Michael A. Stackpole


Opowieści z Imperium

Opowieści z Imperium

Galaktyka pełna opowieści

11-09-2006 12:10 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 3
Zbiory opowiadań są w biblioteczce książek z uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen pozycjami dość specyficznymi. Zazwyczaj opowiadają historie postaci drugo czy trzecioplanowych, które jedynie przemknęły gdzieś w tle filmowych wydarzeń. To taki mały fenomen Gwiezdnych wojen, że tak jak główni bohaterowie, tak...
Opowieści z Imperium

Opowieści z Imperium

25-05-2008 14:00 | Jedi Nadiru Radena | Komentarze: 0
Recenzowana pozycja to jedna z pięciu gwiezdnowojennych antologii, która składa się z dziesięciu opowiadań bardziej lub mniej znanych pisarzy. Z góry należy wyjaśnić, że choć tytuł tej książki to Opowieści z Imperium, w gruncie rzeczy część opowieści ma tyle tylko wspólnego z Imperium, że ich akcja...
Ja, Jedi – Michael A. Stackpole

Ja, Jedi – Michael A. Stackpole

czyli historia Corrana Horna

17-04-2005 18:41 | Michał 'KhameirSarin' Kwiatkowski | Komentarze: 6
Świat GW bogato obrodził w różnej maści bohaterów zarówno pierwszego jak i dalszych planów... logicznym wydawało się, że wielu z nich doczeka się książek na swój temat, rozwijających historie ich życia. Właśnie ten los spotkał Corrana Horna, byłego funkcjonariusza KorSeku, członka Eskadry Łotrów, or...
Mroczny przypływ 1. Szturm – Michael A. Stackpole

Mroczny przypływ 1. Szturm – Michael A. Stackpole

24-08-2005 09:59 | Michał 'KhameirSarin' Kwiatkowski | Komentarze: 1
Mroczny przypływ I. Szturm autorstwa Michaela A. Stackpole’a to druga część cyklu Nowej Ery Jedi. Akcja powieści toczy się kilka tygodni po Wektorze pierwszym i ukazuje ciąg dalszy inwazji rasy Yuuzhan Vong na "odprężoną" pierwszym – miażdżącym, zwycięstwem Nową Republikę. Jej władcy ign...
Mroczny przypływ 2. Inwazja – Michael A. Stackpole

Mroczny przypływ 2. Inwazja – Michael A. Stackpole

17-09-2005 19:22 | Michał 'KhameirSarin' Kwiatkowski | Komentarze: 0
Druga część dwutomowego cyklu Mroczny przypływ pod tytułem Inwazja ukazuje kolejny etap walk pomiędzy Yuuzhan Vong, a Nową Republiką. W wyniku działań wywiadowczych Jedi odkrywają kolejny cel ataku Yuuzhan. – planetę Ithor. Gwałtownie wzrastające zagrożenie zmusza NR do sprzymierzenia się ze s...
Nowy świat - Michael A. Stackpole

Nowy świat - Michael A. Stackpole

Tolkienem być…

16-11-2008 16:29 | Marcin 'malakh' Zwierzchowski | Komentarze: 6
Odkąd ponad pół wieku temu do księgarń trafił legendarny Władca pierścieni, literatura fantastyczna wprost nie może się opędzić od wszelkiej maści naśladowców i innych Paolinich. Jeżeli ktoś chciałby wierzyć książkowym blurbom, w szczególności tym zza oceanu, doszedłby do wniosku, że nowy Tolkien ro...
Tajna mapa - Michael A. Stackpole

Tajna mapa - Michael A. Stackpole

03-02-2008 17:17 | Wojciech 'Wojteq' Popek | Komentarze: 0
Za każdym razem, gdy biorę do ręki książkę autora, którego nazwisko absolutnie z niczym mi się nie kojarzy, przed oczami przesuwają mi się takie tytuły jak Gra Endera Orsona Scotta Carda czy osławiony Władca Pierścieni znaleziony w szkolnej bibliotece, kiedy to zostałem zaskoczony naprawdę wysokim p...
Tajna mapa - Michael A. Stackpole

Tajna mapa - Michael A. Stackpole

13-12-2006 00:54 | Dariusz 'deem' Michnowski | Komentarze: 4
Nigdy wcześniej nie zetknąłem się z twórczością Michaela A. Stackpole’a. Z noty edytorskiej Tajnej mapy dowiedziałem się, że jest wyróżnionym licznymi nagrodami autorem kilkudziesięciu książek fantasy i science-fiction (w tym również ze świata Gwiezdnych Wojen), a jego nazwisko powinno być mi...
Gwiezdne wojny – komiks #05 (5/1999)

Gwiezdne wojny – komiks #05 (5/1999)

22-11-2010 00:01 | Aleksandra 'Jade Elenne' Wierzchowska | Komentarze: 0
Piąty numer magazynu Gwiezdne wojny – komiks był ostatnim, który w dacie wydania miał rok 1999. Układem zawartości nie różnił się od poprzednich: trzy opowieści graficzne, w tym jedna oparta na kanwie Mrocznego widma. Tym razem pod lupę wzięto Padmé Amidalę, gwoli ścisłości: Amidalę i Jar Ja...
Gwiezdne wojny – komiks #06 (1/2000)

Gwiezdne wojny – komiks #06 (1/2000)

24-01-2011 20:36 | Aleksandra 'Jade Elenne' Wierzchowska | Komentarze: 0
W nowym roku czytelników magazynu Gwiezdne wojny – komiks nie witał żaden z bohaterów Mrocznego widma – szósty numer czasopisma był pierwszym, w którym nie zamieszczono żadnego "filmowego" komiksu. Na okładce widniał sam Darth Vader oraz dwie postaci, przyodziane w stroje jako żywo przyw...
The Crusader Road

The Crusader Road

Rodzinna opowieść z Golarionu

13-04-2016 22:34 | Tomasz 'Radnon' Cybulski | Komentarze: 3
Prowadzona dwukrotnie w serwisie Kickstarter zbiórka na sfinansowanie gry Pathfinder Online oprócz sukcesu w swoim głównym celu przyniosła również kilka pobocznych produktów skierowanych przede wszystkim do fanów papierowej wersji systemu. Jednym z nich jest powieść The Crusader Road autorstwa Micha...


Ja, Jedi

17-08-2006 15:39 | Komentarze: 0
Corran Horn, pilot elitarnej Eskadry Łotrów, wyrusza w pościg za imperialnym niszczycielem. Na jego pokładzie znajduje się porwana żona Corrana. Dowodząca okrętem piratka potrafi jednak odeprzeć każdy atak i ominąć każdą zasadzkę. Za radą Luke'a Skywalkera Horn wstępuje do Akademii na Yavinie. Musi zdobyć umiejętności Jedi, by pokonać piratów i uratować żonę...

Mroczny przypływ 1. Szturm

07-07-2006 13:32 | Komentarze: 0
21 lat po wydarzeniach klasycznej pierwszej (filmowej) trylogii George'a Lucasa.

Nad Nową Republiką gromadzą się czarne chmury. Groźni najeźdźcy atakują Odległe Rubieże. Luke Skywalker musi wykorzystać całą Moc mistrza Jedi, by stawić czoło największemu niebezpieczeństwu od czasów Imperatora Palpatine'a.

Mroczny przypływ 2. Inwazja

07-07-2006 13:39 | Komentarze: 0
Flota inwazyjna jest coraz bliżej. Armia Nowej Republiki ramię w ramię z wojskami Imperium gromadzi się wokół porośniętej świętą dżunglą planety Ithor. Jeśli zjednoczone siły nie zatrzymają przeciwnika, galaktykę opanują bezwzględni najeźdźcy, którzy potrafią zmieniać schwytanych jeńców w fanatycznych żołnierzy...

X-wingi. Eskadra Łotrów

12-07-2006 17:54 | Komentarze: 0
Są smukłe, zwinne i zabójczo skuteczne. Myśliwce typu X. Ich piloci, broniąc Sojuszu Rebeliantów przed wciąż potężnymi siłami Imperium, nieustannie ryzykują utratę maszyn... i życia. Dlatego Wedge Antilles, dowódca legendarnej Eskadry Łotrów dba o to, by w jej szeregach znaleźli się tylko najlepsi. Kiedy jednak eskadra dostaje rozkaz ataku na potężnie ufortyfikowaną imperialną twierdzę, najodważniejszy z Łotrów musi zadać sobie pytanie: czy tym razem którykolwiek z jego ludzi przeżyje...

X-wingi. Pułapka Krytosa

01-08-2006 15:51 | Komentarze: 0
Sojusz Rebeliantów zajmuje Coruscant. Ale to nie koniec walki. Wirus Krytos nadal zabija. Terroryści szykują atak na planetę. Eskadra Łotrów dostaje nową misję. Tylko piloci X-wingów mogą ocalić Nową Republikę. Więziony przez Ysannę Isard Corran Horn odkrywa, że to on ma klucz do pokonania Imperium...

X-wingi. Ryzyko Wedge'a

01-08-2006 16:51 | Komentarze: 0
Nowa Republika przygotowuje inwazję na serce Imperium - Coruscant. Wedge Antilles i Eskadra Łotrów muszą przeniknąć na planetę, zdobyć dane wywiadowcze i zneutralizować generator pola siłowego. Straceńcza misja może oznaczać śmierć. A najbardziej niebezpiecznym wrogiem jest jeden z nich, gotowy zdradzić towarzyszy i Rebelię...

X-wingi. Wojna o bactę

01-08-2006 17:08 | Komentarze: 0
Eskadra Łotrów toczy walki z Ysanną Isard, która
włada Thyferrą - jedyną planetą w galaktyce, gdzie
produkuje się bactę. Cenny związek ma być wykorzystany przeciwko Nowej Republice. Piloci X-wingów muszą temu zapobiec. Ale kiedy lądują na planecie, wpadają prosto w zasadzkę. Staje się jasne, że wśród łotrów jest zdrajca...

X-wingi. Zemsta Isard

01-08-2006 17:19 | Komentarze: 0
Tylko Wedge Antilles i Eskadra Łotrów mogą sprostać tej misji: zaryzykować straceńczą wyprawę do twierdzy wroga. Ratunek przychodzi z najmniej oczekiwanej strony. Ysanne Isard, bezlitosna imperialna przywódczyni, oferuje pomoc w uwolnieniu towarzyszy Wedge’a z rąk admirała Krennela. Ale to nie bezinteresowna propozycja. Ceną jest groźba śmierci i zdrada...

Dark Tide 1. Onslaught

07-09-2007 15:47 | Komentarze: 0
It is a perilous time for the New Republic. Just when unity is needed most, mistrust is on the rise. Even the Jedi feel the strain, as rogue elements rebel against Luke's leadership. When alien invaders known as the Yuuzhan Vong strike without warning, the New Republic is thrown on the defensive. Me...

Dark Tide 2. Ruin

07-09-2007 15:52 | Komentarze: 0
The alien Yuuzhan Vong have launched an attack on the worlds of the Outer Rim. They are merciless, without regard for life - and they stand utterly outside the Force. Their ever-changing tactics stump the New Republic military. Even the Jedi, once the greatest guardians of peace in the galaxy, are r...

I, Jedi

06-09-2007 17:02 | Komentarze: 0
Corran Horn has distinguished himself as one of the best and brightest of Rogue Squadron's elite fighting force. Then his wife, Mirax, vanishes on a covert mission for the New Republic, and Corran vows to find her. To do so, he knows he must develop the latent Force powers inherited from his grandfa...

I, Jedi (Hardcover)

06-09-2007 17:01 | Komentarze: 0
Corran Horn has distinguished himself as one of the best and brightest of Rogue Squadron's elite fighting force. Then his wife, Mirax, vanishes on a covert mission for the New Republic, and Corran vows to find her. To do so, he knows he must develop the latent Force powers inherited from his grandfa...

X-wing. Isard's Revenge

05-09-2007 23:54 | Komentarze: 0
Sleek, swift and deadly, the famed X-Wing fighters have earned their reputation as the Rebel Alliance's ultimate strike force the hard way - first in battle, the last line of defense. Now they must make a deal with the devil herself - an enemy whose ultimate goal is their total annihilation.


X-wing. Rogue Squadron

05-09-2007 23:09 | Komentarze: 0
When Rebel hero Wedge Antilles rebuilds the legendary Rogue Squadron, he seeks out only the best-the most daring X-wing pilots. Through arduous training and dangerous missions, he weeds out the weak from the strong, assembling a group of hard-bitten warriors willing to fight, ready to die. But when Rogue Squadron is ordered to assist in the assault of the heavily-fortified Imperial stronghold of Black Moon, even the bravest must wonder if any at all will survive...

X-wing. The Bacta War

05-09-2007 23:30 | Komentarze: 0
When the Alliance Fleet mounts a major campaign against a deadly warlord, tyrant Ysanne Isard has taken control of Thyferra, intending to use its supply of medicinal bacta to destabilize and destroy the New Republic. Undermanned, deprived of Alliance support, Rogue Squadron must oppose Isard's plans, defeat her Star Destroyer fleet, and free Thyferra from her rule in a winner-take-all battle against a seemingly superior force.

X-wing. The Krytos Trap

05-09-2007 23:22 | Komentarze: 0

X-wing. Wedge's Gamble

05-09-2007 23:15 | Komentarze: 0
Sleek, swift, and deadly, they are the X-wing fighters. And as the battle against the Empire rages across the vastness of space, the pilots risk both their lives and their machines for the cause of the Rebel Alliance. Now they must embark on a dangerous espionage mission, braving betrayal and death ...

Związek #1

15-11-2007 00:10 | Komentarze: 0

Związek #2

15-11-2007 00:13 | Komentarze: 0

Union #1

10-10-2007 21:19 | Komentarze: 0
Though the New Republic is thriving, there are still many who remain true to the spirit and evil designs of Emperor Palpatine. So when Luke Skywalker, the New Republic's greatest hero and sole Jedi master, decides to marry Mara Jade, the woman who was formerly Emperor Palpatine's personal assassin and executor of the Empire's will, you can be sure that somebody is going to raise their hands in protest!

Union #2

10-10-2007 21:25 | Komentarze: 0
As the wedding approaches, Luke Skywalker has a troubling vision: somewhere in their future, a dark hand is grasping at him and his new wife, Mara Jade. But nothing can shake the young Jedi Knight's resolve, not a solemn ceremony of Jedi accepting the Union, nor even a night of carousing and revelry deep within the city canyons of Coruscant.

Union #3

10-10-2007 21:27 | Komentarze: 0
As Luke and Mara gather their friends about them and prepare to share their vows, another vow is also closer to being fulfilled: Imperial Moff Takkar pledges the destruction of this wedding, a travesty and an insult to the memory of the once-great Empire!

Union #4

10-10-2007 21:29 | Komentarze: 0
Wedding Day! But as the guests are taking their places, the Imperial's disruption of the festivities begins! Swoop riders are raiding the building and a madman with a vest-full of explosives is threatening to take the entire building down! Who can save the saviors of the galaxy?

Union TPB

10-10-2007 21:23 | Komentarze: 0
When Luke Skywalker, the New Republic's greatest hero and sole Jedi Master, decides to marry Mara Jade, the woman who was once the Emperor's personal assassin, you can be sure that hands both Imperial and New Republican will be raised to stop the marriage -- at any cost! Written by acclaimed [t]Star...

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #01: The Rebel Opposition, część 1

11-10-2007 21:53 | Komentarze: 0
Wedge Antilles is a combat-hardened X-Wing pilot, one of the only fliers to survive the missions against both Death Stars. After those two assignments and his post as leader of Rogue Squadron, you'd think he'd seen everything. But when he heads a rescue and retrieval for a downed man on the planet Mrisst, he finds something he'd never expected: a culture that hates the Empire... and hates the Alliance even more!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #02: The Rebel Opposition, część 2

11-10-2007 21:56 | Komentarze: 0
When Rogue Squadron leader Wedge Antilles is downed in a bloody battle against Imperial All-Terrain Scout Transports, he is forced to form an uneasy alliance with the Cilpari natives, whose dislike for the Rebels is only dwarfed by their hatred for the Empire. Wedge must regroup Rogue Squadron before the Cilpari alliance is shattered, and rejoin the battle to save the galaxy!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #03: The Rebel Opposition, część 3

11-10-2007 21:58 | Komentarze: 0
Tycho Celchu has infiltrated the Imperial Forces. Now he can communicate vital strategic information that will give the Rebellion an upper hand! But when he's pressed to lead a raid on his old Rogue Squadron teammates, he must choose between saving his comrades and serving the cause.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #04: The Rebel Opposition, część 4

11-10-2007 22:00 | Komentarze: 0
Tycho Celchu must make the hardest decision of his lifetime: choosing between saving his friends and supporting his cause. Disguised as an Imperial fighter pilot, Rogue Squadron flyer Tycho Celchu has successfully infiltrated the Imperial troops. But success turns sour when his TIE fighter unit encounters Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron! If he abandons his post with the Imperial fighters, he abandons the cause of the New Republic; but if he stands his ground, he risks killing his comrades. Either way this Rebel plays, he plays a losing game...

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #05: The Phantom Affair, część 1

11-10-2007 22:04 | Komentarze: 0
The Battle of Endor (from Return of the Jedi) was never fought -- it was just so much Alliance propaganda. At least, that's the lie being spread by members of the AEA (Ante-Endor Association). But Wedge Antilles and his Rogue Squadron comrades know the truth. They were at Endor when so many of their friends and colleagues gave their lives to destroy the second Death Star. And so, for those lost friends, this is a battle they will not fail.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #06: The Phantom Affair, część 2

11-10-2007 22:12 | Komentarze: 0
If Wedge Antilles can't persuade the alien Mrlssti to sell their cloaking device to the New Republic, the result could be disaster. And that's just what Wedge expects when he discovers that the negotiating party includes Loka Hask -- the pirate chieftain who killed Wedge's parents!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #07: The Phantom Affair, część 3

11-10-2007 22:14 | Komentarze: 0
A cloaking device isn't easy to come by -- even a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. But when the members of Rogue Squadron try to pick one up from the super-scientific alien inventors known as the Mrlssti, they find they've been accused of every crime from burglary to murder, and that the Empire will stop at nothing to bring them in!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #08: The Phantom Affair, część 4

11-10-2007 22:16 | Komentarze: 0
The residents of Mrlsst should have learned their lesson long ago, when a noble Jedi sacrificed himself that the Empire might leave the Academy unharmed -- nobody wins when you play in politics. But old lessons are easily forgotten in the heat of war. Over the years, the Academy has become a snakepit of secrets and plotting, and students and professors fight each other and one another. And now they're about to get a refresher course, the kind that's taught with blood and fire. Unfortunately for Wedge and the Rogue Squadron crew, the lesson comes just as they arrive on Mrlsst.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #09: Battleground Tatooine, część 1

13-10-2007 01:09 | Komentarze: 0
The crime and death caused by Jabba the Hutt is nothing compared to the chaos created in the wake of his demise! Jabba's legacy is a cache of stolen Imperial hardware and weapons, hidden somewhere on the desert world of Tatooine. Whoever finds the treasure will have enough firepower to rule the planet -- perhaps even the sector! And that means Rogue Squadron must find it first, or else find it aimed at their heads!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #10: Battleground Tatooine, część 2

13-10-2007 01:13 | Komentarze: 0
A criminal warlord has stolen a vital bit of information, so vital, in fact, that Wedge and the Rogue Squadron were going to steal it themselves! Rather than simply steal it, they'll now have to fight for it! Through the heated deserts of Tatooine, in the midst of a gang war sparked by the death of Jabba the Hutt, the Rogue Squadron risk life and limb for the Rebel Alliance!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #11: Battleground Tatooine, część 3

13-10-2007 01:15 | Komentarze: 0
Jabba the Hutt is dead, and in the ensuing scramble for power, a secret Imperial weapons cache could be the key to victory. But only one being alive knows the location of the hidden weapons cache -- Firith Olan. While that makes Firith a very powerful being, it also makes him a prime target. In a desperate race to uncover the missing weapons, as the criminals converge to fill the role of the dead Hutt, Wedge and Rogue Squadron find themselves smack in the middle of Battleground: Tatooine!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #12: Battleground Tatooine, część 4

13-10-2007 01:17 | Komentarze: 0
A handful of Tatooine outlaws and a mountain full of Imperial weaponry are a deadly combination -- deadly enough to make allies of X-wing Rogue Squadron and a troop of Imperial Special Forces! The hot desert sands really heat up in the explosive conclusion to Battleground: Tatooine, as Wedge and crew attempt to take back the galaxy, one planet at a time!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #13: The Warrior Princess, część 1

14-10-2007 00:09 | Komentarze: 0
The squadron's roster has contained Corellian heroes and Alderaanian fighter aces, but when the royal court of Eiattu comes to reclaim their princess from the ranks of Rogue Squadron, it's a surprise to everyone... especially the princess!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #14: The Warrior Princess, część 2

14-10-2007 00:14 | Komentarze: 0
When the royal court of Eiattu came to Rogue Squadron to collect their princess -- Plourr Ilo, who was unaware of her heritage -- they did so to help put an end to their planet's internal rebellion. They reasoned that a strong figurehead might pull the people together -- what they couldn't know was that a strong-willed princess might have her own view of how things should be run.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #15: The Warrior Princess, część 3

14-10-2007 00:17 | Komentarze: 0
Crown, crown -- who's got the crown? Plourr Ilo has reluctantly taken it on, but finds being a princess can be even rougher than being a warrior. Her brother instead wants to destroy the crown, not knowing that his own lover intends to claim -- not only the crown, but the planet -- for herself! And as the different factions battle it out, the Empire waits in the wings, waiting to claim whatever remains. But standing in their way is the fabled Rogue Squadron -- and they've decided to take out the Empire, one TIE fighter at a time!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #16: The Warrior Princess, część 4

14-10-2007 00:29 | Komentarze: 0
This man making a bid for the throne of the Royal Citadel of Eiattu -- this man who would lead the Peoples' Liberation Battalion to rule this world -- claims to be the brother of the current ruler, Princess Plourr. But Plourr knows -- with great certainty -- that this cannot be. To reveal the truth might destroy his power, but it could, in turn, destroy her as well.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #17: Requiem for a Rogue, część 1

16-10-2007 22:17 | Komentarze: 0
Malrev 4 is an uncivilized planet in a pretty, but otherwise useless, corner of the galaxy. Inhabited by vicious, unthinking brutes, it's like a living museum of pre-evolution. You wouldn't bother going there unless you had a death wish... or you were a member of Rogue Squadron and you were trying to rescue a downed cruise liner.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #18: Requiem for a Rogue, część 2

16-10-2007 22:34 | Komentarze: 0
It should have been a simple mission for the men and women of Rogue Squadron -- an easy search-and-rescue for a group of Bothan castaways forced down on Malrev 4. But when they got to the backwater planet, the Rogues found themselves first attacked by the Irrukiine, a doglike aboriginal race, and then by the Bothans themselves. There's some strange kind of hoodoo going down on Malrev 4 -- this planet promotes madness and deceit, and not even the Rogues are immune!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #19: Requiem for a Rogue, część 3

16-10-2007 22:41 | Komentarze: 0
The Bothan tourists that Wedge and crew have come to save are neither Bothans nor tourists -- they're a consortium of spies assigned to follow the Emperor. Wedge is glad to know this now, but he'd have been happier to have discovered this fact before his crew were trapped on this back-water planet called Malrev 4. Now Rogue Squadron is in the middle of a firing ground, between a twisted, self-styled "Lord of the Sith" who calls Malrev 4 his home and the leader of the spies, Girov, who desires the planet, its great temple, and all its power for his own!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #20: Requiem for a Rogue, część 4

16-10-2007 22:43 | Komentarze: 0
Concluding the epic battle between the Rogue Squadron Rebels and the Sith-tainted Imperials! A member of Rogue Squadron makes the ultimate sacrifice in this concluding chapter of Requiem for a Rogue!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #21: In the Empire's Service, część 1

16-10-2007 22:45 | Komentarze: 0
Wedge Antilles is the ace pilot of the Rebel Alliance, and his Rogue Squadron is the outfit of choice for every X-wing flyer. But just as the New Republic has its star space jockeys, so does the Empire. And Baron Fel and the Imperial 181st Fighter Division are hungry to see what Rogue Squadron is made of. Don't miss the comics premier of Baron Fel, the Empire's greatest fighter ace!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #22: In the Empire's Service, część 2

16-10-2007 22:49 | Komentarze: 0
On the world of Brentaal, Imperial General Isoto prepares for a Rebel assault. His goal: not to save the planet, or even the Imperial base, but to save himself. Isoto has the best shield there is, the Empire's greatest fighter ace, Baron Fel. But having the Baron and having him take orders are two totally different things!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #23: In the Empire's Service, część 3

16-10-2007 22:52 | Komentarze: 0
Rogue Squadron brings the battle to the Imperials as X-wings and TIEs zigzag among the lofty minarets of Brentaal. More than one Rogue will be shot down this day, but an X-wing pilot on the ground with a blaster is twice as angry and almost as dangerous!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #24: In the Empire's Service, część 4

16-10-2007 22:53 | Komentarze: 0
Baron Fel's wingmen -- the merciless pilots of the Imperial 181st Fighter Division -- are falling to the firepower of Rogue Squadron. But Fel himself is not down. He has a final card to play, and Wedge Antilles is about to fold!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #25: The Making of Baron Fel

16-10-2007 23:09 | Komentarze: 0
Shot down from the bloody skies of Brentaal, Baron Soontir Fel has been captured by the Rebel Alliance. But from the shadowed recesses of a Rebel interrogation chamber, The Empire's greatest fighter ace tells a story of the deception and corruption beneath the Empire's orderly surface... and sets the stage for his own defection to the Alliance!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #26: Family Ties, część 1

17-10-2007 23:54 | Komentarze: 0
Wedge Antilles has some news that his fellow Rogues are not going to like. If they were hesitant to fly against Baron Fel, the Empire's greatest fighter ace, how are they going to feel if they have to fly with him?

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #27: Family Ties, część 2

17-10-2007 23:56 | Komentarze: 0
Corellia may have somehow managed to avoid the devastating war between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, but the back streets of Coronet City have their own brand of villains, and Rogue Squadron can be as heroic on the ground as they are in the sky!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #28: Masquerade, część 1

17-10-2007 23:58 | Komentarze: 0
There are few occupations that are more dangerous than flying an X-wing for the Rebel Alliance, and Rogue Squadron is about to discover that in diplomacy things -- and diplomats -- are not always what they seem!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #29: Masquerade, część 2

18-10-2007 00:03 | Komentarze: 0
The Moff Leonia Tavira has returned, and Rogue Squadron is about to learn just how vindictive some teenagers can be! The woman known as "Iceheart" may have the Empire in her grasp, but Sate Pestage, the interim Emperor, is defecting to the Alliance, and as an example of negotiating in good faith, he offers them the keys to the Imperial Throneworld, Coruscant!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #31: Masquerade, część 4

18-10-2007 00:08 | Komentarze: 0
Rogue Squadron faces off against the pirates of the Blazing Claw, but no sooner have they sent them packing than an Imperial Star Destroyer makes orbit! It's time for Baron Fel to show his true colors as the fate of Rogue Squadron hangs in the balance!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #30: Masquerade, część 3

18-10-2007 00:06 | Komentarze: 0
As Wedge and Princess Leia complete their negotiations with the interim Emperor, Tycho and Winter make their break from the pirate thugs of Leonia Tavira. But both teams working in separate parts of the galaxy on the same caper are about to find they have something else in common: trouble!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #32: Mandatory Retirement, część 1

18-10-2007 21:49 | Komentarze: 0
When Imperial Intelligence chief Ysanne Isard discovers that acting-Emperor Pestage has made a deal with the Rebel Alliance, it appears that the Rebels' ticket to Imperial Center has been punched. But a Rebel operative witnesses Pestage's capture, and Rogue Squadron is assigned to go after him.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #33: Mandatory Retirement, część 2

18-10-2007 21:53 | Komentarze: 0
Their rest and relaxation over, Rogue Squadron and a Rebel task force descend on the world where Sate Pestage, one-time Emperor-proxy, has gone into exile. If the New Republic wants to claim Imperial Center for themselves and turn the tide of the war, it is imperative that they rescue Pestage, wanted by the Empire for high treason.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #34: Mandatory Retirement, część 3

18-10-2007 21:56 | Komentarze: 0
The Rogues stage a dangerous rescue of Sate Pestage. Now is their chance to undermine Ysanne Isard, who has her own designs on the Imperial throne. But a power struggle in the Empire's highest circles has Isard cornered, and that's when the Imperial Intelligence Chief is most dangerous!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron #35: Mandatory Retirement, część 4

18-10-2007 22:05 | Komentarze: 0
As Rogue Squadron prepares for a nightmare showdown against Imperial fighters and ground troops, Isard begins her own personal war in the corridors of power on Imperial Center... a war fought with hidden bombs, double-crossing servants, and knives in the back!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: Battleground Tatooine TPB

13-10-2007 01:11 | Komentarze: 0
The crime and death caused by Jabba the Hutt is nothing compared to the chaos created in the wake of his demise. Jabba's legacy is a cache of stolen Imperial hardware and weapons, hidden somewhere on the desert world of Tatooine. Whoever finds the treasure will have enough firepower to rule the planet and perhaps even the sector. And that means Rogue Squadron must find it first, or else find it aimed at their heads!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: Blood and Honor TPB

16-10-2007 23:12 | Komentarze: 0
Baron Soontir Fel, the greatest fighter ace of the Empire, has been captured by the Rebel Alliance. But from the shadowed recesses of a Rebel interrogation chamber, Fel tells a story of the deception and corruption beneath the Empire's orderly surface... and sets the stage for his own defection to the Rebellion. This collection concludes the events set in motion in X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service TPB

16-10-2007 22:47 | Komentarze: 0
Wedge Antilles is the premier X-wing pilot of the Rebel Alliance, and his Rogue Squadron is the most feared in the Rebel fleet. But the Empire has its top guns too -- the merciless Imperial 181st Fighter Division led by Baron Fel, the man who trained Wedge and many of Rogue Squadron's best pilots. Wedge and the Rogues will get every opportunity to test that training when they are dispatched to square accounts with Rogue Squadron, once and for all!

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement TPB

18-10-2007 21:51 | Komentarze: 0
When Imperial Intelligence chief Ysanne Isard discovers that acting-Emperor Pestage has cut a secret deal with the Rebel Alliance to sell out the Empire, it appears that the Rebels' ticket to Imperial Center has been punched. But when Pestage is captured in his sanctuary on a far world, Rogue Squadr...

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: Masquerade TPB

18-10-2007 00:00 | Komentarze: 0
There are few occupations more dangerous than flying an X-wing fighter for the Rebel Alliance, but Rogue Squadron is about to discover that diplomacy can be more deadly than a fleet of Star Destroyers! Sate Pestage, the interim Emperor, is losing his grip upon the Galactic Empire and seeks contact w...

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: Requiem for a Rogue TPB

16-10-2007 22:23 | Komentarze: 0
It should be an easy mission for Rogue Squadron -- a simple search-and-rescue of a group of castaways forced down to Malrev 4. But when they reach the backwater planet, the Rogues find themselves attacked by the bestial Irrukiine and then by the Bothans themselves. There's something strange going down on Malrev 4.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair TPB

11-10-2007 22:07 | Komentarze: 0
The Battle of Endor was never fought -- it was just so much Alliance propaganda. At least, that's the lie being spread by the Ante-Endor Association. But Wedge Antilles and his Rogue Squadron comrades know the truth. They were at Endor when so many gave their lives to destroy the second Death Star. And so, for those lost friends, this is a battle they will not lose.

X-Wing. Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess TPB

14-10-2007 00:12 | Komentarze: 0
Rogue X-wing pilot Plourr is requested to return to her home planet... as a princess! While attempting to stop an internal rebellion, the planet's government finds that she may have her own way of running things.

Nowy świat

27-05-2008 10:23 | Komentarze: 0
Czas ucieka. Do Nalenyru, nad którym zawisła plaga magicznej wojny, ze wszystkich stron ściągają obrońcy. Już wkrótce księstwo spustoszą hordy przerażającyh bestii stworzonych przez odwiecznego wroga, a ziemia przesiąknie krwią ludzi i bogów. Wnuki książęcego kartografa Qira Antura...

Star Wars Omnibus. Shadows of the Empire TPB

12-08-2009 21:18 | Komentarze: 0
Beginning with Shadows of the Empire, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca are determined to foil Boba Fett’s plan to deliver carbonite-encased Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt. But these heroes are up against more than they realize. Darth Vader searches for Luke, hoping to turn him to the dark side, and a n...

Gwiezdne wojny – komiks 1999/#5

20-11-2007 17:22 | Komentarze: 0

Gwiezdne wojny – komiks 2000/#1

21-11-2007 20:53 | Komentarze: 0

Vol'jin Cienie Hordy

03-07-2013 01:00 | Komentarze: 0
Oto Pandaria - nieznany dotąd zakątek Azeroth.

Przejdź pomyślnie ostateczną próbę, inaczej zginiesz.

Bitwa trwa. Vol'jin zmaga się ze starymi zatargami tlącymi się między Przymierzem a Hordą. Ranny, zostaje porzucony na pastwę losu i pewną śmierć. Jednak szczęście się do nie...

The Crusader Road

08-04-2016 11:47 | Komentarze: 0
Taming the Wild!

When the aristocratic Vishov family is banished from Ustalav due to underhanded politics, Lady Tyressa Vishov is faced with a choice: fade slowly into obscurity, or strike out for the nearby River Kingdoms and establish a new holding on the untamed frontier. Together with her chi...

Vol'jin: Cienie Hordy

28-07-2021 23:10 | Komentarze: 0
Nasłani przez Garosza mordercy dokonują zamachu na życie przywódcy Mrocznych Włóczni – Vol’jina. Szczęśliwym zrządzeniem losu rannego odnajduje znany pandareński gorzelnik Czen Gromowar i zabiera go do ustronnego klasztoru w górach. Pod troskliwą opieką Vol’jin powraca...


Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

12-08-2009 22:06 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Pojawiły się zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse na listopad i styczeń dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen. Szczegóły w rozszerzeniu wieści. » więcej
World of Warcraft: Vol’jin Cienie Hordy - fragment

World of Warcraft: Vol’jin Cienie Hordy - fragment

13-06-2013 21:26 | Tomasz 'Asthariel' Lisek | Komentarze: 0
Na tej stronie możemy przeczytać fragment World of Warcraft: Vol’jin Cienie Hordy autorstwa Michaela A. Stackpole'a.
Nowa książka z uniwersum Warcrafta

Nowa książka z uniwersum Warcrafta

04-07-2021 22:02 | Tomasz 'Asthariel' Lisek | Komentarze: 0

Pod koniec lipca nakładem wydawnictwa Insignis ukaże się kolejna powieść fantasy osadzona w znanym z serii gier komputerowych uniwersum Warcrafta. Będzie to Vol’jin: Cienie Hordy autorstwa Michaela E. Stackpole'a – zachęcamy do zapoznania się z jej zarysem fabuły.

» więcej