktyki osadzono akcję kilku książek, niezłej gry komputerowej, opowiadań i komiksów – takich jak opisywana w poniższym art...
Republic #23-26. Infinity's End

Republic #23-26. Infinity's End

Moc nie jest w nim zbyt silna

21-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Wśród niektórych fanów Gwiezdnych wojen panuje dwojaka opinia na temat George'a Lucasa i jego zaangażowania w tworzenie sagi. Nikt nie kwestionuje jego zmysłu marketingowego oraz wspaniałego pomysłu na film, który stał się pierwszym nowoczesnym mitem. Z drugiej jednak strony, zwłaszcza po kolejnych...
Republic #28-31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing

Republic #28-31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing

Polowanie czas zacząć

01-09-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Gdy przyjrzeć się bliżej fanom, bez trudu można spostrzec, że Gwiezdne wojny rządzą się tak naprawdę swoimi prawami. Oczywiście istotnym jest, że na pierwszym planie sagi występują Anakin, Luke, Leia czy Han Solo, ale często to postaci z tła zaskarbiają sobie sympatię fanów. Jedną z takich bohaterek...
Republic #42-45. Rite of Passage

Republic #42-45. Rite of Passage

Czas na Przejście

01-12-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Tytuł Rite of Passage jest symboliczny pod wieloma względami. Dla Ro Fenna, ostatniego z rozwiązanej Rady na Ryloth, to przejście przez palącą pustynię by spotkać się ze swoim przeznaczeniem, dla Aayli Secury to transformacja z padawanki w rycerza (lub raczej "rycerz") Jedi, dla Quinlana Vosa to ryt...
Republic #46-48. Honor and Duty

Republic #46-48. Honor and Duty

Here we go again...

15-12-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W Senacie Republiki zbliża się głosowanie nad reformą finansową, jednak w tym samym czasie zamordowany zostaje Jheramahd Greyshade, senator reprezentujący świat, którego głos może przesądzić o jego wyniku. Zwolnione miejsce zajmuje jego kuzyn, który prosi wielkiego kanclerza o ochronę. Tak też się d...
Republic #49. Sacrifice

Republic #49. Sacrifice

Komiks na pół gwizdka?

25-12-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Atak klonów wprowadził nowe realia, Star Wars Ongoing powróciło pod nową nazwą i przyszedł czas najwyższy by sprawdzić, jak w tej nowej rzeczywistości sprawdza się stary i lubiany duet autorów. Sacrifice zabiera czytelników jakiś rok do przodu w stosunku do Honor and Duty, do okresu tuż po bitwie o...
Republic #51-52. The New Face of War

Republic #51-52. The New Face of War

Czas na nowe twarze

05-01-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Jeśli pominąć Honor and Duty, można stwierdzić, że od początku "właściwego" Republic postanowiono odsunąć na bok subtelne intrygi i mroczne knowania polityczne, a zdecydowano się postawić na wartką i bogatą akcję. Nie da się ukryć, że poniekąd pasuje to do wizerunku Wojen Klonów, choć prawdę mówiąc...
Republic #19-22. Twilight

Republic #19-22. Twilight

Zmiany, zmiany

18-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Tak, nareszcie nadeszła ta szczęsna chwila. 28 czerwca roku 2000 był dniem, w którym czytelnicy serii Republic radośnie pomachali mistrzowi Ki-Adi-Mundiemu na pożegnanie, a na scenę tej komiksowej serii wyszły nowe, równie ciekawe postaci. Głównym bohaterem miniserii Twilight jest Quinlan Vos –...
Republic #53. Blast Radius

Republic #53. Blast Radius

Na nowe twarze kolejne spojrzenie

07-02-2009 08:00 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Co prawda Blast Radius jest nominalnie osobnym one-shotem jednak de facto jego treść blisko powiązana jest z fabułą poprzedniej miniserii – The New Face of War. Poprzednio wyrażałem nadzieję na dalsze pociągnięcie już istniejących wątków i… cóż, poniekąd me życzenie zostało spełnione. O...
Republic #54. Double Blind

Republic #54. Double Blind

Odrodzenie Republiki

04-05-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Machina ruszyła. Duet John Ostrander i Jan Duursema, niczym drużyna gwiazd futbolowych, znów zaczął czarować publiczność. W tej chwili nieistotny staje się średni poziom niektórych z poprzednich zeszytów Republic, każda seria ma swoje wzloty i upadki – dobrze jednak widzieć Johna Ostrandera w...
Republic #59. Enemy Lines

Republic #59. Enemy Lines

Jedi po złej stronie

01-06-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Stała się rzecz niesamowita – jest Republic, jest Jan Duursema, nie ma Quinlana Vosa. Niniejszym moja wspaniała teoria w tym względzie legła w gruzach. Nic to, jednak, gdyż nikt nie mówi, że to zła wiadomość dla fanów gwiezdnowojennych komiksów. Jako że Obi-Wan aktualnie uważany jest za poleg...
Republic #60. Hate and Fear

Republic #60. Hate and Fear

O Asajj Ventress dwa słowa

15-06-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Nadeszła zatem ta chwila. Od The Battle of Jabiim wiadomo, iż Obi-Wan, choć uważany za martwego, żyje, nikt nie podzielił się jednak do tej pory z czytelnikami serii informacją, jakie to ciekawe nieszczęścia sprowadził na mistrza Jedi Haden Blackman. Co więcej, Republic #58 umożliwił dalsze "drążeni...
Republic #55-58. The Battle of Jabiim

Republic #55-58. The Battle of Jabiim

Krew i deszcz

18-05-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Gdy na końcu zeszytu pięćdziesiątego czwartego zapowiedziano miniserię o bitwie o Jabiim, szczerze powiedziawszy miałem cichą nadzieję, że zajmą się nią również John Ostrander i Jan Duursema. Cóż, z jednej strony przejechałem się trochę, gdyż myślę, że Duursemie wyszedłby ten temat lepiej (jednak wi...
Republic #61. Dead Ends

Republic #61. Dead Ends

Więc tak ginie wolność…

20-07-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Polityka to nic sympatycznego. Po rozpoczęciu kariery Bail Organa szybko się o tym przekonał, jednak mimo zachowania idealistycznej postawy nie było w nim naiwności. Senator z Alderaanu stał się wytrawnym graczem na politycznej scenie Republiki. Jednakże wraz z rozpoczęciem Wojen Klonów pojawił się...
Republic #62. No Man's Land

Republic #62. No Man's Land

Kenobi wraca do gry

28-09-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na przestrzeni ostatnich zeszytów Republic mieliśmy już chyba wszystko – było nieco akcji ze skupieniem na samej akcji, było nieco akcji ze skupieniem na postaciach, wreszcie był zeszyt poświęcony jedynie intrygom politycznym. Gdy spojrzeć teraz na serię przekrojowo, przynajmniej na odcinki od...
Republic #63. Striking From the Shadows

Republic #63. Striking From the Shadows

Kamera… akcja!

14-12-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Kolejny zeszyt Republic i kolejny raz przygody Quinlana Vosa. Tym razem jednak na wstępie trzeba ostrzec, że będzie się go czytać ciężko każdemu, kto nie ma za sobą lektury Jedi. Count Dooku, którego Striking From the Shadows jest w zasadzie kontynuacją. Po odzyskaniu z Korriban holokronu jednego z...
Republic #68. Armor

Republic #68. Armor

I choć zaginął hełm i miecz…

08-02-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Każdej serii zdarzają się potknięcia. Uznając za takowe zeszyt poprzedni, zatytułowany Forever Young, najsłuszniej przejść nad nim do porządku dziennego, a ewentualnie zakupiony polski egzemplarz wystawić na Allegro, celem unieszczęśliwienia kogoś innego. Nowa bitwa czeka! Konfederacja zaczyna ostr...
Star Wars Komiks #17 (1/2010)

Star Wars Komiks #17 (1/2010)

Nie wszystko złoto, co ma w sobie Bobę

15-02-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Dla fanów gwiezdnowojennego komiksu w Polsce nadeszły mroczne czasy; i bynajmniej nie piję do tego, że w lutym Egmont wyda drugą część powieści graficznej o takim właśnie tytule. Odkąd skończyłem lekturę Yody w grudniowej edycji Star Wars Komiks spotykały mnie w zasadzie same zawody: zarówno cięższe...
Republic #69-71. The Dreadnaughts of Rendili

Republic #69-71. The Dreadnaughts of Rendili

Nadchodzi Zemsta

15-03-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Rozpoczęte w Armor komiksowe wprowadzenie do Zemsty Sithów ruszyło pełną parą w wydanym w trzecim kwartale 2004 roku Dreadnaughts of Rendili. W Republic rozpoczęto wiele wątków, jednak wraz z nadchodzącą premierą ostatniego z epizodów sagi George’a Lucasa nadeszła pora, by z wolna zacząć je ro...
Republic #72-73. Trackdown

Republic #72-73. Trackdown

Preludium do preludium do...

22-03-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Ciekawość Vosa względem drugiego lorda Sithów sprowadza go wreszcie do kostnicy. Nie jest jednak w stanie "sztywnym", a w stanie zdeterminowanym, by odnaleźć nowe tropy w pamięci senatora Viento, którego uśmiercił w Striking from the Shadows. Co więcej, udaje mu się to. Aayla Secura i mistrz Tholme...
Republic #78. Loyalties

Republic #78. Loyalties

Nastał nowy ład

02-05-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Co prawda dwa zeszyty miniserii Siege of Saleucami zostały opublikowane już po premierze Zemsty Sithów, jednak dopiero Loyalties, które zadebiutował 19 października 2005, poruszał temat rzeczywistości po proklamacji Imperium. Czyni to ów one-shot tak naprawdę pierwszym komiksem "po RotS". Wspomnian...
Republic #74-77. The Siege of Saleucami

Republic #74-77. The Siege of Saleucami

Odliczanie do Zemsty

12-04-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 1
Siege of Saleucami była ostatnią miniserią Republic, która rozpoczęła się jeszcze przed premierą Zemsty Sithów. Ponadto jest to bezpośrednia kontynuacja dwóch poprzednich komiksów tworzących wątek zatytułowany Trackdown. Komiks jako taki kontynuuje również wydarzenia zawarte w wyżej wymienionej poz...
Republic #79-80. Into the Unknown

Republic #79-80. Into the Unknown

Zmierzch już...

24-05-2010 00:56 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Rozkaz 66 był kluczowym wydarzeniem wojen klonów, wydarzeniem, dla którego w zasadzie cała wojna została wywołana. Pamiętna sekwencja z Zemsty Sithów wraz z przejmującym motywem muzycznym autorstwa Johna Williamsa świetnie oddały jego tragizm. Jednak kilkoro Jedi przedstawionych w filmie, to nie wsz...
Republic #81-83. Hidden Enemy

Republic #81-83. Hidden Enemy

...a i noc wkrótce zapaść musi

14-06-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Mimo trudnych początków, jeszcze pod nazwą Star Wars Ongoing, serii Republic udało się wyjść na prostą. Co więcej, w dużej mierze dzięki przemyślanym rozwiązaniom fabularnym Johna Ostrandera i wprawiającym w zachwyt rysunkom Jan Duursemy stała się jedną z najlepszych, jeśli nie najlepszą, w uniwersu...
Republic #65-66. Show of Force

Republic #65-66. Show of Force

Moc jest w nim silna

01-02-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Początkowo komiksów z serii Jedi miało być sześć, jednak ostatni z nich (tudzież piąty), który zatytułowany miał być Barriss Offee, został zarzucony i nigdy się nie ukazał. Szkoda jednak marnować czas, jaki się poświęciło na komiks, więc państwo z Dark Horse stwierdzili, że dołączą wyżej wymieniony...
Republic #40-41. The Devaronian Version

Republic #40-41. The Devaronian Version

Villie kontratakuje

17-11-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
To się musiało w końcu stać. Twórcy Star Wars Ongoing (później – Republic) stworzyli postać, której humorystyczny potencjał domagał się okazji do swego rodzaju "wybuchu". Problem w tym, że takie wydarzenie mogłoby zepsuć mroczny klimat, w jaki celują autorzy serii. Znaleziono jednak lukę, w kt...
Republic #36-39. The Stark Hyperspace War

Republic #36-39. The Stark Hyperspace War

Błękit nadprzestrzeni

27-10-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Po przywróceniu dotkniętych amnezją Aayli Secury i Quinlana Vosa na łono zakonu, mistrzowie Jedi zadecydowali, że należy im przywrócić dawne umiejętności i wiedzę. Motyw ten okazał się bardzo zgrabnym alibi, aby wstrzymać na moment akcję serii, spojrzeć nieco wstecz i zapoznać czytelników z przeszły...


Ciemność #1

11-11-2007 23:10 | Komentarze: 0

Ciemność #2

11-11-2007 23:11 | Komentarze: 0


30-03-2007 19:50 | Komentarze: 0

To jednoczęściowa opowieść o wyprawie na odległą planetę Zaadja, gdzie Mistrz Obi-Wan Kenobi wraz ze swoim Padawanem - Anakinem Skywalkerem, oraz młoda Mistrz Tohno, mają za zadanie zniszczyć nową bazę produkcyjną separatystów, mogącą stworzyć potężną armię droidów... Wartka akcja komiksu sprawia, że czyta się go jednym tchem. Akcja komiksu rozgrywa się tuż po bitwie na planecie Geonosia (przedstawionej pod koniec Ataku Klonów), gdzie wojska separatystów doznały bolesnej klęski...

Źródło: Mandragora

Więzy krwi

04-04-2007 11:06 | Komentarze: 0

Młody i utalentowany padawan - Tap-Nar-Pal, uczeń mistrza Jedi - Ronhar Kima, odgaduje tożsamość Lorda Sitha zasiadającego w Senacie Republiki. Razem ze swym mistrzem układają misterny plan wykrycia i zgładzenia Sitha... Jednak nie jest to proste zadania... tajemniczy Lord Sith poznaje plany obu Jedi i zastawia na nich pułapkę... Ta historia wydarzyła się tuż przed Zemstą Sithów...

Źródło: Mandragora

Darkness TPB

12-09-2007 15:35 | Komentarze: 0
Despite his successful completion of previous missions, the Jedi Council still feels that Quinlan Vos, a troubled Jedi struggling to regain stability after having his memory erased, walks dangerously close to the dark side. But when a prison planet under watch by the Guardians is attacked by an unidentified enemy, Quinlan Vos is specifically requested to investigate because of his Guardian ancestry. Fully-recovered, or not, Quin is off on another suicide mission! Collecting the four-issue story arc.

Emissaries to Malastare TPB

12-09-2007 12:03 | Komentarze: 0
In a time after the events of Episode I The Phantom Menace, half of the Jedi High Council travel to the exotic world of Malastare to negotiate a peace treaty between two of that planet's warring factions. But the whole affair is being manipulated by a secret, third party out to assassinate th...

Outlander TPB

11-09-2007 17:53 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi's first assignment after joining the Jedi Council will take him back to the fearsome desert wastelands of Tatooine. The Jedi Council has tracked a long wayward and powerful Jedi, Sharad Hett of the Sand People, to the backwater world, and it's up to Ki to find him and convince him to re...

Prelude to Rebellion TPB

11-09-2007 16:31 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Jedi Knight of formidable strength and influence. On his homeworld of Cerea, most of the planet's citizens are happy to continue their low-tech lives of simplicity, isolated from the Republic, but a growing voice calls for the advanced technologies brought by offworlders. When Ki b...

Republic #46. Honor and Duty, część 1

29-09-2007 11:04 | Komentarze: 0
An important Senate vote is immanent, and a Senator from a small system is suddenly in possession of two things he never expected to have: the power of a "swing" vote, and a death threat! At the insistence of the Supreme Chancellor, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker are ord...

Republic #47. Honor and Duty, część 2

29-09-2007 11:07 | Komentarze: 0
Obi-Wan and Anakin have their hands full protecting Senator Greyshade from attacks by droid assassins, sky-bike riding Dug assassins, and beautiful assassin princesses with diplomatic immunity. Meanwhile, Autem and Omin, the two Senate Guards who are also on the Greyshade assignment, discover a common link among the assassins -- a link that strikes a little too close to home for Autem. Action and adventure during the time that the Republic ruled the galaxy and the Jedi were the glue that held the Republic together!

Republic #48. Honor and Duty, część 3

29-09-2007 11:09 | Komentarze: 0
Obi-Wan and Anakin's lightsabers are working overtime as they are confronted by assassins on all sides -- a beautiful princess with a penchant for deadly toys and exotic martial arts; a radio-pathic alien with specially-constructed battle droids; and a crazed Dug on a speeder bike. Meanwhile, the two Senate Guards assigned to the case are making disturbing discoveries about the person who hired the assassins. For one of the Guard's, "family ties" may be a noose that drags him to death and disgrace!

Republic #49. Sacrifice

29-09-2007 11:14 | Komentarze: 0
With the Battle of Geonosis, the galaxy is officially plunged into war. As the Jedi Council struggles with their new role as leaders of the Republic's clone army, other Jedi operatives have taken on the job of intelligence gathering. On a vast space station known as "The Wheel," Jedi knight Aayla Se...

Republic #50. The Battle of Kamino

29-09-2007 11:18 | Komentarze: 0
Two months after the Battle of Geonosis... with the forces of the Republic and the armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems stalled in a series of indecisive battles, the Separatists risk a devastating strike at the heart of the Republic's war machine: they attack the cloning facility on Kam...

Republic #52. The New Face of War, część 2

29-09-2007 18:20 | Komentarze: 0
A Gungan settlement has been massacred, General Kenobi has been captured, and the Separatist's are planning to wipe out Naboo with a biological weapon! Only Anakin Skywalker and Alpha, a clone trooper specialist, can save the day--but that's only if they can get past Durge, Count Dooku's hired assassin who has a centuries-old grudge against the Jedi, and Commander Asajj Ventress, a mysterious Jedi with a dark past!

Republic #51. The New Face of War, część 1

29-09-2007 18:18 | Komentarze: 0
On one of the moons of Naboo, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his troops make a horrifying discovery: the entire population of Gungan settlers has been wiped out in a genocidal chemical attack by a power-mad Separatist commander. Worse, Anakin discovers that the commander's next target is Naboo itself, the home of his beloved Padmé! Hopelessly out-numbered by Separatist forces, the soldiers of the Republic have but one hope for success -- but that hope seems shattered when General Kenobi is captured in battle! New worlds, new villains, and new heroes, as the epic saga of the Clone Wars unfolds!

Republic #53. Blast Radius

02-10-2007 17:09 | Komentarze: 0
An all-Jedi strike force is assembled for a secret mission to infiltrate a Skakoan Techno Union base that is supporting the Separatists. Among those selected for the mission is Obi-Wan Kenobi, who finds himself teamed with several legendary Jedi Masters. Surrounded by so many powerful individuals, Obi-Wan feels there is little he can bring to the mission.

But when the base turns out to be a trap designed to kill Jedi, Obi-Wan finds himself in a leadership position, fighting for the survival of the team! Jedi powers, Jedi sacrifices, and another surprising confrontation!

Republic #54. Double Blind

02-10-2007 17:12 | Komentarze: 0
While the rest of the Jedi have become generals and are leading armies in the Clone Wars, Quinlan Vos has remained in the shadows. Sent undercover by the Jedi Council to spy on the Separatists, the Council now fears that Quin has gone too deep. Is he still an agent for the Republic, or has he turned traitor? When Quin disobeys an order to return to Coruscant, another Jedi is sent to bring him back--or end his treachery!

Republic #55. The Battle of Jabiim, część 1

02-10-2007 17:15 | Komentarze: 0
General Kenobi and his First Lieutenant, Anakin Skywalker, find themselves transferred to a post on the rain-soaked planet Jabiim. The fighting is fierce, and the vast majority of the locals have sided with the Separatists--leaving the Republic's outposts isolated and vulnerable. In the face of moun...

Republic #56. The Battle of Jabiim, część 2

02-10-2007 17:18 | Komentarze: 0
When his master is killed in a battle with Jabiimi rebels, Anakin Skywalker finds himself assigned to a squad of similarly "orphaned" Padawans. The non-stop rain and violent storms on Jabiim suit Anakin's mood of despair punctuated with rage. Some of the other Padawans feel the same way. Whether the...

Republic #57. The Battle of Jabiim, część 3

02-10-2007 17:20 | Komentarze: 0
Fighting along side a squad of young Jedi whose Masters have been casualties of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker is finally feeling at peace with himself and the anger he holds inside. So, of course, he receives new orders to report to a rear echelon position--just as the "Padawan Pack" is commanded to hold an indefensible position against an overwhelming Separatist attack!

This issue depicts a major battle in the Clone Wars--and a turning point in the career of the young man who will one day become Darth Vader!

Republic #58. The Battle of Jabiim, część 4

02-10-2007 17:23 | Komentarze: 0
The planet Jabiim is falling to the Separatists, and the final command rests on the shoulder's of Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan is missing in action, and all of Anakin's fellow Jedi are dead. The honorable thing to do would be to fight to the last man--or clone--alongside the loyalist Jabiimi. The smart thing would be to live to fight another day, save as many of his remaining troops as possible and retreat.

Will Anakin listen to his heart, or his head? Should he die a hero, or survive to become a general? And which decision is the right one? Is there a "right" choice?

Republic #59. Enemy Lines

02-10-2007 17:26 | Komentarze: 0
In the aftermath of a battle on the desert moon of Aargonar, Anakin Skywalker finds himself stranded behind enemy lines with the last person in the galaxy that he wants to be with: fellow Jedi A'Sharad Hett -- from a Tusken Raider clan on their native Tatooine. For Anakin, their struggle to make it back to the Republic's lines also becomes a test of whether he can control his hatred of the Tuskens -- and whether or not he can keep the shameful secret of his murder of the Tusken tribe...

Republic #60. Hate and Fear

02-10-2007 17:38 | Komentarze: 0
Obi-Wan Kenobi is alive, but maybe not for long. He and Alpha, the ARC Trooper, are prisoners in the castle of the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress. Not knowing how the Republic forces on Jabiim are faring, or even if Anakin is still alive, Obi-Wan and Alpha make a bid for freedom. But their only chance lies in General Kenobi temporarily casting off his Jedi training and fighting Ventress with the same ruthlessness that she herself brings to the battle!

Republic #61. Dead Ends

02-10-2007 17:40 | Komentarze: 0
While the Clone Wars continue to hold the attention of the galaxy, sinister plans are afoot within the Senate. Senator Bail Organa's ship is attacked by pirates, and former Supreme Chancellor Valorum returns to warn any who will listen of treachery behind the scenes. With the Jedi away at the wars, it's up to citizen Senators to fight for the preservation of the Republic. But what chance do they have against the power of the Sith?

Another milestone in the saga of the Clone Wars!

Republic #62. No Man's Land

02-10-2007 17:42 | Komentarze: 0
Escaping from Ventress Asajj's fortress, Obi-Wan Kenobi and the clone trooper Alpha are pursued by Separatists and bounty hunters. Crash landing on a desolate planet, they are soon cornered. The bounty hunters give Alpha a choice: walk away from the fight, or die with his Jedi companion. Will Alpha's "live to fight another day" training win out? Or can the Force reveal another way to survive the ordeal before time runs out?

Republic #63. Striking from the Shadows

02-10-2007 17:45 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Quinlan Vos has taken a fateful step that may plunge him so far into darkness that he can never recover. His undercover mission for the Jedi Council has secured him a spot within Count Dooku's inner circle, but when Dooku reveals to Vos that there is a Sith Lord within the Senate, Vos forgets his mission and agrees to kill the man! A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and the secrets dooku has revealed to Vos may be enough to destroy a Jedi!

Republic #64. Bloodlines

02-10-2007 17:47 | Komentarze: 0
As the fires of revolution sweep across the galaxy, it's impossible to gauge the number of personal tragedies caused by the Clone Wars. But some tragedies are more calculated than others, and when they result in the deaths of a Jedi Master and his Padawan, they deserve a closer look.

Jedi Ronhar Kim strikes up a friendship with a rising politician, never dreaming that, years later, the relationship will make him the target of one of the greatest evils the galaxy has ever seen!

Republic #65. Show of Force, część 1

02-10-2007 17:50 | Komentarze: 0
Mace Windu Unleashed!

In the aftermath of one of the battles of the Clone Wars, a new threat arises: the Jedi discover that someone has placed a bounty on Jedi?the deader, the better. Rather than have his Jedi be targets on and off the battlefield, Mace Windu assembles a team of the toughest Jedi available. Their mission? Explain to the Bounty Hunters Guild, in no uncertain terms, that attacking Jedi is a very, very bad idea.

Republic #66. Show of Force, część 2

02-10-2007 17:53 | Komentarze: 0
Four Jedi with prices on their heads versus a space station full of bounty hunters! Really, need we say more?

Mace Windu has decided that it's time for the Jedi to flex their muscles demonstrate to the Bounty Hunters' Guild the folly of attacking Jedi. It's going to be a hard lesson and one the Guild won't soon forget. Meanwhile, Count Dooku sends renegade Jedi Quinlan Vos to teach a similar lesson to the person who originated the bounties. Is it a case of opposite sides working toward the same end, or are the Separatists still one step ahead of the Jedi?

Republic #67. Forever Young

04-10-2007 01:03 | Komentarze: 0
General Kenobi's clone army is sent on a diversionary mission to distract a massive Separatist army long enough for newly knighted Jedi Tohno to infiltrate a droid factory and destroy it. The key to the mission is to attract the Separatistís attention without actually engaging them in combat. But A...

Republic #68. Armor

04-10-2007 01:05 | Komentarze: 0
It was bound to happen! Pursuing the lost plans for a Separatist secret weapon, Jedi Aayla Secura has a showdown with her former Master and friend turned dark Jedi Quinlan Vos!

Clone Commander Bly, accompanying his Jedi-General Aayla Secura, understands the purpose and function of the armor he we...

Republic #69. The Dreadnaughts of Rendili, część 1

06-10-2007 10:44 | Komentarze: 0
While Jedi Masters Saesee Tiin and Plo Koon fight to prevent a fleet of ships from falling into Separatist hands, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers that the Separatists are not without dissension in their own ranks! On board the drifting hulk of a massive research ship, Obi-Wan finds himself taking sides wit...

Republic #70. The Dreadnaughts of Rendili, część 2

06-10-2007 10:46 | Komentarze: 0
Mutineers have taken hostages and are planning to turn over a fleet of Republic warships to the Separatists. Despite the fact that one of the hostages is his friend, and fellow Jedi Council member Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin believes that destroying the fleet may be the only hope of saving the Republic. B...

Republic #71. The Dreadnaughts of Rendili, część 3

06-10-2007 10:48 | Komentarze: 0
The action is fast and furious as the Jedi pull out all stops to prevent the Separatists from commandeering the mighty Rendili Fleet.

Anakin Skywalker and renegade Jedi Quinlan Vos team up in their starfighters, Vos is finally captured and broght to justice for his crimes, and Anakin has what he hopes will be a final showdown with dark Jedi Asajj Ventress high above the dark alleys of Coruscant!

Against the backdrop of the Clone Wars, dark deeds are made to seem right, so that even a Jedi might condone revenge!

Republic #72. Trackdown, część 1

06-10-2007 10:50 | Komentarze: 0
Information obtained from the captured renegade Jedi Quinlan Vos could be vitally important to a Republic victory in the Clone Wars-or it could be a setup for a massive ambush. Jedi spy-master Tholme decides to send his best agent, Aayla Secura, to the Outer Rim worlds in hopes of verifying Vos' story.

But if following the information could be dangerous for an entire Republic fleet, how safe can it possibly be for a single Jedi?

Star Wars: Republic begins its sprint toward the climactic events in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Don't miss it!

Republic #73. Trackdown, część 2

06-10-2007 10:53 | Komentarze: 0
With Aayla Secura's help, Jedi Master Tholme has uncovered a Separatist plot that could drastically alter the Republic's fortunes in the Clone Wars-for the worse!

Anzati assassins are feared throughout the galaxy for their deadly cunning and stealth. Their only rivals were the now defunct cult of Morgukai assassins, whose strength and sheer tenacity made them dangerous adversaries even for the Jedi. Now, unexpectedly, the Morgukai are back-and in numbers not seen for hundreds of years. Worse, they are being trained by Anzati masters, and working for Count Dooku!

Republic #74. The Siege of Saleucami, część 1

06-10-2007 10:59 | Komentarze: 0
The final arc in Republic before Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith! The events in this story will tie directly into the film!

The Outer Rim Sieges have begun, and Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis leads the Republic forces in a desperate drive against a new and major Separatist...

Republic #75. The Siege of Saleucami, część 2

06-10-2007 11:02 | Komentarze: 0
The Siege of Saleucami continues!

With his supply lines cut and his Clone army decimated, General Oppo Rancisis fears he will not have the forces to prevent Dark Jedi Sora Bulq from taking the Morgukai Shadow Army off-world to threaten the galaxy.

There is a desperate plan for a foray into the magma tunnels of Saleucami, but before the plan can be carried out, Rancisis is attacked by Anzati assassins and by Sora Bulq himself. Meanwhile, Tholme confronts his former padawan, and the battle between them has deadly consequences!

Republic #76. The Siege of Saleucami, część 3

06-10-2007 11:05 | Komentarze: 0
Two Jedi heroes have fallen and the Republic forces on Saleucami are on the verge of being overrun by the Separatist's Morgukai clones.

As the Sith move toward their final revenge, it seems only one Jedi can help piece together a plan that might yet give the Republic a chance for victory. Unfortunately, that Jedi is Quinlan Vos-and his plan may be the final betrayal of all the Republic forces on Saleucami!

Republic #77. The Siege of Saleucami, część 4

06-10-2007 11:07 | Komentarze: 0
The losses for the Republic-and the Jedi-in the Clone Wars have been staggering. And few battles have been as hard fought as the one on Saleucami. Here, the greatest military threat mounted by the Separatists has been encountered, the Republic's greatest heroes have faltered, and the heart, mind, an...

Republic #78. Loyalties

06-10-2007 11:10 | Komentarze: 0
Palpatine calls a meeting of his bravest, wisest, and most influential military officers in order to introduce them to his new right-hand man, Darth Vader!

The new Emperor lays out his plans for his Empire, and those who have other ideas are dealt a swift lesson by Vader's blade. But one Captain ...

Republic #79. Into the Unknown, część 1

06-10-2007 15:44 | Komentarze: 0
In the aftermath of the events in Episode III, Jedi on opposite ends of the galaxy try to come to terms with how their world has changed. On the run, with enemies on every side, it seems that their only hope may be to locate others of their kind and band together for mutual survival.

But what may seem like wisdom could lead to unsuspected consequences, and the path to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant leads only to danger!

Republic embarks on the first step into the "dark times" after Revenge of the Sith!

Republic #80. Into the Unknown, część 2

06-10-2007 15:46 | Komentarze: 0
The galaxy has changed for the Jedi, their Order has been dealt a crippling blow. Now the dark times have begun, and individual Jedi are left to decide whether they will stay true to the duty they took on during the Clone Wars, cast themselves to the will of the Force, or abandon their beliefs altogether.

None of the decisions is easy, and all of them are fraught with peril!

Republic embarks on the first step into the "dark times" after Revenge of the Sith!

Republic #81. The Hidden Enemy, część 1

06-10-2007 15:58 | Komentarze: 0
The first issue of a three-part story that begins during the events of Revenge of the Sith, and reveals a battle that was not shown in that film!

The Separatist attack on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyyk demands a strong response from the Republic, and Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos arrive with their clone armies. But there may be more behind the Separatist attack-and more to the Wookiee's defense-than the Jedi know.

Old friends, new enemies, and lots of action!

Republic #82. The Hidden Enemy, część 2

06-10-2007 16:00 | Komentarze: 0
A battle rages on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. Victory is in sight for the clone armies of the Republic, led by Jedi Masters Yoda, Luminara Unduli, and Quinlan Vos, but none of them are aware that victory will lead to a betrayal that will change the galaxy forever. There is one chance to survive, and one course remaining to any who survive...

The fate of the Jedi Order is sealed, but a single Jedi may find a path to the future... or to the grave.

Republic #83. The Hidden Enemy, część 3

06-10-2007 16:02 | Komentarze: 0
Palpatine's Order 66 has changed everything. As Jedi are slaughtered across the galaxy, one has managed to cheat fate-but for how long? Badly wounded by the same troops he just led to victory, Master Quinlan Vos retreats into the jungle wilderness of the Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk. As the clones close in, Vos must choose-stay and fight, or run and put those he loves in danger of the newborn Empire's wrath?

Star Wars #01. Prelude to Rebellion, część 1

11-09-2007 16:26 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Jedi Knight of formidable power and influence, but not on his own homeworld of Cerea. Most of the planet's citizens are happy to continue their low-tech lives of simplicity, isolated from the Republic, but a new generation of Cereans crave speeder bikes and starships, and are prepared to fight their elders for them! How can a Jedi take up arms against his own children?

Star Wars #02. Prelude to Rebellion, część 2

11-09-2007 17:04 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jedi Knight of the planet Cerea, has been charged with murder, and only the high technology of the Republic can exonerate him. But this isn't the most brutal irony: Ki's own teenage daughter is an accessory to the murder! Sinister forces are gathering around Cerea, but what could they possibly want with a remote, low-tech farm world?

Star Wars #03. Prelude to Rebellion, część 3

11-09-2007 17:09 | Komentarze: 0
As Ki-Adi-Mundi gets closer to the truth of who is seeking to destabilize his homeworld, and why, he comes closer and closer to his own doom, and only the dimly remembered teachings of his diminutive Jedi Master can save him!

Star Wars #04. Prelude to Rebellion, część 4

11-09-2007 17:13 | Komentarze: 0
Sylvn and the fugitives have taken flight from Cerea, but their starship's cargo hold is fit to burst with a load of unstoppable alien beasts. Action was what the youngsters hoped to find in the spacelanes beyond their provincial homeworld, but now they have more than they bargained for, and a trial back home to face the consequences of their actions is beginning to sound downright cozy!

Star Wars #05. Prelude to Rebellion, część 5

11-09-2007 17:15 | Komentarze: 0
High above the desert sands of Tatooine, a battle of life and death is taking place! On a freighter loaded with bloodthirsty beasts, lone Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi must fight his way to his daughter, trapped in a malfunctioning escape pod with the merciless -- but just as helpless -- criminal Ephant Mon. Only Ki can save them, but the only way to save them may be to let Ephant Mon escape . . . with Ki's daughter!

Star Wars #06. Prelude to Rebellion, część 6

11-09-2007 17:21 | Komentarze: 0
As Ki races to save his daughter from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt, he inadvertently discovers that the Hutt crime lord is secretly procuring munitions for a war fleet massing in orbit above Tatooine. Suddenly, Ki's problems on his homeworld of Cerea seem very small indeed!

Star Wars #07. Outlander, część 1

11-09-2007 17:30 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi's first assignment after joining the Jedi Council will take him back to the fearsome deserts of Tatooine! The Jedi Council has tracked a long-wayward and powerful Jedi to the backwater world, and it's up to Ki to find him and convince him to return. Unfortunately, not only does he not want to return, but a powerful enemy has the Jedi in her sights, and a blaster bolt can travel a long way across the desert flats of Tatooine!

Star Wars #08. Outlander, część 2

11-09-2007 17:48 | Komentarze: 0
As Ki-Adi-Mundi prepares to return to the desert wastes of Tatooine in search of a wayward Jedi, he is stopped by an old friend and mentor. The Dark woman has news for the Cerean Jedi, and he's not going to like it! Once on Tatooine, Ki meets with the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Despite the fact that the slimy crime lord had only recently threatened the life of Ki's daughter, Ki-Adi-Mundi has no choice but to ask for Jabba's aid in his search. Ki receives the aid, but nothing from Jabba the Hutt is ever free!

Star Wars #09. Outlander, część 3

11-09-2007 18:03 | Komentarze: 0
Only the hardiest beings in the galaxy can withstand the blistering sands of Tatooine for very long, so one can only imagine the fortitude of the nomadic Tusken Raiders who make their home there. But even the toughest among the Sand People, Sharad Hett, may not be able to survive an attack by the dreaded krayt dragon, Tatooine's fiercest predator, unless Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi offers to help!

Star Wars #10. Outlander, część 4

11-09-2007 18:07 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi is coming closer to discovering if the mysterious leader of the Tusken Raiders is the legendary Jedi Sharad Hett. Only two things stand in his way: the vicious krayt dragon of Tatooine and the Jedi-killing bounty hunter Aurra Sing! This is one issue you won't want to miss! Featuring the storytelling talents of Tim "Lightsaber" Truman, the pencilling prowess of Rick "Death Star" Leonardi, and the deep, rich inks of Mark "Lobot" Lipka! Plus a cover by Ken "Wampa" Kelly!

Star Wars #11. Outlander, część 5

11-09-2007 18:10 | Komentarze: 0
Bounty hunter Aurra Sing has located the Tusken camp where Ki-Adi-Mundi and Sharad Hett have hidden themselves. Now it's time for her boss, Gardulla the Hutt, to turn up the heat and eliminate the Tusken menace forever! This is one issue you won't want to miss! Featuring the storytelling talents of Tim Truman, the pencilling prowess of Rick Leonardi, and the deep, rich inks of Mark Lipka! Plus a cover by Ken Kelly!

Star Wars #12. Outlander, część 6

11-09-2007 18:13 | Komentarze: 0
Ki and the Tuskan settlement are under attack from a mob of citizens goaded on by Gardulla the Hutt. As if that weren't enough, Aurra Sing chooses that moment to appear and cause even more trouble. Epic battles, revealed secrets, and a hero falls. Tim Truman, Rick Leonardi, and Mark Lipka make this an issue not to miss! Featuring a cover by Ken Kelly!

Star Wars #13. Emissaries to Malastare, część 1

12-09-2007 12:00 | Komentarze: 0
When conflict threatens to erupt somewhere in the galaxy, Jedi Knights are dispatched to mediate, uphold righteousness, and defend the weak. But if the potential conflict threatens to explode into full-scale galactic war, the Jedi Masters themselves must be on hand. Unfortunately, a web of deceit on a grand scale awaits Ki-Adi-Mundi, his new apprentice A'Sharad Hett, and the rest of the Jedi Council on the high-speed Podracing tracks of Malastare!

Star Wars #14. Emissaries to Malastare, część 2

12-09-2007 12:10 | Komentarze: 0
Half of the Jedi Council has been sent to the world of Malastare-one of the last worlds to hold Podraces-to negotiate a peace treaty between two warring factions. But the whole affair is being manipulated by a secret, third party, out to assassinate the Jedi! This story arc features many familiar characters from The Phantom Menace. Witness the ongoing adventures that bridge the gap between Episodes I & II!

Star Wars #15. Emissaries to Malastare, część 3

12-09-2007 12:12 | Komentarze: 0
As the world of Malastare begins to thrum to the rocket thrusts of the galaxy's greatest Podracers, the Jedi Council members are threatened from all sides! Lannik Terrorists, Ffib priests, and half of the galaxy's most nefarious crime lords are here, and justice is the last thing on their minds! And in the hard-bitten world of Podracing, they've never stopped a race just because a few sentients have tumbled onto the track-even if those unfortunate beings are Jedi Knights!

Star Wars #16. Emissaries to Malastare, część 4

12-09-2007 12:15 | Komentarze: 0
As Lannik terrorists and Ffib priests prepare to wipe out half of the Jedi Council, the Jedi must ask themselves: is there any hope for peace, or was this a ruse all along? The answer lies somewhere among the rocky flats and methane pools of Malastare, but so does death, and for one of the team, life will never be the same again!

Star Wars #17. Emissaries to Malastare, część 5

12-09-2007 12:22 | Komentarze: 0
After encountering monstrous akk dogs under the command of the Red Iaro Terrorists, Mace Windu and his former Padawan Depa Billaba go in search of a smuggling ring that's transporting the animals from Mace's homeworld and turning them into savage pitfighting beasts. But the corridors and depths of the Smuggler's Moon are havens of scum and villainy--no place for Jedi!

Star Wars #18. Emissaries to Malastare, część 6

12-09-2007 12:25 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Depa Billaba stumble across a savage pitfighting ring in the depths of the Smugglers Moon. But the ringmasters are very determined to keep their audience happy, and what could be more exciting than rancors and vicious akk dogs against the galaxy's strongest Jedi? Don't miss the stunning conclusion to Emissaries to Malastare!

Star Wars #19. Twilight, część 1

12-09-2007 12:29 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos has lost his memory! And the Devaronian, Villie, is playing him for a bet -- out of the frying pan and into the fire -- as deadly swoops, false Jedi, and a gambler are all trying to kill Quin! Can he survive without the knowledge that he is a Jedi? Only if he can let go and act on instinct!

Star Wars #20. Twilight, część 2

12-09-2007 12:49 | Komentarze: 0
Quinlan Vos searches for his past -- and the Devaronian Villie is his reluctant helper. First stop, the home of Bib Fortuna, right-hand man to the nefarious Jabba the Hutt! Can Quin resist the pull of the dark side when dealing with lowlifes like Bib? His search for the mysterious woman, Aayla, will take him from a band of thugs to a stolen ship pursued by smugglers! Get on board and see if he makes it!

Star Wars #21. Twilight, część 3

12-09-2007 13:05 | Komentarze: 0
Aayla Secura is the Padawan apprentice of the mysterious Jedi Quinlan Vos, and Vos needs to know why she disappeared -- and that knowledge is trapped in the dark recesses of his lost memory. And as Vos searches for answers, he may not like what he finds, as those who appear to be friends turn out instead to be lethal enemies. Join Quinlan in his deadly quest for the truth in the third chapter of Twilight.

Star Wars #22. Twilight, część 4

12-09-2007 13:13 | Komentarze: 0
After finally finding his Padawan apprentice, Aayla Secura, Jedi Quinlan Vos uncovers a chain of corruption and vice that reaches much further than he ever thought possible... leading all the way to the galactic Senate on the planet of Coruscant! It's up to Quinlan to find the parties responsible for the kidnap and torture of his Padawan and bring them to justice. Make sure you don't miss this exciting final chapter in the Twilight story arc.

Star Wars #23. Infinity's End, część 1

12-09-2007 14:02 | Komentarze: 0
The planet Ova and all its inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared. Now it's up to Jedi Quinlan Vos to discover why. His investigation takes him on an undercover journey to the planet of Dathomir where he must take on the role of a slave and bend to the will of the various warring clans of witches who rule the planet. Will Quin be able to find the answer to Ova's disappearance before he falls prey to the dark side? Find the answers to these questions and more in the first exciting chapter of Infinity's End!

Star Wars #24. Infinity's End, część 2

12-09-2007 14:10 | Komentarze: 0
On the witch-world of Dathomir, as Jedi Quinlan Vos continues his investigation into the disappearance of the planet Ova, Quin is forced to dig a little deeper by masquerading as a slave. When he uncovers the secrets of the Infinity Gate and the grotesque hag Ros-Lai, he takes a step closer to the truth about the planet's disappearance -- and a step closer to the dark side. Will he unearth the mystery? Or will he find out that some stones are better left unturned?

Star Wars #25. Infinity's End, część 3

12-09-2007 14:13 | Komentarze: 0
The witch Ros Lai has revealed her true self to Jedi Quinlan Vos, and now she wants him dead. While Quin wants to find a way into the Star Chamber in order to stop it from being used ever again, Ros Lai needs to activate the Chamber's power in order to kill her wicked mother, the witch Zalem. Either...

Star Wars #26. Infinity's End, część 4

12-09-2007 14:16 | Komentarze: 0
The power of the Star Chamber is unleashed! Jedi Quinlan Vos loses a friend while attempting to save an entire planet from destruction. There's no light at the end of this tunnel. Don't miss this earthshaking conclusion to Infinity's End. Written by acclaimed Marshall Law creator Pat Mills and illustrated by the sensational Joker/Mask penciller Ramon F. Bachs with inks by Raul Fernandez, Infinity's End is a white-knuckle Episode I-era blockbuster!

Star Wars #27. Star Crash

12-09-2007 14:26 | Komentarze: 0
This issue, meet Jedi Yoshi Raph-Elan. On his way to a meeting of Jedi, Yoshi is attacked by an unknown enemy. Stranded without even a lightsaber, he must find out what this new threat wants. Along the way, he meets the beautiful princess Lourdes, and learns a lesson about trusting ancient prophecies. And it's all brought to you by Doug Petrie (Buffy: Ring of Fire and writer for the Buffy TVS TV series), Randy Green (Witchblade), and Andy Owens (Buffy and Angel).

Star Wars #28. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 1

12-09-2007 14:30 | Komentarze: 0
Get ready for some electrifying lightsaber battle action! Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant with a mean streak, killing Jedi within the very shadows of the Temple. The Jedi Council must now decide how to deal with the infamous bounty hunter. Several Jedi Knights volunteer for the honor of bringing Sing to justice. But do they want justice or vengeance? It's going to take more than a grudge to bring down an assassin with a reputation for killing Jedi.

Star Wars #29. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 2

12-09-2007 14:37 | Komentarze: 0
With a team of Jedi on her tail, the murderous Aurra Sing meets her next clients -- exiled Quarrens from the planet Mon Calimari. The Quarrens seek revenge on the one who caused them to be banished from their ocean homeworld. And Aurra takes a special interest in this new job when she learns that her next hit is on the one she once called "teacher" -- the Dark Woman! But Aurra's date with her former master gets put on hold when she is confronted in space by a Jedi cruiser! Make sure you don't miss this second thrilling chapter of The Hunt for Aurra Sing.

Star Wars #30. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 3

12-09-2007 14:41 | Komentarze: 0
Aurra Sing tracks her current target and former mentor, the Dark Woman, to a lush jungle world which is being bombarded by a seasonal meteor shower. On this beautiful yet dangerous planet, the Dark Woman seeks respite from the rigors of Jedi life and peace from her past, but her past failure has now...

Star Wars #31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 4

12-09-2007 14:45 | Komentarze: 0
On a dangerous jungle planet, the Dark Woman is shot and wounded while Aurra Sing seeks to kill her next mark -- the corrupt senator, Tikkes. The three Jedi who stand in her way, Adi Gallia, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and A'Sharad Hett, attempt to defend the remnants of the senator's suspicious Quarren expeditio...

Star Wars #32. Darkness, część 1

12-09-2007 15:28 | Komentarze: 0
The saga of Quinlan Vos, a troubled Jedi still trying to regain stability after having his memory erased, continues in this latest Star Wars story arc. Despite his successful mission on Dathomir, the Jedi Council still feels that he walks dangerously close to the dark side. Kiffex, a prison planet u...

Star Wars #33. Darkness, część 2

12-09-2007 15:32 | Komentarze: 0
Bad things are happening on the prison planet of Kiffex. A Guardian outpost on the planet has been overrun by the vampiric Anzati and weapons from the outpost have spread to the inmates. When Jedi Quinlan Vos, a direct descendant of the Guardians, is summoned to help investigate the disaster, he can...

Star Wars #34. Darkness, część 3

12-09-2007 15:38 | Komentarze: 0
The vampiric, primal Anzati, under the leadership of Volfe Karkko, have overrun the prison planet of Kiffex. All lives on the planet are threatened as Karkko sends his followers out to collect beings to feed his hunger. Three Jedi Knights stranded on this planet make a stand against both a cantina f...

Star Wars #35. Darkness, część 4

12-09-2007 15:41 | Komentarze: 0
Quinlan Vos is looking for his missing Padawan, Aayla. Unfortunately, she has fallen in with some bad company -- namely a vampiric dark Jedi name Karkko. To make things worse they are all trapped on a lawless prison planet crawling with mutant vampire-like aliens. Quin's pal Villie has a plan to get them off the planet but it doesn't include rescuing Aayla. That's something that Quin won't consider. He must face off against Karkko and rescue his Padawan -- or die trying. Make sure not to miss the conclusion of the thrilling Darkness story arc!

Star Wars #36. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 1

12-09-2007 23:25 | Komentarze: 0
During a time of conflict, the galaxy's supply of bacta, used to treat the sick and injured, runs dangerously low making the existing supply highly valuable. The charismatic and bold Iaco Stark brings together a conglomeration of pirates and smugglers to form the Stark Commercial Collective. Their g...

Star Wars #37. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 2

12-09-2007 23:37 | Komentarze: 0
Iaco Stark has cut off the hyperspace lanes to Republic ships and the remnants of the Republic Army and Navy are stranded with the Jedi Tyvokka, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Troiken. Meanwhile, Tholme and his Padawan discover the truth about the scarcity of bacta. The worst is yet to come in this installment of the Stark Hyperspace War.

Star Wars #38. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 3

12-09-2007 23:45 | Komentarze: 0
The Stark Hyperspace War gets more intense. To prevent the Republic Senate from surrendering, the Jedi must get Senator Valorum back to Coruscant. The assaults grow heavier on the remnants of the Republic forces on Troiken and the fragile defense falls increasingly to Plo Koon. Can Qui-Gon Jinn find the secret of the virus that has corrupted the Republic nav computers and open up the hyperspace lanes to the Republic again? Meanwhile, Tholme and his apprentice, Quinlan Vos, struggle to get what they've learned back to the other Jedi.

Star Wars #39. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 4

12-09-2007 23:49 | Komentarze: 0
While Tholme and Quinlan Vos try to make their escape from Thyferra, the Republic forces on Troiken stage a desperate battle against the overwhelming might of the Stark Collective. Can Plo Koon, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Adi Gallia rally the troops? And can they get Senator Valorum back to Coruscant before the Republic surrenders to Stark's demands? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to the Stark Hyperspace War.

Star Wars #40. The Devaronian Version, część 1

13-09-2007 00:11 | Komentarze: 0
There's an ugly rumor making the rounds in the squalid cantinas and dives in the lowest levels of Coruscant. They're saying that Vilmarh Grahrk has gone soft, that he's working with the Jedi, that Villie has gone...legit. Our Devaronian rogue wants to set the record straight and he gives HIS somewha...

Star Wars #41. The Devaronian Version, część 2

13-09-2007 00:12 | Komentarze: 0
At last -- the truth about how Villie wound up on the prison planet Kiffex, the truth on how he defeated a Dark Jedi and duped the Jedi for his freedom, and the truth about why he took Quinlan Vos as his apprentice. Well, sort of the truth. Well, okay, maybe not the truth at all. It's the second part of THE DEVARONIAN VERSION, our rogue Vilmarh Grahrk's side of the story thus far. A good place for new readers and a fun revision for long time readers. And if you believe this, Villie has a nice moon called Nar Shaddaa he would like to sell you!

Star Wars #42. Rite of Passage, część 1

13-09-2007 00:17 | Komentarze: 0
A crisis within the government of the planet Ryloth necessitates a Jedi mediator. Master Tholme is dispatched along with the Twi'lek Jedi, Aayla Secura for a visit to the planet of her birth. While Tholme negotiates with those in the seats of power, Aayla goes undercover as a slave -- getting a tast...

Star Wars #43. Rite of Passage, część 2

13-09-2007 00:25 | Komentarze: 0
As Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos and his former Padawan Aayla each prepare to take the next step in their lives as Jedi (he to advance to the rank of Master, she from apprentice to Knight), they each make the decision to follow the living Force and see where it will take them. To their surprise, they both end up in the same place -- coming upon the threads of a kidnapping plot, a conspiracy against the Republic, and a father-and-son team of bodyguards with the training and the weapons to destroy two meddlesome Jedi! Star Wars action as you like it!

Star Wars #44. Rite of Passage, część 3

13-09-2007 00:29 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Master Tholme has been captured by the dreaded Morgukai assassins, and the ship carrying his would-be resucers -- Jedi Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura -- has been shot down in the lifeless deserts of the planet Kintan. The brave Jedi take everything the Endless Wastes have to throw at them, from searing heat to flesh-scouring sandstorms, but their real challenge comes when they must face the Morgukai...

Star Wars #45. Rite of Passage, część 4

13-09-2007 00:33 | Komentarze: 0
To secure the future of the planet Ryloth -- and the continued stability of the Republic -- newly-Knighted Jedi Aayla Secura must breech an impenetrable fortress and rescue the young heir of one of Ryloth's ruling clans, while her former teacher, Quinlan Vos, fights a battle to the death against a father-and-son team of Morgukai assassins who are armed with weapons his lightsaber can't stop. It may be true that Jedi don't seek excitement, but excitement has found Quin and Aayla, and it will take every bit of their training to come out of this adventure alive!

The Hunt for Aurra Sing TPB

12-09-2007 14:33 | Komentarze: 0
Get ready for some electrifying lightsaber battle action! Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant with a mean streak, killing Jedi within the very shadows of the Temple. The Jedi Council must now decide how to deal with the infamous bounty hunter whose favorite targets are Jedi. Several Jedi Knights volunteer for the honor of bringing Sing to justice. But do they want justice, or vengeance? It's going to take more than a grudge to bring down an assassin with a reputation for killing Jedi and a collection of previously owned lightsabers to back it up.

The Stark Hyperspace War TPB

12-09-2007 23:31 | Komentarze: 0
Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Jedi were involved in another major battle: the Stark Hyperspace War. Smuggler and pirate Iaco Stark's "commercial combine" has disrupted the production of bacta, the most important healing agent in the galaxy. By cornering the market on bacta, Stark hopes ...

Twilight TPB

12-09-2007 14:07 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos has lost his memory. Not only must he fight to rediscover his past, he must also track down his Padawan, Aayla Secura, who has mysteriously disappeared. With only his lightsaber and a scheming Devaronian named Villie to help him, Quin must face off against deadly gamblers, false Jedi, corrupt officials, and the pull of the dark side if he is to survive! Twilight collects issues 19-22 of the ongoing Star Wars comics series and is Jedi Quinlan Vos' introduction to the Star Wars comics.

Rite of Passage TPB

11-07-2008 19:31 | Komentarze: 0
A royal heir has been kidnapped -- along with Jedi Master Tholme, who was protecting the boy. Now two of Tholme's former Padawans have teamed up to rescue their Master, unaware of the forces arrayed against them.

Their most immediate foes are a father and son team of Morgukai assassins, who have the training and the weapons to go toe-to-toe with Jedi. But behind it all are the machinations of the notorious Count Dooku!

Star Wars Komiks - wydanie specjalne #01

11-06-2009 10:09 | Komentarze: 0
W pierwszym numerze wydania specjalnego Star Wars Komiks wydrukowana zostanie Bitwa o Jabiim – komiks tworzący zamkniętą, 88-stronicową historię, rozgrywającą się w czasach wojen klonów. W oryginale ukazała się ona w zeszytach #55-58 cenionej serii [t]Star Wars: Republ...

Star Wars Komiks #17 (1/2010)

18-11-2009 20:04 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars Komiks to miesięcznik dla fanów Star Wars, prezentujący komiksowe historie z różnych epok świata Star Wars. Każdy numer zawierał będzie trzy historie komiksowe, zróżnicowane fabularnie i ilustrowane ciekawą grafiką. Bohaterem każdej historii będą postaci znane z filmów np. Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett oraz inne. Komiks będzie miał 44 strony. Spis treści:
  • Blast Radius
  • Outbid But Never Outgunned
  • Captain Threepio

Star Wars Komiks - wydanie specjalne #05

21-05-2010 13:39 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars Komiks - wydanie specjalne to 96-stronicowy kwartalnik prezentujący dłuższe, zamknięte historie komiksowe ze świata Gwiezdnych Wojen.

Akcja komiksu rozgrywa się w roku -19 chronologii uniwersum Gwiezdnych Wojen. Wojny klonów toczą się już od trzydziestu sześciu miesię...

Star Wars Komiks #25 (9/2010)

17-08-2010 09:54 | Komentarze: 0
Miesięcznik Star Wars Komiks przedstawia na 48 stronach zamknięte opowieści komiksowe z odległej galaktyki.

Po jednej z bitew wojen klonów pojawia się nowe zagrożenie. Okazuje się, że ktoś wyznacza nagrody za śmierć Jedi. Rycerze, uczestniczący w wojnie przeciwko Separatystom,...


Celebration V: panel Wojen klonów - sezon 3.

Celebration V: panel Wojen klonów - sezon 3.

16-08-2010 12:44 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na Star Wars Celebration w Orlando, piątej edycji oficjalnego konwentu fanów Gwiezdnych wojen, odbył się kolejny panel poświęcony 3. sezonowi Wojen klonów, który zadebiutuje we wrześniu.

W rozszerzeniu newsa możecie przeczytać wieści, które ogłoszono na tym spotkaniu. » więcej
TCW: Quinlan Vos w 3. sezonie?

TCW: Quinlan Vos w 3. sezonie?

28-08-2010 18:54 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Wśród nadciągającej fali nowych figurek związanych z Wojnami klonów, znalazł się bohater komiksów Republic, Quinlan Vos. Jedi miał pojawić się początkowo już w odcinku Bombad Jedi (pierwszy sezon), możliwe jednak, że zobaczymy go w którymś z nadchodzących w 3. sezonie.