Michael Atiyeh


Knights of the Old Republic #00. Crossroads

Knights of the Old Republic #00. Crossroads

3964 lata przed Bitwą o Yavin...

24-12-2007 00:04 | Jedi Nadiru Radena | Komentarze: 0
Jest to czas wielkiego niepokoju w galaktyce. Niekończące się Wojny Mandaloriańskie poważnie nadwątlają zasoby Republiki Galaktycznej. Wszystkie siły kierowane są na front, co sprawia, że w wielu systemach gwiezdnych w Zewnętrznych Rubieżach zaczyna panoszyć się bezprawie – dzieje się tak nawe...
Knights of the Old Republic #07-08, #10. Flashpoint

Knights of the Old Republic #07-08, #10. Flashpoint

Czas na Mandiech!

10-03-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 1
Wraz z zakończeniem filmowania sagi rozpoczął się dla niej nowy etap i choć okres ten wydawał się trudny, Gwiezdne wojny weszły weń spokojnie i gładko. Z drugiej jednak strony wraz z premierą Zemsty Sithów nastały mroczne czasy dla fanów sagi mniej entuzjastycznie nastawionych do Expanded Universe,...
Knights of the Old Republic #09. Homecoming

Knights of the Old Republic #09. Homecoming

Powrót do korzeni

14-04-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Rozpoczęty w zeszycie siódmym story arc wniósł do akcji więcej ożywienia i nadał jej wartkości. Jak się jednak szybko okazało, pomimo spektakularnego wkroczenia lubianych Mandalorian, twórcy Knights of the Old Republic nie zapomnieli o tym, co jest w zasadzie domeną serii – otoczką mroku, taje...
The Force Unleashed TPB

The Force Unleashed TPB

Star Wars musi umrzeć

31-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 2
Ostatnimi czasy naroiło nam się od tzw. gwiezdnowojennych "wydarzeń roku". Po pierwsze, wraz z premierą The Clone Wars, Gwiezdne wojny powróciły do kin; po wtóre Dark Horse opracowało serię crossoverową, którą reklamowało właśnie powyższym hasłem; wreszcie LucasArts postanowiło zafundować fanom powt...
Knights of the Old Republic #11-12. Reunion

Knights of the Old Republic #11-12. Reunion

Czym KotOR jest naprawdę

14-05-2008 17:00 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Dwie trylogie Gwiezdnych wojen różnią się od siebie niemal wszystkim – od okresu powstania począwszy, przez technikę, koncepcję realizacji, na przesłaniu skończywszy. Zapoznając się z opiniami fanów porozrzucanymi w Internecie można chyba śmiało stwierdzić, że zmiana koncepcji właśnie boli ich...
Knights of the Old Republic #16-18. Nights of Anger

Knights of the Old Republic #16-18. Nights of Anger

Zgrzyt w trybikach

16-06-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Piętnaście zeszytów Knights of the Old Republic opublikowanych, historia rozwija się w najlepsze, jednak… czegoś tu brakuje. Każdy kto sprawdzi listę składników, jakie zwykle wrzuca się do garnca z kolejnym komiksem z Gwiezdnych wojen powinien zauważyć, że KotORom brakuje czarnego charakteru z...
Knights of the Old Republic #13-15. Days of Fear

Knights of the Old Republic #13-15. Days of Fear

Rozstań nadszedł czas

26-05-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Po mocnym uderzeniu w pierwszych zeszytach, seria Knigts of the Old Republic w jakiś sposób straciła na dynamizmie. Odpowiedzialny za scenariusz Jackson Miller zaczął wdawać się w coraz liczniejsze dygresje, co zaowocowało tym, że fabuła nie posunęła się zbyt daleko na przód w stosunku do pierwszych...
Knights of the Old Republic #25-28. Vector (#1-4)

Knights of the Old Republic #25-28. Vector (#1-4)


17-07-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 8
"Nie... to niemożliwe!" mówił Luke Skywalker. A jednak, parafrazując poetę polskiego Stanisława Jerzego Leca – KotOR zaczął pukać w dno od spodu... Po lekturze Knights of Suffering były dla serii jeszcze jakieś nadzieje, jednak po tym, co zobaczyłem w Vectorze nie wiem czy chcę kontynuować prz...
Knights of the Old Republic #19-21. Daze of Hate

Knights of the Old Republic #19-21. Daze of Hate

Powitań nadszedł czas

30-06-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
"No i skończyło się rumakowanie", jak powiedziałby Osioł ze Shreka. O ile początek Knights of the Old Republic był mocnym uderzeniem, a dalszy rozwój serii wciągał czytelnika, o tyle w ostatnich odcinkach wszystko zaczyna wyglądać gorzej i gorzej. Wygląda na to, że prym wśród starwarsowych komiksów...
Knights of the Old Republic #22-24. Knights of Suffering

Knights of the Old Republic #22-24. Knights of Suffering

Cierpienie prowadzi do Vectora

10-07-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Roczna sekwencja nawiązująca do kwestii mistrza Yody z Mrocznego widma ("Strach prowadzi do gniewu, gniew do nienawiści, nienawiść prowadzi do cierpienia...") w serii Knights of the Old Republic kończy się wraz z Knights of Suffering. Teraz przed KotORem, podobnie jak wcześniej przed Legacy, większy...
Knights of the Old Republic #29-30. Exalted

Knights of the Old Republic #29-30. Exalted


24-07-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 2
Knights of the Old Republic jest chyba najbardziej nierówną komiksową serią z aktualnie wydawanych. Legacy zaczęło kiepsko, lecz jej poziom stabilnie pnie się w górę; a o Dark Times i Rebellion ciężko jeszcze cokolwiek wyrokować. KotOR natomiast niemal od samego początku zalicza mniejsze lub większe...
Knights of the Old Republic #31. Turnabout

Knights of the Old Republic #31. Turnabout

Nikt nie spodziewał się hiszpańskiej inkwizycji

07-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Trzydzieści pięć numerów – tyle Johnowi Jacksonowi Millerowi zajmie przedstawienie, rozbudowanie i zamknięcie wątku Paktu Jedi, prowadzonego w ramach Knights of the Old Republic. Jako że ostatnia miniseria będzie liczyć sobie cztery zeszyty, tak więc Turnabout jest ostatnim przed decydującą ro...
Star Wars Komiks #05 (1/2009)

Star Wars Komiks #05 (1/2009)

Komiks "wszystkomający"

26-01-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Zeszyt czwarty czasopisma Star Wars Komiks oscylował głównie wokół mrocznych historii związanych z Ciemną Stroną. Tym razem wydawnictwo Egmont postanowiło zmienić tematykę, fundując czytelnikom więcej komiksów związanych z Rebeliantami i rycerzami Jedi – w sumie w tym zeszycie opowieści mamy a...
Star Wars Komiks #12 (8/2009)

Star Wars Komiks #12 (8/2009)

Płyniemy w dół...

31-08-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
14 sierpnia to dla Star Wars Komiks data w pewnym sensie szczególna. Poprzednie egmontowskie czasopismo, Gwiezdne wojny – komiks, przetrwało rok – od sierpnia 1999 r. do sierpnia roku 2000, co dało w sumie jedenaście numerów. Wraz z nowym wydaniem Star Wars Komiks przekroczył tę granicę,...
Star Wars Komiks #08 (4/2009)

Star Wars Komiks #08 (4/2009)

Vader i Vongowie na celowniku

09-11-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc jest lepiej. Począwszy od czwartego numeru Star Wars Komiks widoczna jest dość wyraźna tendencja wzrostowa. Nawet jeśli nie dosłownie "wzrostowa", to trzeba powiedzieć, że poziom ostatnich czterech zeszytów był wyraźnie wyższy od tego prezentowanego przez trzy pierwsze edycje cz...
The Force Unleashed TPB

The Force Unleashed TPB

01-01-2010 00:01 | Jedi Nadiru Radena | Komentarze: 3
Republika upadła, Separatyści zostali zmiażdżeni, a Zakon Jedi całkowicie rozbity. Nie wszystko jednak się skończyło. Część Jedi żyje, a zadaniem ich eliminacji obarczony jest Darth Vader. W sekrecie przed swym mistrzem, Imperatorem Palpatinem, przez lata trenował własnego ucznia, bezlitosnego, zimn...
Star Wars Komiks #18 (2/2010)

Star Wars Komiks #18 (2/2010)

Mistrz Jedi poleca

01-03-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W powszechnej opinii, Gwiezdne wojny nie są synonimem głębokiej i złożonej fabuły, jednak otwartość i różnorodność to cechy, których miłośnicy sagi George'a Lucasa mają w niej niemal w nadmiarze. Tak się szczęśliwie składa, że te same przymioty charakteryzują również najnowszy numer egmontowskiego c...
Knights of the Old Republic #01-06. Commencement

Knights of the Old Republic #01-06. Commencement

Dawno temu w bardzo odległej galaktyce...

10-02-2008 14:00 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 3
Jednym z kluczowych wydarzeń dla społeczności fanów Gwiezdnych wojen była premiera trzeciego epizodu sagi – Zemsty Sithów. Trzeciego i zarazem ostatniego epizodu. Bardzo wiele zależało od tego, co ludzie za sterami SW zrobią po 19 maja 2005 roku, by ów świat nie zaczął nagle umierać. Szybko ok...
Star Wars Komiks #22 (6/2010)

Star Wars Komiks #22 (6/2010)

Włochate historie

28-06-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Pod koniec 1999 roku (w Polsce kilka miesięcy później) okazało się, iż autorów książek gwiezdnowojennych ogarnęła żądza krwi. Od dwudziestu lat głównym tematem strawarsowych powieści była ta sama grupka filmowych bohaterów, wychodząca z kolejnych, co raz bardziej wymyślnych opresji. Pod naciskiem zn...
Empire #22. Alone Together

Empire #22. Alone Together

Do dwóch razy sztuka

27-09-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W obawie przed konfrontacją z Imperium statki floty rebelianckiej rozpierzchają się w losowych kierunkach po całej Galaktyce. Po drugiej stronie studni nadprzestrzennej Han, Leia i Chewbacca wraz z młodą szeregową Deeną Shan przypadkowo przechwytują wezwanie na pomoc. Sygnał wiedzie ich na mroczną,...
Empire #24-25. Idiot's Array

Empire #24-25. Idiot's Array

Czas idiotów

03-01-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Jest w gwiezdnowojennym merchandisingu kilka kwestii, których chyba nigdy nie uda mi się zrozumieć. Nie mogę pojąć na przykład, jakim cudem słaba Empire w ogóle się sprzedawała. Seria, której dobre komiksy można policzyć na palcach jednej ręki; seria, której mimo osadzenia w bardzo lubianym okresie...
Empire #28. Wreckage

Empire #28. Wreckage

Tylko jedno, ale za to lew

10-01-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Boba Fett jest bez wątpienia jedną z najbardziej lubianych przez fanów postaci z sagi Star Wars, stojąc w panteonie gwiazd obok takich asów jak admirał Thrawn. Co charakterystyczne, komiks (czy też książka) z udziałem tych bohaterów musiałby naprawdę być nieźle zepsuty przez autorów, by społeczność...
Empire #31. The Price of Power

Empire #31. The Price of Power

28-02-2011 22:41 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Dyplomacja to subtelna sztuka perswazji, którą na najwyższych szczeblach władzy wykorzystuje się do negocjacji umów oraz korzystnych rozwiązań politycznych między państwami (lub – w świecie Star Wars – planetami), nie chcąc uciekać się do konfliktu zbrojnego. Przygodę z nią przeżyła takż...
Empire #29-30, #32-34. In the Shadows of Their Fathers

Empire #29-30, #32-34. In the Shadows of Their Fathers

14-03-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Zbliżając się do "trzydziestki" Empire zaczęła zmieniać się nie do poznania. Zadziwiająco dużo tu całkiem niezłych komiksów, to po pierwsze, jednak nie jest to jedyna różnica w stosunku do wątpliwej jakości wrażeń, jakich doświadczaliśmy od początku serii. Sporo z tego postępu możemy obserwować na ł...
World of Tanks: Roll Out

World of Tanks: Roll Out

Przewrotny los

11-12-2017 11:45 | Shadov | Komentarze: 0
Gra sieciowa World of Tanks cieszy się niemałą popularnością. Nie dziwi więc, że na fali jej popularności studio Wargaming przeniosło czołgową strzelankę na karty komiksu, aby dotrzeć do jeszcze większego grona, zarówno fanów, jak i nowych użytkowników. Ale czy historia nawiązująca do znanego w...


Knights of the Old Republic #01. Commencement, część 1

26-09-2007 13:47 | Komentarze: 0
On the planet Taris, a young Padawan named Zayne has been framed for a heinous and brutal crime against the Jedi order. Suddenly a wanted fugitive and on the run from his Jedi Masters, Zayne is forced to ally himself with the under-city's criminals, con artists, and petty thieves he'd previously vowed to bring to justice. Staying alive is the first order of business and if he's ever to clear his name, Zayne must make this new alliance work providing he survives the experience.

Knights of the Old Republic #02. Commencement, część 2

26-09-2007 13:46 | Komentarze: 0
Life in the Jedi Order isn't supposed to be easy. It's a culture of strict discipline, hard work, and self-control, and only the galaxy's brightest and most gifted graduate to the Order's upper echelon of Knights and Masters. This is a dilemma padawan Zayne Carrick has faced most of his life, knowin...

Knights of the Old Republic #03. Commencement, część 3

26-09-2007 13:50 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne Carrick never expected to go far in the Jedi Order. A Padawan of modest skill, the most he ever hoped for was to attain the rank of Jedi knight and to serve the galaxy in his own humble way. Mysterious is the will of the Force, however, and extraordinary circumstances have made Zayne a fugitiv...

Knights of the Old Republic #04. Commencement, część 4

26-09-2007 13:52 | Komentarze: 0
On the run and desperate to clear his name, fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick guides his ragtag crew of scoundrels toward a treacherous asteroid moon, returning to the site of a significant moment in his Jedi training and to what he hopes will reveal the reason the entire Republic seems out to get him. The answers only lead to more riddles, however, and before they can fully interpret the information they've stumbled upon, the band of outcasts are assailed by yet another threat. And perhaps most surprising of all, their party grows by one as a new character enters the fray!

Knights of the Old Republic #05. Commencement, część 5

26-09-2007 13:54 | Komentarze: 0
Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick, charged with the murder of his fellow Jedi-in-training, has uncovered a junked droid that may contain vital information... too bad his former masters have just caught up to him! Trapped on a desolate moon surface bombarded with asteroids, Zayne's situation seems hopel...

Knights of the Old Republic #06. Commencement, część 6

26-09-2007 13:56 | Komentarze: 0
Padawan Zayne Carrick faces off against the Jedi Masters hunting him in this shocking finale to the Commencement storyline! Something is rotten in the Jedi Council on Taris, but the only ones closest to the truth are a vagabond, a criminal, a droid, and Zayne-now in the custody of the same Jedi falsely accusing him of murdering his fellow Padawan. It's going to take more than foolish bravery to get Zayne out of this one. Too bad that's all he's got!

Knights of the Old Republic #07. Flashpoint, część 1

26-09-2007 14:00 | Komentarze: 0
The wildest adventure in the ancient history of Star Wars gets wilder in a brand-new story arc featuring the most feared warriors in the galaxy-Mandalorians! Leaving the treacherous streets of Taris behind them, fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and the rag-tag crew of the Last Resort cook up a scheme to pilfer much needed supplies from an unsuspecting bunch of miserly miners. Unfortunately, any attempts at avoiding attention are for naught when the group finds they've landed themselves smack dab in the middle of the Republic and Mandalorian conflict!

Knights of the Old Republic #08. Flashpoint, część 2

26-09-2007 14:04 | Komentarze: 0
The Mandalorians have captured one of fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick's faithful companions, which means one thing - a rescue mission deep behind enemy lines! Above the mining world of Vanquo, Republic and Mandalorian starfighters battle, while down on the surface, the motley crew of the Last Resort ...

Knights of the Old Republic #10. Flashpoint, część 3

26-09-2007 14:11 | Komentarze: 0
The Flashpoint storyline reaches its explosive conclusion as fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and his unlikely shipmates from the Last Resort undertake their most dangerous mission yet--traveling deep inside Mandalorian space to rescue one of their own! With a little help from the most unexpected of allies, Zayne and the gang must find an isolated space outpost, once a Republic research station, now in the hands of a Mandalorian scientist with wholly evil intentions. To think they can pull this off with both themselves and their friend intact, they'd have to be insane--luckily they are!

Knights of the Old Republic #11. Reunion, część 1

26-09-2007 14:16 | Komentarze: 0
A new two-part story begins as fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and the crew of the Last Resort devise a plan to nab some much needed cash. On the banking world of Telerath they set their plot into motion unaware the bounty on their heads is about to catch up to them. Yet there's more going on than the schemers or their hunters realize, and when it all blows sky-high an unexpected reunion will throw Zayne's life on the run into question.

Knights of the Old Republic #12. Reunion, część 2

26-09-2007 14:20 | Komentarze: 0
Take fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick, throw in a big-mouthed con artist, two mysterious refugees, and one grumpy droid and you've got the most unpredictable, fast-paced, just-plain-exciting take on the Star Wars universe since a scoundrel named Solo helped Luke Skywalker blow up the Death Star...

Knights of the Old Republic #13. Days of Fear, część 1

27-09-2007 13:07 | Komentarze: 0
A perfectjumping-on point for new readers, the wildest space adventure in the Old Republic begins a new story arc featuring stolen starships, killer droids, and the debut of a dangerous villain!

When fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and his small-time con artist cohort Gryph part ways with their fr...

Knights of the Old Republic #14. Days of Fear, część 2

27-09-2007 13:10 | Komentarze: 0
Unexpected twists at every turn as power-mad evildoers hunt our heroes amidst a galaxy spanning war-Knights of the Old Republic is Star Wars at its very best, nearly 4,000 years before Luke Skywalker! A deadly new threat targets Camper, the seriously senile captain of the renegade vess...

Knights of the Old Republic #15. Days of Fear, część 3

27-09-2007 13:35 | Komentarze: 0
The Days of Fear story arc reaches its explosive conclusion in a story of dangerous visions, unheeded warnings, and decisions made too late!

Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick faces his darkest moments so far as a desperate attempt to avert a cataclysmic disaster drives him into the arms of hi...

Knights of the Old Republic #16. Nights of Anger, część 1

27-09-2007 13:39 | Komentarze: 0
A brand new story arc begins, launching a captivating tale of power, prejudice, and a past that can no longer be outrun!

When Camper, the senile owner of the Last Resort, falls frighteningly ill, his young protector Jarael will risk everything to try and save him, even if that means seeking a cur...

Knights of the Old Republic #17. Nights of Anger, część 2

27-09-2007 13:43 | Komentarze: 0
Keeper of a terrible secret, addled inventor Camper spent most of his life running from Adascorp, the most powerful organization on his homeworld of Arkania. Now he lies gravely ill aboard the Arkanian Legacy, the colossal flagship of the corporation, his life in the hands of its owner-Lord Adasca! ...

Knights of the Old Republic #18. Nights of Anger, część 3

27-09-2007 13:45 | Komentarze: 0
The galaxy-shaking secret Camper kept hidden within his addled mind for decades is revealed in this conclusion to the Nights of Anger story arc!

Aboard the Arkanian Legacy, flagship of the corporation Adascorp, the elderly Camper and his young protector Jarael are separated by closed doors...

Knights of the Old Republic #19. Daze of Hate, część 1

27-09-2007 13:50 | Komentarze: 0
A new story arc begins as a megalomaniacal businessman unveils a plot that will have dire consequences for the Republic, the Mandalorians, and the galaxy they're warring over!

Lord Adasca, head of the massive corporation Adascorp, has set in motion a series of events that will change the face of ...

Knights of the Old Republic #20. Daze of Hate, część 2

27-09-2007 13:52 | Komentarze: 0
A defining moment in the history of the galaxy arrives as the Republic and the Mandalorians meet face-to-face to discuss an offer that adds up to one thing--victory for one, defeat for the other!

Sinister billionaire Lord Adasca is the organizer of this fateful rendezvous, a mastermind with grand...

Knights of the Old Republic #21. Daze of Hate, część 3

27-09-2007 13:54 | Komentarze: 0
Negotiations between the Republic and the Mandalorians come to a head in this unthinkable conclusion to the compelling Daze of Hate story arc!

Aboard his massive flagship the Arkanian Legacy, Lord Adasca believes his plan to become nothing less than the most powerful being in the galaxy is...

Knights of the Old Republic #22. Knights of Suffering, część 1

07-10-2007 21:44 | Komentarze: 0
The new story arc, Knights of Suffering begins here, bringing fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick back to Taris-the scene of his alleged crime, now overrun by the Mandalorian army!

Deep in the lower city of Taris, swoop bike gangs battle Mandalorian troops in the streets. An organized resistance to the invasion was taking shape thanks to an old friend of Zayne's, but something went terribly wrong.

Reunions and betrayals follow Zayne into the heart of a war zone in this action-packed new issue of Knights of the Old Republic!

Knights of the Old Republic. Volume 1 - Commencement TPB

02-12-2007 11:26 | Komentarze: 0
Thousands of years before Luke Skywalker would destroy the Death Star in that fateful battle above Yavin 4, one lone Padawan would become a fugitive hunted by his own Masters, charged with murdering every one of his fellow Jedi-in-training!

From criminals hiding out in the treacherous under-city of the planet Taris, to a burly, mysterious droid recovered from the desolate landscape of a cratered moon, Padawan Zayne Carrick will find unexpected allies in his desperate race to clear his name before the unmerciful authorities enact swift retribution upon him!

Knights of the Old Republic. Volume 2 - Flashpoint TPB

02-12-2007 11:29 | Komentarze: 0
Nearly 4,000 years before the Death Star, fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick's quest to clear his name for the alleged murder of his fellow Jedi-in-training brings him head to head with the galaxy's most feared fighting force-the Mandalorians!

Along with a petty crook named Gryph and Elbee the grouch...

Knights of the Old Republic/Rebellion Flip Book

27-09-2007 14:08 | Komentarze: 0
A primer for the first new series in Dark Horse's exciting relaunch of the Star Wars line, this flip book features two brand new stories (one on each side) and never-before-seen concept designs for both Rebellion and Knights of the Old Republic. The Knights of the Old Republic s...

"Generał" Skywalker #1

05-04-2007 12:31 | Komentarze: 1

Kilka rebelianckich myśliwców ląduje na odległej, niezamieszkałej planecie... tak odległej od galaktycznych szlaków, że nawet nie ma nazwy. Rebelianci mają zamiar założyć na niej tajną bazę, z której będą prowadzić nasłuch komunikatów imperium. Niestety ich działania zostały dostrzeżone przez imperium, które wysłało przeciwko garstce rebeliantów doborowe oddziały szturmowców. W ferworze walki pojawia się człowiek zamieszkujący odległą planetę... zaginiony przed wieloma laty zołnierz armii klonów.

Źródło: Mandragora

Knights of the Old Republic #24. Knights of Suffering, część 3

07-10-2007 21:45 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne Carrick's murderous masters have hunted him halfway across the galaxy. Now, his run ends with him cornered in the very place where it began-in the Jedi Temple of Taris, the current headquarters of invading Mandalorian leader Cassus Fett!

Zayne's escaped before-with help from his friends and the Force-but not this time! His only choice is to fight for his life, in mortal combat with his far more talented teacher!

It's the shattering conclusion to the yearlong Days/Knights sequence-and not everyone makes it out alive!

Knights of the Old Republic #23. Knights of Suffering, część 2

07-10-2007 21:44 | Komentarze: 0
Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick left Taris vowing to catch his murderous Masters before they caught him. Now, he's returned--only to find the planet under siege by Mandalorian invaders. And there's someone else waiting for him--who's about to turn the tables on all his plans!

Nearly alone in a war...

Knights of the Old Republic. Volume 3 - Days of Fear, Nights of Anger TPB

02-12-2007 11:31 | Komentarze: 0
Nearly 4,000 years before the Death Star, fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick's quest to clear his name runs afoul of forces beyond his control--forces he and his friends have helped to unleash!

Con-artist Gryph sees the Mandalorian Wars as a chance to make a quick credit, but Zayne sees a terrible tr...

Empire #22. Alone Together

21-09-2007 11:12 | Komentarze: 0
The fear of Imperial discovery sends the ships of the Rebel fleet scrambling for the far corners of the galaxy. Han, Chewie, Leia, and a young soldier named Deena Shan, on board the Millennium Falcon, end up near a dark jungle moon from which they receive a distress call. Investigating, they discover the remains of a tragedy dating from the Clone Wars, and a still-living threat that could claim them all!

Fighting alongside the Heroes of Yavin, Shan learns that the Rebellion, and even survival, mean so much more than she imagined when put in the context of friendship and sacrifice.

Empire #24. Idiot's Array, część 1

21-09-2007 11:20 | Komentarze: 0
Han Solo and Chewbacca are tapped by the Rebel Alliance for a mission that requires their special skills and knowledge of the underworld. But for Han, itís a chance to get away from the new responsibilities heís taken on since joining the Rebellion and indulge his former free-booting ways.


Empire #25. Idiot's Array, część 2

21-09-2007 11:24 | Komentarze: 0
The Beast and the Beauty join forces when Chewbacca teams up with smuggler Sheel Odala to free Han Solo from the clutches of a crime lord in the employ of the Empire. Odala is handy with a blaster, and an old friend. But there are some trust issues. See, she's the one who betrayed Han to the Empire in the first place... Oh, and did we mention that Vader was on his way?

Star Wars action as you like it; leavened with humor, peril, and passion!

Empire #26. »General« Skywalker, część 1

21-09-2007 11:27 | Komentarze: 0
Luke Skywalker and the Red Squadron are flying escort for a secret Rebel intelligence operation on a supposedly unpopulated planet, when they run into an unexpected Imperial patrol. With half the squad trapped on the ground, and the secrecy of the mission in peril, things don't look like they could ...

Empire #27. »General« Skywalker, część 2

21-09-2007 11:29 | Komentarze: 0
Luke Skywalker is a pilot for the Rebel Alliance and a Jedi-in-training, but when a Rebel intel team gets pinned down by an unexpected Imperial patrol Luke receives an unexpected promotion-to General! It's all part of Commander Narra's plan to enlist the aid of an unexpected ally that could turn the tables on the Imperials.

Empire #28. Wreckage

21-09-2007 11:32 | Komentarze: 0
Boba Fett is on a mission. But this time his objective is not a person, but a thing: a holo-projector containing an irreplaceable recording. The one caveat is that the device is somewhere in the wreckage of a massive Star Destroyer, guarded by Imperial fighters and scheduled for destruction by the Empire to prevent any salvageable parts from falling into Rebel hands.

An impossible mission? Not for the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Stormtroopers beware! Boba Fett is on a mission, and none had better stand between him and his prize!

Empire #29. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 1

21-09-2007 11:34 | Komentarze: 0
With its mines played out and the planet nearly stripped of its valuable ore, the Empire's interest in Jabiim is waning. But Emperor Palpatine is not willing to allow Jabiimi rebels to forcibly boot the last of his stormtroopers off the planet. The harder they fight, the tighter the Imperial grip be...

Empire #30. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 2

21-09-2007 11:36 | Komentarze: 0
Luke, Leia, and their companions have been taken prisoner on Jabiim by the very Rebels they've come to help. Worse, the only people from whom they could expect any help-X-wing pilots Wedge Antilles and Hobbie Klivian-are up to their necks in trouble themselves. To top it off, an Imperial fleet is headed for the planet with orders to kill or capture everybody!

Luke thinks he can find a way out of their current predicament if he can just figure out what it was that his father-Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker-did twenty years ago that caused this whole mess!

Empire #31. The Price of Power

21-09-2007 11:39 | Komentarze: 0
For the velociraptor-like inhabitants of Tiss'sharrl, assassination is a common method of corporate or political advancement-as the planet's president can attest. But the Tiss'shar are about to get a surprising lesson in the use of force from one who has made the ruthless application of fear and vio...

Empire #32. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 3

21-09-2007 12:18 | Komentarze: 0
Imperial Slave Ships are coming to take possession of the conquered population of Jabiim, and the only thing standing between them and the successful completion of their mission are two Rebel X-wing pilots. Hobbie Klivian and Wedge Antilles are in for the fight of their lives!

Meanwhile, planetside, Luke Skywalker and his captors have joined forces to battle an army of stormtroopers. But Luke's having a hard time focussing his fledgling Jedi powers as he is haunted by the recent knowledge that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was not a hero to the people of Jabiim, but a traitor!

Empire #33. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 4

21-09-2007 12:21 | Komentarze: 0
On the planet Jabiim, Luke Skywalker's situation has gone from bad to worse. Having managed an escape from the rebel group who wants revenge for his father's actions during the Clone Wars, and having fought his way clear of the Imperial stormtroopers who are after any Rebel on which they can lay the...

Empire #34. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 5

21-09-2007 12:24 | Komentarze: 0
For the second time, events on Jabiim are coming to disastrous ends because of the presence of a Jedi named Skywalker.

The first time was during the Clone Wars when young Anakin Skywalker was forced to abandon the Loyalist Jabiimi troops to the not-so-tender mercies of the Separatists.

Now, Lu...

Empire #35. A Model Officer

21-09-2007 12:26 | Komentarze: 0
Information obtained from a prisoner captured on Jabiim has set Darth Vader on the trail of the Rebel Fleet. No Alliance defense can divert Vader from his target, and if he is successful it will mean the destruction of the fleet and the end of the Rebellion.

But there is one small hope for the Rebels, and it all comes down to one man pursuing his duties with an unshakable zeal, and remaining a "model officer" to the end...

Ironman writer John Jackson Miller joins the Star Wars team with this one-shot story of duty, honor, and betrayal within the Empire.

Knights of the Old Republic #25. Vector, część 1

09-10-2007 13:41 | Komentarze: 0
A yearlong event with repercussions for every era and every hero in the Star Wars galaxy begins here!

When a terrible vision reaching more than four thousand years into the future alerts the secret Jedi Covenant to the importance of Taris, they activate an operative already on this planet ...

Tales #22

14-09-2007 15:21 | Komentarze: 0
The "new" Star Wars Tales continues! The vastness of the Star Wars galaxy hosts an ever-unfolding mythology, filled with character-driven stories of loss and tragedy, of heroism and redemption. This issue contributes three more such tales to the mythos-the tragic saga of mysterious Jed...

Tales #23

14-09-2007 15:26 | Komentarze: 0
The "new" Star Wars Tales continues! Thousands of years before the fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker, there were other Jedi who grappled with the same human emotions that overwhelmed the man who became Darth Vader. During the time of the Old Republic, three young Jedi in particular-one ...

X-Wing. Rogue Leader #1

11-10-2007 21:41 | Komentarze: 0
In the wake of the death of the Emperor and the destruction of the Death Star II, a group of Rebel pilots are looking forward to some well-deserved R & R. Instead, they run into a deadly attack by vengeful Imperials that changes the course of all of their lives.

Rev up your engines-it's time for the Rogue Squadron to fly again! Join Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, and the rest of the Rogues on a mission that will define them as heroes not just of the Rebellion, but as heroes for the whole galaxy!

X-Wing. Rogue Leader #2

11-10-2007 21:44 | Komentarze: 0
On Wedge Antilles' home planet, Corellia, he and the other members of the Rogue Squadron are all that stand between an unarmed populace and a terrorist attack by remnants of Palpatine's Imperial forces.

Even the budding Jedi powers of Luke Skywalker won't be enough to tip the scales in the Rogues' favor, and to snatch victory from the jaws of this defeat may cost the life of one of their own!

X-Wing. Rogue Leader #3

11-10-2007 21:49 | Komentarze: 0
Imperial terrorists have landed a devastating strike on Wedge Antilles'home planet and captured a member of Rogue Squadron. Now, Wedge and the rest of the Rogues are hot on their trail, determined to find their friend and bring these Imperial thugs to justice.

The fighting is fierce and the flying is faster in this whiz-bang conclusion to the series that defines the hottest heroes in the expanded Universe and launches an ace fighter squadron like none other in the galaxy!

Knights of the Old Republic #26. Vector, część 2

06-01-2008 13:03 | Komentarze: 0
The second part of the biggest Star Wars story of 2008 begins with Mandalorians galore and ends with the arrival of a seemingly unstoppable threat!

Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and his con-artist companion Gryph have fallen into a situation even more dangerous than the one they escaped on wartorn Taris-surrounded by enemies and trapped in close-quarters with a deadly agent of the group who framed Zayne for killing his fellow Jedi-in-training!

Knights of the Old Republic #27. Vector, część 3

06-01-2008 13:03 | Komentarze: 0
Something terrible is spreading among the Mandalorians, threatening to bring their conquest of the galaxy to a previously unthinkable new level! Unfortunately, fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and the con artist Gryph don't even know how they're going to survive their current predicament, let alone stop this horrifying threat! Lucky for the galaxy, their companion Jedi Celeste Morne has a few ideas about what to do. Unlucky for Zayne, Celeste's boss wants him dead!

Knights of the Old Republic #09. Homecoming

26-09-2007 14:09 | Komentarze: 0
Secret motivations and a troubled history are revealed in this standalone story of fear, neglect, and betrayal in the Old Republic! After the great Sith War, one Jedi dedicated herself to training only the most gifted seers in hopes of foretelling and preventing the return of the Sith. But obsession with her mission led to oversight elsewhere, allowing dark influences to take hold amidst the Jedi order. Now, events have been set in motion that cannot be undone, the consequences of which will rewrite the fate of the entire galaxy!

Knights of the Old Republic. Volume 4 - Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering TPB

08-04-2008 12:37 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne Carrick joins forces with the same Masters who murdered his fellow Padawan in a desperate attempt to save the galaxy from the Mandalorians!

Arkanian Lord Adasca holds the Republic and the Mandalorians hostage, offering a weapon of unrivaled power to the highest bidder, and not even Zayne an...

Knights of the Old Republic #29. Exalted, część 1

08-04-2008 13:13 | Komentarze: 0
Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick's quest to clear his name takes him to a secret storehouse of Sith artifacts collected by the Jedi Masters who framed him!

Propelled by the events in Vector, Zayne and his con-artist companion Gryph commit to a new course in exposing the dark actions of the secret Jedi Covenant. Yet doing so will take them not only to the homeworld of one of Zayne's murdering Masters, but into the most highly guarded place on the planet!

Knights of the Old Republic #28. Vector, część 4

08-04-2008 13:09 | Komentarze: 0
The first phase of the most important Star Wars story of 2008 ends with devastation on an awe-inspiring scale in part four of Vector!

Nearly overwhelmed by an ancient evil run rampant, fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick, the con-artist Gryph, and the Jedi Celeste Morne have made a choice of cosmic significance, its consequences reshaping not only the course of their lives, but the fate of the entire galaxy! Surrounded by Mandalorians, they face a crossroads where every path demands sacrifice, and no matter what is saved, something else will be lost!

Knights of the Old Republic #30. Exalted, część 2

08-04-2008 13:18 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne Carrick faces off against one of the Jedi Masters who framed him for the murder of his fellow Padawans in this shocking conclusion to Exalted!

When Zayne and his con-artist companion Gryph decided to risk it all in an attempt to prove Zayne's innocence, they never expected a consequence for failure quite like this! Their plans ruined and their future bleak, Zayne and Gryph need to act fast or the history and traditions of an entire world could fall victim to another display of madness by the secret Jedi Covenant!

Knights of the Old Republic #31. Turnabout

08-04-2008 12:26 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne Carrick, a fugitive Padawan accused of the murder of his fellow students, is on his way to the authorities in hope of clearing his name, shedding light on the Jedi Masters who framed him, and revealing the covert order to which they belong. But reaching the right people without facing off against his former masters is proving to be more difficult than Zayne imagined! Success is going to require help from every true friend Zayne has garnered in his long quest for justice.

Knights of the Old Republic #32. Vindication, część 1

10-05-2008 11:13 | Komentarze: 0
At long last, Padawan Zayne Carrick confronts the Jedi Masters who framed him for murder!

The prophecy that was seen by Zayne's Masters appears to be coming true. Two pieces of the sequence have come to pass . . . and those who remain alive are still fighting to prevent their vision from becoming a reality. The Jedi Consulars are beginning to doubt themselves and it's possible they have overlooked a true source of danger!

The Force Unleashed TPB

18-01-2008 16:16 | Komentarze: 0
LucasArts' game The Force Unleashed, is poised to be the Star Wars event of the year. The game-play promises to be stunning, but we think it's the story that will blow you away.

Revealed here are the origins of Darth Vader's secret apprentice, the deadly missions on which he was sent to track down and destroy Jedi, and the awesome decision he is forced to make that will, literally, change the way you look at the Star Wars saga!

Scripted by the game's author, Haden Blackman, this graphic novel can be enjoyed alone, or as a companion to the amazing new game.

Knights of the Old Republic #33. Vindication, część 2

06-06-2008 00:36 | Komentarze: 0
Padawan Zayne Carrick has come to confront the Jedi who framed him for the murder of his fellow students. Yet he and his former Masters are shocked by an unforeseen revelation - another failed Padawan, believed to be a devoted servant, unveils his own dark intentions!

Events are racing to the conclusion of the story that began in issue #1, and the Jedi Order will never be the same after this!

Knights of the Old Republic #36. Prophet Motive, część 1

11-09-2008 23:06 | Komentarze: 0
The beginning of a whole new era for loner Jedi Zayne Carrick launches our clever, clumsy hero, his con-artist best friend Gryph, and the bold Jarael into the kind of seat-of-your-pants adventure only Star Wars can provide!

The perfect starting point for new readers, this story kicks off the next phase in Zayne's life with a long-shot swindle gone wrong! Gryph's got a plan to part some shady-dealing Chev from their unjustly earned credits, but he'll need more than a disguise to protect him when they catch on to his game!

Knights of the Old Republic #34. Vindication, część 3

09-07-2008 01:21 | Komentarze: 0
The secret Jedi Covenant has one leader, but it isn't the devoted Jedi seer, Lady Krynda Draay...

As Padawan Zayne Carrick struggles to clear his name, the Masters who framed him for murder are finding the ideals they have worked so hard to protect are crumbling. They have been deceived by a trusted advisor whose hostile takeover will pit the Jedi Knights against one another - true Jedi of the Order vs. the misguided Jedi of the Covenant!

Knights of the Old Republic #35. Vindication, część 4

09-07-2008 01:21 | Komentarze: 0
At long last, Knights of the Old Republic will conclude Zayne's long journey as a fugitive Jedi Padawan-but not before an astounding climax that will set a brand-new path for him to follow!

Zayne and his former Master, Lucien Draay, will be tempted by the dark side while the Jedi Knights war among themselves and the city-planet Coruscant burns around them.

Knights of the Old Republic #38. Faithful Execution

04-12-2008 19:23 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne Carrick and his crewmates Jarael, Slyssk, and the Mandalorian Rohlan investigate a pleasure cruise gone wrong!

Something horrible has happened aboard the Chancellor Fillorean; the former luxury ship now drifts aimlessly in a space nebula. Upon boarding the ghost ship, a host of asphyxiated passengers and two lone survivors -- a tiny alien and his fierce droid bodyguard -- are all that are found. Zayne and his friends must solve the mystery and find what has been causing the tragic and disturbing deaths -- before they also become victims.

Knights of the Old Republic #39. Dueling Ambitions, część 1

04-12-2008 19:29 | Komentarze: 0
Combat sports and high-speed racing in the Old Republic! Zayne and Gryph -- now partners in "crime" -- along with Jarael and Rohlan, prepare to rip off the big-business world of sport dueling. Gryph has himself in the perfect position for the con, until Zayne enters himself into the Open, Jarael becomes oddly distracted, and even Rohlan finds himself taking part in the duels. If that weren't enough, veteran warrior Goethar Kleej inexplicably forces upon Zayne an incredible handicap...

Knights of the Old Republic #40. Dueling Ambitions, część 2

04-12-2008 19:30 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne is entered in the "Dueling Duo" Tandem Open, and he has had a special handicap forced on him by threat of death! Aubin, the inexperienced, backward son of a veteran warrior-hero will be his partner in the preliminary battles! Zayne must make sure his partner survives the duels until the last r...

Knights of the Old Republic #41. Dueling Ambitions, część 3

04-12-2008 19:30 | Komentarze: 0
It is championship day at the dueling Open: Zayne struggles to protect his inept partner in the duels while simultaneously trying to convince the boy’s warrior father that he and his friends have a plan to save them and stop the slave “farm system.” Meanwhile, Gryph and Jarael set the team’s plan into action, doing their best to avoid the duel official’s security.

In the conclusion to “Dueling Ambitions,” Zayne faces the reality of his dreams and his future, and Jarael gets a look back at her mysterious past . . .

Knights of the Old Republic #37. Prophet Motive, część 2

11-09-2008 23:08 | Komentarze: 0
Former Padawan Zayne Carrick's new life takes a turn for the worse as a con gone wrong puts his friends in a deadly predicament!

Fleecing the corrupt financial exchange on Metellos 3 seemed like a victimless crime to Zayne's friends Jarael and Rohlan-until they became the victims! Now prisoners of a galactic criminal syndicate, Jarael and Rohlan must find a way to survive long enough for Zayne and his conniving cohort Gryph to rescue them!

o Make sure to be there as the conclusion to Prophet Motive propels Knights of the Old Republic into a brand-new galaxy of adventures!

Knights of the Old Republic. Volume 6 - Vindication TPB

04-12-2008 20:06 | Komentarze: 0
Fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick's quest to clear his name is finally concluded in this novel-length story! Zayne and his con-artist companion Gryph commit to a new course in exposing the dark actions of the secret Jedi Covenant. Yet doing so takes them not only to the homeworld of one of Zayne's murd...

Vector. Volume 1 TPB

07-01-2009 22:28 | Komentarze: 0
Vector, an event with repercussions for every era and every hero in the Star Wars galaxy begins here!

In Chapter One Knights of the Old Republic Volume Five, a terrible vision reaching far into the future alerts the secret Jedi Covenant to the importance of Taris. They activa...

Star Wars Komiks #05 (1/2009)

18-12-2008 14:30 | Komentarze: 0
Gwiezdne wojny Komiks to miesięcznik dla fanów Star Wars, prezentujący komiksowe historie z różnych epok świata Star Wars. Każdy numer zawierał będzie trzy historie komiksowe, zróżnicowane fabularnie i ilustrowane ciekawą grafiką. Bohaterem każdej historii będą postaci znane z filmów np. Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett oraz inne.

Star Wars Adventures Volume 1. Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya TPB

06-02-2009 22:45 | Komentarze: 0
Before they ever met Luke Skywalker or Princess Leia, Han Solo and Chewbacca had already lived a lifetime of adventures. In this action-packed tale, Han and Chewie are caught between gangsters and the Empire, and their only help is Han's former partner -- who may be worse than either!

Meridian #1: Przerwane dzieciństwo

29-11-2007 23:35 | Komentarze: 0

Kolejna seria science fiction należąca do świata CrossGen. Demetria to niezwykła planeta. Nad jej powierzchnia unoszą się latające wyspy z miastami w chmurach. W jednym z takich miast mieszka młoda Sephie. Pewnego dnia jej cale życie wywróciło się do góry nogami. Najpierw giną jej rodzice, a potem zostaje obdarowana magicznym Znakiem. Wuj Ilahn pragnie przejąć władze na Meridianem. Czy młoda dziewczyna zostanie zdeprawowana przez swego złego wuja? Zwłaszcza, że on również posiada Znak...

Źródło: Egmont Polska

Knights of the Old Republic #42. Masks

12-03-2009 19:21 | Komentarze: 0
When an argument between ex-Padawan Zayne Carrick and the mysterious Jarael leaves her questioning her place in his life, the appearance of the Jedi Malak threatens to make up her mind for good. Yet Malak's not the only one with an interest in Jarael. Just how far the Mandalorian Rohlan is willing to go to stay by her side has never been revealed - until now!

Major developments for Zayne and Jarael! Previously untold events in the story of Malak and Revan! For in-the-know Star Wars fans, this issue is a must have!

Znak #2: Planeta jaszczurów

02-12-2007 16:45 | Komentarze: 0

Znak to komiks utrzymany w klimacie hard SF, z pewnym dodatkiem fantasy. Ludzie prowadzą wieloletnią wojnę z obcymi - gadziokształtnymi Saurianami. Główny bohater serii nazywa się Samandahl Rey. Były żołnierz, najemnik znienacka zostaje obdarzony magicznym Znakiem. Jakby tego było mało ścigają go wszyscy we wszechświecie: Saurianie, wojsko, oraz pewien sułtan, któremu Samandahl ukradł nałożnicę. A to właśnie Samandahl ma zebrać wszystkich Nosicieli Znaków i poprowadzić ich do wojny...

Źródło: Egmont Polska

Znak #1: Znak mocy

02-12-2007 16:37 | Komentarze: 0

Znak to komiks utrzymany w klimacie hard SF, z pewnym dodatkiem fantasy. Ludzie prowadzą wieloletnią wojnę z obcymi - gadziokształtnymi Saurianami. Główny bohater serii nazywa się Samandahl Rey. Były żołnierz, najemnik znienacka zostaje obdarzony magicznym Znakiem. Jakby tego było mało ścigają go wszyscy we wszechświecie: Saurianie, wojsko, oraz pewien sułtan, któremu Samandahl ukradł nałożnicę. A to właśnie Samandahl ma zebrać wszystkich Nosicieli Znaków i poprowadzić ich do wojny...

Źródło: Egmont Polska

Knights of the Old Republic #43. The Reaping, część 1

12-05-2009 17:28 | Komentarze: 0
An unprecedented new adventure begins -- leaving former Padawan Zayne Carrick clinging to the side of a comet!

When Zayne and crew infiltrate a comet mine, his partner Gryph believes it's another clever con to capture some quick cash. Little does Gryph know, Zayne and Jarael have other intentions -- like rescuing the miners enslaved by this ruthless mining operation.

Of course, the noble intentions of the team will all be for naught if their plot is discovered. Swimming through stardust is no place to be when enemy ships open fire!

Knights of the Old Republic #44. The Reaping, część 2

12-05-2009 17:29 | Komentarze: 0
The latest masquerade of the Hot Prospect and its crew has been discovered!

Up against the Crucible, a massive slave-trading organization, Zayne Carrick is having another streak of unfortunate luck. Zayne and Jarael entered a comet-mining facility with the intention of freeing its slaves and taking a knife to the miners' profits, but when the Crucible is tipped off that imposters are nudging in on their territory, a death-defying space battle ensues!

Star Wars Komiks #08 (4/2009)

26-02-2009 11:25 | Komentarze: 0
Gwiezdne wojny Komiks to miesięcznik dla fanów Star Wars, prezentujący komiksowe historie z różnych epok świata Star Wars. Każdy numer zawierał będzie trzy historie komiksowe, zróżnicowane fabularnie i ilustrowane ciekawą grafiką. Bohaterem każdej historii będą postaci znane z filmów np. Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett oraz inne.

Knights of the Old Republic #45. Destroyer, część 1

17-07-2009 18:33 | Komentarze: 0
Despite a disastrous first encounter with the Crucible, Zayne Carrick is still determined to end the brutality they promote in their business. But this time, he plans to break them from the inside out!

Having set himself up to be captured by the slavers, when this former Padawan arrives at the Cr...

Knights of the Old Republic #46. Destroyer, część 2

17-07-2009 18:33 | Komentarze: 0
A captive of the Crucible slaver organization, Zayne Carrick is finding there is much more to his friend Jarael's past than she revealed. Specifically, a Crucible trainer called Chantique is looking to settle a score, and she believes that Zayne could be key in that objective. Her plan will have him desperately attempting to resolve the psychic attack that she, the Crucible, and fellow slaves have waged in his mind -- all while he fights for his life!

Knights of the Old Republic #47. Demon, część 1

12-08-2009 20:16 | Komentarze: 0
The trial of Demagol, the twisted Mandalorian researcher, is finally underway on Coruscant— headed by none other than the Jedi Malak, a favorite of fans of the Knights of the Old Republic video game! Malak is going to make sure that Demagol, a specimen of true Mandalorian evil and deception, is made an example of and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Amidst the trial, Zayne Carrick and his friends are learning a lot about deception in their own ranks—and what they discover will threaten the life of one of their own!

Knights of the Old Republic #48. Demon, część 2

12-08-2009 20:18 | Komentarze: 0
Once again a fugitive from justice, former Jedi student Zayne Carrick and his partner Gryph finally find out the truth behind their enemy, the macabre Mandalorian scientist Demagol. Yet they’ve learned it too late to save a friend from deadly peril!

The origin of Demagol revealed!

Knights of the Old Republic #49. Demon, część 3

12-08-2009 20:19 | Komentarze: 0
It is do or die for former Padawan Zayne Carrick as he desperately tries to save Jarael's life. He'll call in favors from the Senate, the Mandalorian Cassus Fett, and Admiral Karath of the Republic Navy -- but none can prepare him for what he's about to face!

Knights of the Old Republic #50. Demon, część 4

12-08-2009 20:20 | Komentarze: 0

Star Wars Komiks #12 (8/2009)

07-07-2009 22:01 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars Komiks to miesięcznik dla fanów Star Wars, prezentujący komiksowe historie z różnych epok świata Star Wars. Każdy numer zawierał będzie trzy historie komiksowe, zróżnicowane fabularnie i ilustrowane ciekawą grafiką. Bohaterem każdej historii będą postaci znane z filmów np. Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett oraz inne.

Knights of the Old Republic. Volume 7 - Dueling Ambitions TPB

10-09-2009 12:06 | Komentarze: 0
Former Padawan -- and former fugitive -- Zayne Carrick is taking his life in a new direction. Along with his con-artist best friend Gryph; the beautiful, bold, and mysterious Jarael; and ex-Mandalorian warrior Rohlan; our bumbling yet lovable hero is ready to embark on the sort of adventures only possible in the Star Wars universe! In Prophet Motive, it's a long-shot swindle gone wrong; in Faithful Execution, it's a ghost ship and renegade droids; and in Dueling Ambitions, it's combat sports and high-speed racing.

The Old Republic. Volume 1 - Threat of Peace TPB

12-11-2009 01:15 | Komentarze: 0
An exclusive first look at the era of Star Wars: The Old Republic, written by one of the writers behind LucasArts and BioWare's wildly anticipated massive multiplayer online game, Threat of Peace unveils a galaxy on the brink of destruction three hundred years after the events of [t]Kn...

Star Wars Komiks #18 (2/2010)

18-11-2009 20:04 | Komentarze: 0
Znajdziecie w nim:
  • Wzorowy oficer (z Empire #35) - Akcja tej historii rozgrywa się osiem miesięcy po zniszczeniu pierwszej gwiazdy śmierci. Darth Vader usilnie poszukuje bazy rebeliantów. Informacje uzyskane od rebel...

Rycerze Starej Republiki #01: Początek

27-03-2010 15:37 | Komentarze: 0
Najniezwyklejsza przygoda w pradawnej historii uniwersum Star Wars!

Niemal cztery tysiące lat przed narodzinami Luke’a Skywalkera w galaktyce panuje zamęt. Wojny mandaloriańskie poważnie nadwyrężyły zasoby Starej Republiki. Na zewnętrznych Rubieżach kwitnie bezprawie. Republika w c...

The Old Republic #01. Threat of Peace, część 1

15-05-2010 17:01 | Komentarze: 0
For decades, the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire have been at war-the Sith have gained control of the Outer Rim, but their efforts to penetrate the Core Worlds have so far been thwarted. Now, representatives from both sides attempt to negotiate a peace treaty-but deception by the Sith puts the Jedi in an unfortunate position.

The Old Republic #02. Threat of Peace, część 2

15-05-2010 17:02 | Komentarze: 0
The illusion of true peace has been broken by the Sith's open attack on the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Held to the conditions of the signed treaty, the Jedi struggle to shoulder their losses for the good of the galaxy. On a mission to Balmorra, Jedi Satele Shan, Master Orgus, and Lieutenant Tavus will encounter something that will throw them off their course and make their assignment a lot more complicated!

The Old Republic #03. Threat of Peace, część 3

16-06-2010 23:56 | Komentarze: 0
Under the thumb of a treaty that was negotiated after the Sith sacked Coruscant, the Jedi have attempted to maintain the illusion of peace -- until now! Even as one battle ends on Balmorra, another begins on Dantooine, where Jedi Satele Shan finds herself clashing sabers with an enemy that threatens not just her body, but her soul! As the treaty begins to crumble around her, Satele knows something desperate must be done to save the galaxy from the return to war!

Knights of the Old Republic. Volume 9 - Demon TPB

17-06-2010 17:05 | Komentarze: 0
Zayne and his con-artist partner Gryph are finally learning the truth about their fierce friend Jarael and the strange Mandalorian deserter Rohlan. Deception has been company to the foursome since Zayne's life as a fugitive banded them together. As they have adventured across the galaxy, light has shone on each of their pasts. Yet for one of Zayne's companions, a resurfacing past brings deadly peril - and he'll have to call in every favor he can if he hopes to save the day!

Star Wars Komiks #22 (6/2010)

25-05-2010 16:44 | Komentarze: 0
Miesięcznik Star Wars Komiks przedstawia na 48 stronach zamknięte opowieści komiksowe z odległej galaktyki. Główną postacią numeru 6/2010 jest Chewbacca, bohater dwóch z trzech historii komiksowych.

W drugim roku wojen klonów, sierżant RC-2088 staje przed dwoma M...

The Old Republic #04. Blood of the Empire, część 1

14-07-2010 20:56 | Komentarze: 0
After hundreds of years, the Sith Empire has returned to the galaxy, determined to crush the Republic that sent them into exile. For young Sith Teneb Kel, it is his only chance to rise above his lowly beginnings as a slave and prove his worth to the Dark Council. Yet their mission for him is unexpected. He will not hunt Jedi, but rather, a fellow Sith -- the Emperor's apprentice!

Knight Errant #01. Aflame, część 1

14-07-2010 21:04 | Komentarze: 0
More than one thousand years before Luke Skywalker, a dark age grips the galaxy as an ineffectual Republic abandons entire systems to Sith control. A newly knighted Jedi on her first mission, eighteen-year-old Kerra Holt has joined a band of Jedi volunteers traveling deep behind enemy lines, with no support from the Republic and little chance of survival. She thinks she is prepared for anything. She's wrong.

The Old Republic #05. Blood of the Empire, część 2

16-07-2010 14:37 | Komentarze: 0
The hunt for the emperor's apprentice continues in this tale of Sith vs. Sith!

Proving his worth to the Dark Council by capturing Exal Kressh may be the end of young Sith Teneb Kel; and a brief encounter with his skilled prey brings some questions to the surface...Why would a loyal apprentice betray her emperor and the entire Sith Empire?

The Old Republic #06. Blood of the Empire, część 3

16-07-2010 14:37 | Komentarze: 0
The concluding issue of Blood of the Empire! Teneb Kel is only steps behind his prey, the emperor's apprentice, when light is finally shed on her dark plans. The foundling Sith Lord must find and face her one last time to uncover the secret behind her betrayal...

Knight Errant #02. Aflame, część 2

14-07-2010 21:05 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Knight Kerra Holt thought she was prepared for anything that could happen on the volunteer mission that took her deep into Sith space. But now, trapped behind enemy lines, Kerra looks toward a life without the support of the Republic . . . and if her headstrong ways continue to lead her actions, she may end up without any support at all!

The Old Republic. Volume 2 - Blood of the Empire TPB

26-10-2010 22:07 | Komentarze: 0
After hundreds of years, the Sith Empire has returned to the galaxy, determined to crush the Republic that sent them into exile. For young Sith Teneb Kel, it is his only chance to rise above his lowly beginnings as a slave and prove his worth to the Dark Council. Yet their mission for him is unexpected. He will not hunt Jedi, but rather a fellow Sith - the Emperor's apprentice!

Knight Errant #05. Aflame, część 5

14-07-2010 21:06 | Komentarze: 0
Who can be saved? What must be sacrificed? Kerra Holt will decide once and for all what it means to be a Jedi in the concluding issue of Aflame!

Sith Lord Odion and his army arrive at Chelloa prepared to take over the mining planet, but upon arriving, Odion finds a terrible surprise from his brother, Lord Daiman. World-devastating war is inescapable, but Kerra knows that when all hope is lost, that is when the Jedi are needed the most!

Empire. Volume 6 - In The Shadows of Their Fathers TPB

21-09-2007 12:30 | Komentarze: 0
Luke Skywalker confronts the legacy of the Jedi father he never knew in an epic story involving Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and the fate of an entire planet!

When Luke and Leia travel to Jabiim recruiting allies for the fledgling Rebellion, they unwittingly set into motion events that will ignite one man's betrayal of his people, pit rebel hero against rebel hero, and attract the attention of the Empire's deadliest enforcer-Darth Vader!

This action-packed tale sheds new light on Anakin Skywalker's actions at the Battle of Jabiim during the Clone Wars.

Rycerze Starej Republiki #8: Niszczycielka

11-05-2012 10:53 | Komentarze: 0
Kiedy były padawan Zayne Carrick odkrywa, że jego piękna i budząca grozę sojuszniczka Jarael próbowała uciec przed swoją przeszłością handlarki niewolników w grupie zwanej Tyglem, poświęca się jej odkupieniu, pomagając jej zmierzyć się z lękami i zniszczyć tę mroczną organizacj...

Rycerze Starej Republiki #9: Demon

16-09-2012 21:46 | Komentarze: 0
Były padawan Zayne Carrick przed kilkoma miesiącami pomógł pojmać Demagola, obłąkanego mandaloriańskiego biologa. Teraz Demagol obudził się ze śpiączki, a Zayne i jego towarzysz, hochsztapler Gryph, zostali wezwani do stolicy Republiki, by zeznawać w pokazowym procesie stulecia.


Rycerze Starej Republiki #02: Flashpoint

25-04-2010 10:47 | Komentarze: 1
Ścigany padawan Zayne Carrick pragnie oczyścić się z zarzutu morderstwa kolegów ze szkolenia Jedi, dlatego staje twarzą w twarz z wojownikami budzącymi strach w całej galaktyce – Mandalorianami! Zayne oraz drobny przestępca Gryph i nadąsany droid Elbee są pasażerami „Ostatnie...

Dragon Age: Zabójca magów #1

26-01-2017 23:28 | Komentarze: 0
Legendarny scenarzysta Greg Rucka rozpoczyna nową opowieść osadzoną we wciągającym świecie mrocznego fantasy Dragon Age!

Tessa i Marius, najemnicy wierni tylko wobec siebie samych, zarabiają na życie tropiąc i eliminując tych, którzy wykorzystują magię do krzywdzenia innych. Zmuszen...

Dragon Age: Zabójca magów #3

06-09-2017 23:55 | Komentarze: 0
Legendarny scenarzysta Greg Rucka rozpoczyna nową opowieść osadzoną we wciągającym świecie mrocznego fantasy Dragon Age!

Tessa i Marius, najemnicy wierni tylko wobec siebie samych, zarabiają na życie tropiąc i eliminując tych, którzy wykorzystują magię do krzywdzenia innych. Zmuszen...

Dragon Age: Zabójca magów #4

10-09-2017 21:24 | Komentarze: 0
Legendarny scenarzysta Greg Rucka rozpoczyna nową opowieść osadzoną we wciągającym świecie mrocznego fantasy Dragon Age!

Tessa i Marius, najemnicy wierni tylko wobec siebie samych, zarabiają na życie tropiąc i eliminując tych, którzy wykorzystują magię do krzywdzenia innych. Zmuszen...

World of Tanks: Roll Out (wyd. zbiorcze)

01-10-2017 14:19 | Komentarze: 0
Pierwszy oficjalny komiks World of Tanks po polsku!

Komiks World of Tanks: Roll Out został stworzony przez legendę komiksu Gartha Ennisa (Kaznodzieja, Battlefields – Opowieści frontowe) i zilustrowany przez Carlosa Ezquerrę. World of Tanks: Roll Out to 120 stron, pełnej napięcia opowi...

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Dziel i plącz

19-02-2019 09:52 | Komentarze: 0
Legendarny crossover przedstawiający konflikt między kultowymi postaciami dla gatunku science-fiction – Sędzią Dreddem, Predatorami oraz Obcymi!

Sędzia Dredd oraz Sędzia Anderson przemierzają Przeklętą Ziemię w poszukiwaniu śladów niebezpiecznego kultu. Trop prowadzi do Alabamsk...


Przykładowe plansze: KotOR #34

Przykładowe plansze: KotOR #34

30-09-2008 00:34 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na stronie wydawnictwa Dark Horse pojawiły się trzy przykładowe plansze z Knights of the Old Republic #34. Trzecia część miniserii Vindication autorstwa tria Miller/Ching/Atiyeh ma ukazać się 22 października.
Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na wrzesień

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na wrzesień

07-06-2009 14:51 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Pojawiły się zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse na wrzesień (i częściowo listopad) dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen. Szczegóły w rozszerzeniu wieści. » więcej
Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na październik

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na październik

16-07-2009 22:29 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Pojawiły się zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse na wrzesień (i częściowo grudzień) dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen. Szczegóły w rozszerzeniu wieści. » więcej
Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

12-08-2009 22:06 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Pojawiły się zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse na listopad i styczeń dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen. Szczegóły w rozszerzeniu wieści. » więcej
Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na grudzień i luty

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na grudzień i luty

10-09-2009 12:25 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Pojawiły się zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse na grudzień i luty dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen. Szczegóły w rozszerzeniu wieści. » więcej
Zapowiedź: Rycerze Starej Republiki #02

Zapowiedź: Rycerze Starej Republiki #02

11-06-2010 01:06 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
"Ścigany padawan Zayne Carrick pragnie oczyścić się z zarzutu morderstwa kolegów ze szkolenia Jedi, dlatego staje twarzą w twarz z wojownikami budzącymi strach w całej galaktyce – Mandalorianami!

Zayne oraz drobny przestępca Gryph i nadąsany droid Elbee są pasażerami 'Ostatniej Szansy' – statku, który pilotują zniedołężniały geniusz Camper i jego wierna obrończyni Jarael. Muszą przeżyć spotkania z porywaczami, szalonymi naukowcami, mandaloriańskimi zdrajcami, dwoma niezdarnymi łowcami nagród oraz... cało wynieść głowy z paru naprawdę dużych eksplozji."

Wydawnictwo Egmont zapowiedziało drugi tom Rycerzy Starej Republiki. Komiks autorstwa Johna Jacksona Millera (scenariusz), Briana Chinga, Dustina Weavera, Harveya Tolibao (rysunki), Michaela Atiyeha oraz Jaya Davida Ramosa ukaże w Polsce 21 czerwca w cenie 39 zł.
Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na październik i grudzień

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na październik i grudzień

16-07-2010 14:20 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na oficjalnej stronie Gwiezdnych wojen opublikowano zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse na październik i grudzień dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Star Wars. Do tego czasu za wielką wodą ukażą się:
Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

14-08-2010 22:49 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na oficjalnej stronie Gwiezdnych wojen opublikowano zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Star Wars na listopad i styczeń. Do tego czasu za wielką wodą ukażą się:
Przykładowe plansze: The Old Republic #3

Przykładowe plansze: The Old Republic #3

28-08-2010 11:10 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na stronach wydawnictwa Dark Horse można rzucić okiem na trzy plansze z 3. zeszytu komiksów The Old Republic, którego autorami są Rob Chestney (scenariusz), Alex Sanchez (rysunek) i Michael Atiyeh (kolory). Premiera 1 września.
W USA: Knight Errant #1

W USA: Knight Errant #1

16-10-2010 01:15 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na komiksowych półkach w Stanach Zjednoczonych pojawiła się pierwsza część Knight Errant, nowej serii Johna Jacksona Millera. Komiks, którego współautorami są Federico Dallocchio (rysunek) i Michael Atiyeh (kolory), liczy 40 stron i kosztuje 2,99 USD.
W USA: The Old Republic #04

W USA: The Old Republic #04

16-10-2010 18:47 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W księgarniach w Stanach Zjednoczonych pojawiła się pierwsza część Blood of the Empire, nowej miniserii komiksów The Old Republic. Jej autorami są Alexander Freed (scenariusz), Dave Ross (rysunek) i Michael Atiyeh (kolory).