» Blog » [SR4] Warzone: Poland
22-12-2010 14:28

[SR4] Warzone: Poland

W działach: RPG, Shadowrun | Odsłony: 6

[SR4] Warzone: Poland
Poniżej trochę materiałów napisanych częściowo na potrzeby TriCity, częściowo jako element Alt.War!, fanowskiej odpowiedzi na kiepski i kontrowersyjny dodatek, jakim jest War! Po angielsku, bo nie chce mi się tłumaczyć - leniwy jestem, ot co.

-Pomerians are a better equipped and organized force, that it would seem. The country was at war recently, and there was enough weapons on the black market, plus their ties with the Kaper smuggling ring provided them with even better stuff. Off course, there will be some rumors on different corporations providing weapons to the separatists, but in the end those will be rumors only. The Pomerians use their vast Awakened resources to fuel their 'independence war', and that causes tensions between their command supported by the common soldier, and the eco and awakened radicals. That also causes some infighting amongst the Kaper ring, where three different factions want to take over the leadership and increase their profits. Plus, S-K and it's allies push hard to make Poland turn their anti-guerrilla campaign into a full-fledged war to protect it's resources - which make the most of the targets of Pomerian terrorist attacks - and to secure the rich in awakened resources region. Poland has to comply with that, despite of social tensions and support for the Pomerian cause. That, along with the feeling most non-corporate Polish people have, that the corporations stripped them of everything they had, including their freedom, causes the Pomerian ranks swell, and their resources and ties to Polish anti-corporation movements get stronger... Which causes the corporations to fuel the tensions with shadowruns and the usual blame tactics. One of the ideas of the setting is that everything will go to hell soon, and the war will break the Polish spirit, and shackle them as slaves to the corporations. We also have some corps infighting, as Horizon tries to pose as the 'good guy, that cares for the Awakened and Metas', to the S-K's 'bad guy with a dragon on top' in the conflict, which doesn't help the situation, but does provide numerous - and dangerous - opportunities for shadowrunners. TriCity officially declared their neutrality in this conflict, which caused even more shake-ups in both of it's leadership, and citizens. It doesn't keep the Zone from making nuyen from it, as they are the biggest economical power in northern Poland, even if TriCity isn't a part of it. Its markets are flooded with Pomerian goods - reagents, some of which are unique to the Pomerian forests, loot, and several brand-new and hip BADs, on which the Starowiercy - 'Old Religion', an aggressive, pro-ecologic pagan group having lots of interest and influence in the Pomerian cause - have a monopoly(which both the corporations, and criminal organizations want to break).

-The Toxic Warlords of Mazury are more than just a nuisance. The region was once one of the most beautifull and popular vacation spots. Now it's a toxic wasteland, where criminals, deserters, madmen and outcasts band together, creating clans, ruled by ruthless warlords with their iron fists - literally, as iron cyberhands made are their regalia. Currently there's six of them, and it seems that their quarrels were set aside. All six clans banded together and began raiding all neighboring territories. And both defense against them, and counter-strikes proved difficult, as the support given by an unknown group of toxic shamans, that surfaced with the beginning of raids, causes both the Polish and Russian military forces to keep their distance. It seems all they can usually do is direct artillery fire - which causes even more death and destruction - and pester the raiders with their drones. All three attacks with mechanized forces ended badly, and both the politicians, and military higher-ups are losing patience. On the other hand, Mazury is one of the worst nightmares of a common Polish soldier, with mutated paracritters, traps, snipers, and ghost towns inhabited by mutants, madmen and crazed spirits. And the badly equipped and poorly trained forces with the occasional Independence War veteran NCO isn't enough to deal with the threat. Off course there were Mercenaries hired, but two of the groups were lost - one in a clan ambush, one set foot in one of the ghost-towns, never to be seen again. The remaining mercenary units decided to either break the contract, or wait it out in defensive positions, usually in one of the more wealthy, or quiet towns. As yet the price offered by Poland isn't enough to hire any serious mercenary unit, but it seems that migh change soon. And if Poland won't take care of the problem, TriCity will have to step in, as their south-eastern assets are in real danger of being overrun by clan raiders. Their only defenses at the moment are the Woje mercenary unit, which sustained heavy losses while defending the border from the initial raids, and cannot perform anything but the basic defense. The biggest problem constant infighting among the Zone council, which cannot decide to hire additional forces, or reinforce the current one. Fortunately for the Woje, they recently managed to contact with the Kaper mercenary ring, and strike a deal. The Kapers will provide them with supplies and fresh recruits from TriCity in return for organizing a few smuggling routes, with the help of their scouts and guides who know both the terrain, and the raiders usual hideouts in Mazury.

P.S. Grafika autorstwa Tryryche pochodzi tradycyjnie już z serwisu DeviantArt i pojawiła się w jednej ze starszych edycji Shadowruna.


Nie chce mi się polecać. Leniwy jestem, ot co!
22-12-2010 14:47
And i'm too lazy to give a damn. Get yourself one, they're too cheap. Or learn the goddamn language.
22-12-2010 17:16
Mogłeś dać pełną nazwę systemu
22-12-2010 20:40
Kocie, nie wiem skąd u Ciebie przeświadczenie o tym, że nie znam języka lengłidż. Po prostu złośliwie reaguję na teksty typu "Wrzuciłbym wam przygodę, ale jestem leniwy to se ją sami zróbta"
22-12-2010 21:08
@Malaggar: Taki nawyk. Zwykle ktoś kto narzeka na angielski po prostu go nie zna. A sam tekst pisałem chwilę wcześniej, na DumpShocku. Stąd angielski. W tym momencie pracuję nad rozwinięciem tego, więc nie bardzo mam czas tłumaczyć. Szczególnie, że nie jest to jakiś strasznie trudny tekst.

@Slann: Jest w tagach. A poza tym, skróty to dobra rzecz. ;P
22-12-2010 21:36
Ok Kocie, takie tłumaczenie jest w pełni uczciwe i nie robi z Ciebie leniwego buraka ;)
Odleniwiam się i daję polecankę.
22-12-2010 21:39
Wiesz, to 'jestem leniwy' to moje standardowe tłumaczenie. Bo jestem. :P
22-12-2010 22:57

Komentowanie dostępne jest po zalogowaniu.