A Little Piece of Home


Empire #20-21. A Little Piece of Home

Empire #20-21. A Little Piece of Home

Schemat, schemat, schemat...

14-02-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Chciałoby się powiedzieć, że po lekturze Republic każda inna seria komiksowa zapewne wywrze na czytelniku niewielkie wrażenie. Nie da się ukryć, że w przypadku Empire to stwierdzenie mogłoby wydawać się prawdziwe. Jednak w tym wypadku najwięcej "winy" jest po stronie samej Empire, co dobrze oddaje b...


Empire #20. A Little Piece of Home, część 1

21-09-2007 11:07 | Komentarze: 0
It's six months after the destruction of the Death Star, and every Rebel in the galaxy has a price on his or her head. Worse, the Rebel Alliance still has not been able to locate a new, secret location for a base. But Princess Leia has an idea: an acquaintance from Alderaan has a hunting preserve on a small, uninhabited moon. It might be the idealt spot provided she can persuade her friend to allow it, and that the Imperials don't find out, and if the local wildlife doesn't prove to be too dangerous. The perfect spot for the Rebel base may just be the perfect spot for a princess to die!

Empire #21. A Little Piece of Home, część 2

21-09-2007 11:10 | Komentarze: 0
Against Luke's better judgment, Leia has sought the help of an old boyfriend from Alderaan in finding a new location for the Rebel base. He's willing to provide the Alliance with the perfect spot, but only if Leia will give up the Rebellion and join him in preserving a piece of their homeworld.

Ordinarily, Leia's decision would be an easy one. But when a speeder crash strands her and her friend on a jungle moon, their need for each other in their struggle for survival leads to a conclusion that neither of them could have foreseen.

Empire. Volume 4 - The Heart of the Rebellion TPB

18-09-2007 16:57 | Komentarze: 0
She was the catalyst that helped to turn a rag-tag rebellion into the Rebel Alliance. She provided the impetus for the "Heroes of Yavin" in their attack on the Death Star. And she was the spark that ignited the flames of passion in one of the galaxy's most notorious rogues. "She," of course, is Prin...


W USA: At War with the Empire Vol. 1

W USA: At War with the Empire Vol. 1

13-03-2011 16:13 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W księgarniach za oceanem pojawiła się kolejna odsłona Star Wars Omnibus.

At War with the Empire Vol. 1 zbiera kilka miniserii Empire w jednym miejscu, należą do nich: Betrayal, Princess... warrior, Darklighter, The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, What Sin Loyalty?, Target: Vader, A Little Piece of Home, Alone Together, Idiot's Array i The Price of Power.