Davide Fabbri


Infinities. The Empire Strikes Back

Infinities. The Empire Strikes Back

Co by było, gdyby...

26-03-2005 22:36 | Tomek 'Death Star Builder' Nowak | Komentarze: 1
Alternatywna fabuła Nowej nadziei znajduje pod koniec swe rozwiązanie. Tym razem zacząć musimy w innym miejscu. I tak też się dzieje. Druga cześć zabawy w "co by było gdyby...", rozpoczyna się na Hoth i to od razu od mocnego uderzenia. Luke raniony w starciu z Wampą umiera na rękach zmierzającego mu...
Republic #28-31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing

Republic #28-31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing

Polowanie czas zacząć

01-09-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Gdy przyjrzeć się bliżej fanom, bez trudu można spostrzec, że Gwiezdne wojny rządzą się tak naprawdę swoimi prawami. Oczywiście istotnym jest, że na pierwszym planie sagi występują Anakin, Luke, Leia czy Han Solo, ale często to postaci z tła zaskarbiają sobie sympatię fanów. Jedną z takich bohaterek...
Star Wars Komiks #15 (11/2009)

Star Wars Komiks #15 (11/2009)

Szaro, zimno i mrocznie

11-01-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Trzeba przyznać, że redaktorzy Egmontu, mimo pewnych niedociągnięć, jakie pojawiały się w poprzednich numerach Star Wars Komiks, zaskakują znajomością komiksów gwiezdnowojennych i przytomnością umysłu. Ledwo co fani w Stanach Zjednoczonych doczekali się z okazji Halloween osobnego wydania krótkiej h...
Empire #05-06. Princess... warrior

Empire #05-06. Princess... warrior

Powrót klasyki

19-07-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Księżniczka Leia przybywa z misją humanitarną na Ralltiir. Jak się jednak okazuje, nieco wcześniej Imperium, dowodzone przez lordów Tiona i Vadera wprowadziło na planecie stan wojenny oraz wymordowało władze – Wysoką Radę – pod zarzutem sprzyjania Rebelii. Księżniczka szybko kończy pod b...
Empire #16-18. To the Last Man

Empire #16-18. To the Last Man

Jak to Janek pojechał na wojnę

13-09-2010 14:51 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Mimo iż Empire, przynajmniej na razie, generalnie oscyluje wokół wydarzeń przed i po Nowej nadziei, w przeciwieństwie do prowadzonej równolegle Republic nie stanowi zwartej fabularnie całości, a raczej zbiór luźno powiązanych ze sobą historii – można nawet pokusić się o analogię do Opowieści z...
Republic #40-41. The Devaronian Version

Republic #40-41. The Devaronian Version

Villie kontratakuje

17-11-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
To się musiało w końcu stać. Twórcy Star Wars Ongoing (później – Republic) stworzyli postać, której humorystyczny potencjał domagał się okazji do swego rodzaju "wybuchu". Problem w tym, że takie wydarzenie mogłoby zepsuć mroczny klimat, w jaki celują autorzy serii. Znaleziono jednak lukę, w kt...
Jedi Council. Acts of War

Jedi Council. Acts of War

14-02-2011 23:03 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Gdy w 1999 roku Mroczne widmo weszło na ekrany kin, nie zostało ciepło przyjęte. Fani poczuli się zawiedzeni, niekiedy oszukani, już na wstępie zrażając się do najnowszej twórczości George'a Lucasa. Jednak obok infantylnych postaci, cukierkowych obrazów i wygłupów Jar Jara, film wniósł coś jeszcze...
Republic #36-39. The Stark Hyperspace War

Republic #36-39. The Stark Hyperspace War

Błękit nadprzestrzeni

27-10-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Po przywróceniu dotkniętych amnezją Aayli Secury i Quinlana Vosa na łono zakonu, mistrzowie Jedi zadecydowali, że należy im przywrócić dawne umiejętności i wiedzę. Motyw ten okazał się bardzo zgrabnym alibi, aby wstrzymać na moment akcję serii, spojrzeć nieco wstecz i zapoznać czytelników z przeszły...
Empire #36-40. The Wrong Side of the War

Empire #36-40. The Wrong Side of the War

04-04-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Rebeliancki matematyk Jorin Sol zostaje schwytany w trakcie potyczki na Jabiim, a następnie przetransportowany do imperialnej bazy razem z innymi jeńcami pojmanymi na deszczowej niegdyś planecie. Jednak jemu oficerowie marynarki Imperium poświęcają dużo więcej uwagi – hojnie częstując go gości...


Empire #16. To the Last Man, część 1

19-09-2007 11:53 | Komentarze: 0
He may have washed-out as a pilot at the Imperial Academy, but Lt. Janek Sunber has found a new home in the infantry. Hoping for a post on a world where he could see some action against the Rebels, he instead finds himself on the jungle world of Maridun as part of a regiment overseeing the construct...

Empire #17. To the Last Man, część 2

19-09-2007 11:55 | Komentarze: 0
Imperial Lt. Janek Sunber wanted to see action, and now his wish has come true--in spades! Sunber's infantry regiment on the jungle world of Maridun is cut off from the rest of the Empire. Their communications have been destroyed, and their way out of the jungle is blocked by thousands of hostile native Amanin. Hopelessly out-numbered, they must choose between combat or surrender--but either decision may mean death!

Empire takes a look at the Star Wars galaxy from the point of view of the Imperials in this action-packed, three-issue arc!

Empire #18. To the Last Man, część 3

19-09-2007 11:57 | Komentarze: 0
Thousands of angry alien Amanin versus less than sixty Imperial troops. So much for being "the glue that holds the galaxy together."

The Imperials are doomed, but newly promoted Captain Janek Sunber is determined that they will sell their lives dearly. If only some of his fellow officers exhibited the same courage, they might have a chance. But is it bravery, or foolhardiness that drives Sunber? And, if they all die, who will tell the story of their sacrifice? Who will record the glory of their final stand?

Empire #36. The Wrong Side of the War, część 1

21-09-2007 12:35 | Komentarze: 0
Devotion to duty has put Imperial Lieutenant Janek Sunber once more on the front lines. First as part of an intense ground battle, where the last of a planet's freedom fighters are desperately holding on, then as a glorified prison guard at an Imperial base where prisoners are put to work for the benefit of the Empire.

It's not the career Sunber imagined he'd have in the Imperial Infantry, but a Rebel surprise attack on the base may give Sunber another chance to distinguish himself--or die trying!

Empire #37. The Wrong Side of the War, część 2

21-09-2007 12:37 | Komentarze: 0
In his new post as prison guard at the Imperial base on Kalist IV, Lt. Janek Sunber is forced to weigh what he knows he should do against what he can do when he comes up against the corrupt status quo.

But conflict with his fellow officers is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to challenges facing the young lieutenant. Unbeknownst to the Empire, the Rebels have infiltrated the base!

Empire #38. The Wrong Side of the War, część 3

21-09-2007 12:40 | Komentarze: 0
Dissent in the ranks! Janek Sunber finds himself at odds-and at gunpoint-with his fellow officers over the treatment of Imperial prisoners. Hardly an auspicious start to his new assignment, and made all the worse because the internal conflict blinds the Imperials to the presence of Rebel infiltrators in their midst!

But the biggest shock to Sunber-and the Rebels-is yet to come, from a most unexpected quarter! Allegiances are strained, identities are revealed, and a major strike against the Empire is in the offing. An issue that should not be missed!

Empire #39. The Wrong Side of the War, część 4

21-09-2007 12:46 | Komentarze: 0
Inside the Imperial base on Kalist VI, an undercover Rebel strike force is on a mission vital to the continued existence of the Alliance. Everything has gone according to plan, but the one eventuality for which no one could have prepared is the presence of Imperial Lieutenant Janek Sunber-or how his...

Empire #40. The Wrong Side of the War, część 5

21-09-2007 12:49 | Komentarze: 0
The jig is up!

The Rebel intelligence operatives inside the Imperial base on Kalist VI have been discovered. Yet, even with their cover blown, this stalwart crew of Alliance heroes is determined to follow through with their mission no matter what the cost! As Imperial forces close in swiftly and mercilessly, will this band of Rebels need to be rescued from their own rescue mission? Find out in this explosive conclusion to The Wrong Side of the War.

Empire. Volume 4 - The Heart of the Rebellion TPB

18-09-2007 16:57 | Komentarze: 0
She was the catalyst that helped to turn a rag-tag rebellion into the Rebel Alliance. She provided the impetus for the "Heroes of Yavin" in their attack on the Death Star. And she was the spark that ignited the flames of passion in one of the galaxy's most notorious rogues. "She," of course, is Prin...

Empire. Volume 3 - The Imperial Perspective TPB

19-09-2007 11:42 | Komentarze: 0
A loyal Stormtrooper, thwarted by the very bureaucracy which he serves, struggles to track down a Rebel saboteur on board the Death Star in the days and hours before the fateful Rebel attack. Darth Vader, the sole survivor of the explosion of the Death Star, crash lands on a primitive world where sa...

Empire. Volume 7 - The Wrong Side of the War TPB

21-09-2007 12:32 | Komentarze: 0
Fresh from the killing fields of Jabiim, where the Empire has virtually wiped out the populace of that world, Imperial Lieutenant Janek Sunber is sent to the quiet prison base on Kalist VI. But, unbeknownst to the Empire, the Rebels have designs on Kalist Base both for its desirable fuel supplies, and for the presence of a very important prisoner-one of their own who has already attracted the interest of Darth Vader.

Sunber doesn't know it, but he's on a collision course with an old friend who is with the Rebels, and he finds himself wondering which of them is on the wrong side of the war.

Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back #1

23-09-2007 12:50 | Komentarze: 0
With the Death Star destroyed, Luke Skywalker leaves Hoth to train as a Jedi with Yoda. Han Solo is encased in carbonite on Cloud City. Vader's dark secret is revealed. You know the story. Or do you?! In the unique Infinities universe, nothing is taken for granted. Have you ever wondered how things ...

Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back #2

23-09-2007 12:56 | Komentarze: 0
In the bizarre Star Wars Infinities universe, nothing is set in stone, and ANYTHING can happen! Our heroes deal with the aftermath of Luke Skywalker's death and a catastrophic attack on the Rebel Alliance's Hoth base as Boba Fett arrives at Cloud City early to cut a deal with Lando. Thinking ...

Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back #3

23-09-2007 12:59 | Komentarze: 0
Han Solo is as skilled, clever, and resourceful as they come, but this time even HE may have bitten off more than he can chew. With Jabba the Hutt's bounty on his head, there doesn't seem to be a place in the known galaxies where he can hide for long. But, Han Solo is smart. That's why he comes clea...

Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back #4

23-09-2007 13:01 | Komentarze: 0
Dagobah is a mysterious place. Beneath the heavy canopy of ancient trees lies a strange jungle inhabited by creatures in caves and swamps not seen elsewhere. Dagobah is also home to the greatest living Jedi Master, Yoda. It's here that he has trained young Leia Skywalker to take her rightful place i...

Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back TPB

23-09-2007 12:31 | Komentarze: 0
Take the events and characters from one of the classic Star Warsfilms, throw in one happenstance, mishap, or technical glitch beyond the characters' control, and watch how that changeseverything. In Dark Horse's first foray into Infinities (A New Hope), Luke Skywalker's valiant torpedo...

Star Wars #28. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 1

12-09-2007 14:30 | Komentarze: 0
Get ready for some electrifying lightsaber battle action! Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant with a mean streak, killing Jedi within the very shadows of the Temple. The Jedi Council must now decide how to deal with the infamous bounty hunter. Several Jedi Knights volunteer for the honor of bringing Sing to justice. But do they want justice or vengeance? It's going to take more than a grudge to bring down an assassin with a reputation for killing Jedi.

Star Wars #29. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 2

12-09-2007 14:37 | Komentarze: 0
With a team of Jedi on her tail, the murderous Aurra Sing meets her next clients -- exiled Quarrens from the planet Mon Calimari. The Quarrens seek revenge on the one who caused them to be banished from their ocean homeworld. And Aurra takes a special interest in this new job when she learns that her next hit is on the one she once called "teacher" -- the Dark Woman! But Aurra's date with her former master gets put on hold when she is confronted in space by a Jedi cruiser! Make sure you don't miss this second thrilling chapter of The Hunt for Aurra Sing.

Star Wars #30. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 3

12-09-2007 14:41 | Komentarze: 0
Aurra Sing tracks her current target and former mentor, the Dark Woman, to a lush jungle world which is being bombarded by a seasonal meteor shower. On this beautiful yet dangerous planet, the Dark Woman seeks respite from the rigors of Jedi life and peace from her past, but her past failure has now...

Star Wars #31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 4

12-09-2007 14:45 | Komentarze: 0
On a dangerous jungle planet, the Dark Woman is shot and wounded while Aurra Sing seeks to kill her next mark -- the corrupt senator, Tikkes. The three Jedi who stand in her way, Adi Gallia, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and A'Sharad Hett, attempt to defend the remnants of the senator's suspicious Quarren expeditio...

Star Wars #36. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 1

12-09-2007 23:25 | Komentarze: 0
During a time of conflict, the galaxy's supply of bacta, used to treat the sick and injured, runs dangerously low making the existing supply highly valuable. The charismatic and bold Iaco Stark brings together a conglomeration of pirates and smugglers to form the Stark Commercial Collective. Their g...

Star Wars #37. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 2

12-09-2007 23:37 | Komentarze: 0
Iaco Stark has cut off the hyperspace lanes to Republic ships and the remnants of the Republic Army and Navy are stranded with the Jedi Tyvokka, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Troiken. Meanwhile, Tholme and his Padawan discover the truth about the scarcity of bacta. The worst is yet to come in this installment of the Stark Hyperspace War.

Star Wars #38. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 3

12-09-2007 23:45 | Komentarze: 0
The Stark Hyperspace War gets more intense. To prevent the Republic Senate from surrendering, the Jedi must get Senator Valorum back to Coruscant. The assaults grow heavier on the remnants of the Republic forces on Troiken and the fragile defense falls increasingly to Plo Koon. Can Qui-Gon Jinn find the secret of the virus that has corrupted the Republic nav computers and open up the hyperspace lanes to the Republic again? Meanwhile, Tholme and his apprentice, Quinlan Vos, struggle to get what they've learned back to the other Jedi.

Star Wars #39. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 4

12-09-2007 23:49 | Komentarze: 0
While Tholme and Quinlan Vos try to make their escape from Thyferra, the Republic forces on Troiken stage a desperate battle against the overwhelming might of the Stark Collective. Can Plo Koon, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Adi Gallia rally the troops? And can they get Senator Valorum back to Coruscant before the Republic surrenders to Stark's demands? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to the Stark Hyperspace War.

Star Wars #40. The Devaronian Version, część 1

13-09-2007 00:11 | Komentarze: 0
There's an ugly rumor making the rounds in the squalid cantinas and dives in the lowest levels of Coruscant. They're saying that Vilmarh Grahrk has gone soft, that he's working with the Jedi, that Villie has gone...legit. Our Devaronian rogue wants to set the record straight and he gives HIS somewha...

Star Wars #41. The Devaronian Version, część 2

13-09-2007 00:12 | Komentarze: 0
At last -- the truth about how Villie wound up on the prison planet Kiffex, the truth on how he defeated a Dark Jedi and duped the Jedi for his freedom, and the truth about why he took Quinlan Vos as his apprentice. Well, sort of the truth. Well, okay, maybe not the truth at all. It's the second part of THE DEVARONIAN VERSION, our rogue Vilmarh Grahrk's side of the story thus far. A good place for new readers and a fun revision for long time readers. And if you believe this, Villie has a nice moon called Nar Shaddaa he would like to sell you!

The Hunt for Aurra Sing TPB

12-09-2007 14:33 | Komentarze: 0
Get ready for some electrifying lightsaber battle action! Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant with a mean streak, killing Jedi within the very shadows of the Temple. The Jedi Council must now decide how to deal with the infamous bounty hunter whose favorite targets are Jedi. Several Jedi Knights volunteer for the honor of bringing Sing to justice. But do they want justice, or vengeance? It's going to take more than a grudge to bring down an assassin with a reputation for killing Jedi and a collection of previously owned lightsabers to back it up.

The Stark Hyperspace War TPB

12-09-2007 23:31 | Komentarze: 0
Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Jedi were involved in another major battle: the Stark Hyperspace War. Smuggler and pirate Iaco Stark's "commercial combine" has disrupted the production of bacta, the most important healing agent in the galaxy. By cornering the market on bacta, Stark hopes ...

Jedi Council. Acts of War #1

24-09-2007 18:16 | Komentarze: 0
Even in the days before the shadow of the Phantom Menace fell upon it, the rule of the Senate was no guarantee of peace. Trouble could come in many forms to any of the thousands of worlds that made up the Republic. When conflict arose, it was the duty of the Jedi Knights, under the guidance of the Jedi Council, to protect the innocent and set things right.

Jedi Council. Acts of War TPB

24-09-2007 18:18 | Komentarze: 0
Even in the days before the shadow of the Phantom Menace falls upon the Republic, the rule of the Senate is no guarantee of peace. When conflicts arise, it is the duty of the Jedi Knights, under the guidance of the Jedi Council, to protect the innocent and restore order. When the warlike Yinchorri threaten the stability of the Republic, a Jedi task force led by Mace Windu and including Qui-Gin Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi is sent to the Yinchorri system to settle matters, and they soon find themselves facing overwhelming odds on three different worlds. Collecting the four-issue series.

Jedi Council. Acts of War #2

25-09-2007 12:33 | Komentarze: 0
The Jedi task force sent to the Yinchorri system is met with a hostile reception, and they soon find themselves facing overwhelming odds on three different worlds. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, a Yinchorri suicide squad attacks the Jedi Temple itself, fighting to the last being and taking as many Jedi with them as they can. Behind all of these events, Yoda detects a controlling hand, but he cannot detect its source...

Jedi Council. Acts of War #3

25-09-2007 12:40 | Komentarze: 0
What began as Mace Windu and the Jedi Council's covert search for the secret government headquarters of the warlike Yinchorri has turned into a confrontation with the military might of an entire planet. The result is a full-scale battle pitting a vast army of heavily-armed alien warriors against but twelve lightsaber-wielding Jedi. Pity the poor Yinchorri!

Jedi Council. Acts of War #4

25-09-2007 12:43 | Komentarze: 0
The Council's quest nears its end as the hiding place of the Yinchorri High Command is at last revealed. But the Yinchorri aren't about to surrender without a fight, and Jedi blood has already been spilled. How many lives -- on both sides -- will Jedi Master Mace Windu risk to bring the warlike aliens to justice? A handful of lightsabers is all that stands between a relatively peaceful Republic and galactic war. Action and heroism in the grand Jedi tradition!

Star Wars Omnibus. Menace Revealed TPB

12-03-2009 20:51 | Komentarze: 0
This is our largest omnibus of never-before-collected and out-of-print Star Wars stories. Included here are one-shot adventures; short story arcs; specialty issues; and early Dark Horse Extra comic strips! All of these tales take place after Episode I: The Phantom Menace, and lead up to [t]Ep...

Planet of the Dead

29-10-2009 23:11 | Komentarze: 0

Star Wars Komiks #15 (11/2009)

18-11-2009 16:45 | Komentarze: 0
W numerze:
  • Fale grozy - Kilka miesięcy po bitwie o Geonosis, od której rozpoczęły się wojny klonów, dwoje Jedi – Kit Fisto i Aayla Secura – stacjonuje na planecie Kamino, gdzie hodowano i szkolono klony dla armii Republiki. Duże znaczenie w tym komiksie odgrywa pochodzen...

Star Wars Omnibus. Quinlan Vos - Jedi in Darkness TPB

14-07-2010 21:34 | Komentarze: 0
From his first appearance as a mind-wiped amnesiac to his triumphant passage to the rank of Jedi Master, few Jedi had more brushes with the powers of the dark side and the evil of the underworld than Quinlan Vos. This volume includes over 120 pages of story that have never been collected, plus the introduction of Jedi Aayla Secura -- who made the jump from the pages of the comics to appearances in the films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

Star Wars Komiks - wydanie specjalne #08

31-01-2011 17:57 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars Komiks Wydanie Specjalne to 96-stronicowy kwartalnik prezentujący dłuższe, zamknięte historie komiksowe ze świata Gwiezdnych Wojen.

Komiks Wojna w nadprzestrzeni przedstawia historię ostatniego przed wojnami klonów poważniejszego konfliktu zbrojnego w galaktyce, zw...

Star Wars Komiks #47 (7/2012): Jedi oczami łotra

17-10-2012 20:47 | Komentarze: 0
Dwumiesięcznik "Star Wars Komiks” przedstawia na 48 stronach zamknięte opowieści komiksowe z odległej galaktyki.

W numerze 7/2012 znalazła się pojedyncza, dłuższa historia. Vilmarh Grahrk, zwany Villiem, pochodzi z rogatej rasy Devaronian, której domem jest planeta Devaron. To cwan...

Star Wars Komiks - Wydanie Specjalne #16 (1/2013): Polowanie na Aurrę Sing

30-04-2013 00:31 | Komentarze: 0
Postać Aurry Sing pojawiła się tylko w jednej sekwencji podczas zawodów ścigaczy w Mrocznym widmie. Mimo tak krótkiej filmowej kariery potencjał tej fascynującej bohaterki dostrzegli twórcy innych mediów – przede wszystkim komiksów – i zaczęli rozwijać jej historię. Późni...

Star Wars Legendy: Dziewczyna z Rebelii. Zdławiona nadzieja

26-01-2018 21:39 | Komentarze: 0
W albumie zebrano trzy ostatnie historie wydane przez Dark Horse w ramach cyklu komiksowego o tytule Star Wars, w oryginale zamieszczone w dwóch tomach. Bohaterką pierwszej jest księżniczka Leia, która ku zaskoczeniu wszystkich ogłasza zamiar poślubienia księcia z odległej planety Arrochar,...


Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na październik i grudzień

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na październik i grudzień

16-07-2010 14:20 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na oficjalnej stronie Gwiezdnych wojen opublikowano zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse na październik i grudzień dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Star Wars. Do tego czasu za wielką wodą ukażą się: