Dave McCaig


Dark Times #11-12. Vector (#5-6)

Dark Times #11-12. Vector (#5-6)

Celeste Morne vs. Darth Vader

04-08-2008 00:01 | Jedi Nadiru Radena | Komentarze: 0
Załoga "Uhumele" sporo przeszła w ostatnich kilku tygodniach. Pragnąc sprzedać pewną tajemniczą skrzynię, jeden z członków załogi zginął, drugi dostał się do niewoli, pozostali zaś o włos uniknęli śmierci umknąwszy niedoszłym kupcom artefaktu. Teraz kapitan Heren jest jeszcze bardziej zdeterminowany...
Infinities. A New Hope

Infinities. A New Hope

Jakby to było, gdyby...?

25-03-2005 11:03 | Tomek 'Death Star Builder' Nowak | Komentarze: 1
Historie alternatywne to temat bardzo gorący i twórczy. Dlatego coraz częściej zastanawiamy się "jakby to było, gdyby...?" Nawet jeśli nasze rozważania dotyczą bardzo dawnych wydarzeń w równie odległej galaktyce. I tak przecież, kiedy już poznaliśmy pierwsze Opowieści (seria Star Wars. Tales), stało...
Republic #32-35. Darkness

Republic #32-35. Darkness

Dracula w wersji Star Wars

15-09-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Seria Republic podzieliła się nieco i rozwija się poprzez dwa główne wątki. Z jednej strony ciągnie Timothy Truman (wspomagany przez różnych rysowników) z Ki-Adim-Mundim i A'Sharadem Hettem jako głównymi postaciami, z drugiej zaś duet Ostrander-Duursema (poza totalnym nieporozumieniem w postaci Infi...
Republic #27. Star Crash

Republic #27. Star Crash

Gwiezdne wojny?

28-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Saga Gwiezdnych wojen znana jest ze swojego uniwersalizmu. Łączy w sobie motywy z różnych kultur i religii, mitów i gałęzi literatury, stając się tym samym bliższą dużo większemu odsetkowi ludzi. Może stąd urosło przekonanie, że Gwiezdne wojny są w stanie przyjąć i zasymilować wszystko. Fałszywe prz...
Republic #23-26. Infinity's End

Republic #23-26. Infinity's End

Moc nie jest w nim zbyt silna

21-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Wśród niektórych fanów Gwiezdnych wojen panuje dwojaka opinia na temat George'a Lucasa i jego zaangażowania w tworzenie sagi. Nikt nie kwestionuje jego zmysłu marketingowego oraz wspaniałego pomysłu na film, który stał się pierwszym nowoczesnym mitem. Z drugiej jednak strony, zwłaszcza po kolejnych...
Republic #28-31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing

Republic #28-31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing

Polowanie czas zacząć

01-09-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Gdy przyjrzeć się bliżej fanom, bez trudu można spostrzec, że Gwiezdne wojny rządzą się tak naprawdę swoimi prawami. Oczywiście istotnym jest, że na pierwszym planie sagi występują Anakin, Luke, Leia czy Han Solo, ale często to postaci z tła zaskarbiają sobie sympatię fanów. Jedną z takich bohaterek...
Republic #19-22. Twilight

Republic #19-22. Twilight

Zmiany, zmiany

18-08-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Tak, nareszcie nadeszła ta szczęsna chwila. 28 czerwca roku 2000 był dniem, w którym czytelnicy serii Republic radośnie pomachali mistrzowi Ki-Adi-Mundiemu na pożegnanie, a na scenę tej komiksowej serii wyszły nowe, równie ciekawe postaci. Głównym bohaterem miniserii Twilight jest Quinlan Vos –...
Star Wars Komiks #04 (4/2008)

Star Wars Komiks #04 (4/2008)

Mrocznie jest

12-01-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Seria Tales to kopalnia gwiezdnowojennych shortów. Młodzi pisarze, chcący wstąpić szeregi starwarsowych autorów, mogą się wykazać na łamach kilku gwiezdnowojennych czasopism; komiksowy poligon doświadczalny, nawiedzany od czasu do czasu przez bardziej znane osobistości w branży, jest właśnie tu. For...
Star Wars Komiks #11 (7/2009)

Star Wars Komiks #11 (7/2009)

Bez gwiazd

27-07-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Dla czasopisma Star Wars Komiks nadszedł czas próby. Najnowszy, jedenasty zeszyt periodyku jest pierwszym od prawie pół roku, który nie przyciąga czytelnika komiksem wziętym z którejś z najpopularniejszych serii. Jedyną względnie dobrze znaną opowieścią jest wydany trzy lata temu Boba Fett. Overkill...
Jedi Council. Acts of War

Jedi Council. Acts of War

14-02-2011 23:03 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Gdy w 1999 roku Mroczne widmo weszło na ekrany kin, nie zostało ciepło przyjęte. Fani poczuli się zawiedzeni, niekiedy oszukani, już na wstępie zrażając się do najnowszej twórczości George'a Lucasa. Jednak obok infantylnych postaci, cukierkowych obrazów i wygłupów Jar Jara, film wniósł coś jeszcze...
Republic #36-39. The Stark Hyperspace War

Republic #36-39. The Stark Hyperspace War

Błękit nadprzestrzeni

27-10-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Po przywróceniu dotkniętych amnezją Aayli Secury i Quinlana Vosa na łono zakonu, mistrzowie Jedi zadecydowali, że należy im przywrócić dawne umiejętności i wiedzę. Motyw ten okazał się bardzo zgrabnym alibi, aby wstrzymać na moment akcję serii, spojrzeć nieco wstecz i zapoznać czytelników z przeszły...
Amerykański wampir #8

Amerykański wampir #8

Wampiry w kosmosie

28-03-2017 07:41 | Marcin 'Karriari' Martyniuk | Komentarze: 0
Ameryka XX wieku i mnóstwo wampirów? Czemu nie, Scott Snyder i Rafael Albuquerque wraz z kilkoma gościnnie występującymi twórcami nie raz już udowodnili, że to niecodzienne połączenie potrafi zapewnić mocną historię. Co zaś nas czeka w tomie ósmym, którego okładkę zdobi wampir przyodziany w kombinez...
Głębia (wydanie zbiorcze) #2: Zanim spali nas świt

Głębia (wydanie zbiorcze) #2: Zanim spali nas świt

Długa droga na powierzchnię

18-04-2018 22:05 | Balint 'balint' Lengyel | Komentarze: 0
Ludzkość od najdawniejszych lat pragnęła sięgnąć gwiazd i pożeglować ku nowym galaktykom. Marzenie to pozostaje jednak mrzonką, zwłaszcza dla dogorywającej i schowanej w morskich odmętach cywilizacji. I tylko jedna osoba nadal wierzy, że ludzie mogą mieć nadzieję na lepsze jutro – niepoprawnie...
Głębia (wyd. zbiorcze) #3: Wybrzeże gasnącego światła

Głębia (wyd. zbiorcze) #3: Wybrzeże gasnącego światła

Witamy na lądzie

26-07-2018 16:18 | Balint 'balint' Lengyel | Komentarze: 0
Miliony lat temu życie wyszło na powierzchnię prosto z wody. W komiksowym cyklu Ricka Remendera historia zatacza koło i raz jeszcze życie może zaistnieć dzięki wypłynięciu z morskich głębin. Wystarczy tylko znaleźć sondę, odczytać dane i polecieć ku gwiazdom. Uparta i niezłomna Stel Caine...
Głębia #5: Światłość niesie światłość

Głębia #5: Światłość niesie światłość

Epicki finał podwodnej epopei

27-09-2021 10:19 | Balint 'balint' Lengyel | Komentarze: 0
Na ostatnią odsłonę Głębi przyszło fanom cyklu nieco poczekać. Ich cierpliwość została jednak wynagrodzona całkiem opasłym tomem oraz epickim finałem. Czy znalazło się również miejsce na happy end? Sprawdziliśmy! Nad obywatelami Salusa zawisła perspektywa unicestwienia dającej im schronienie p...


Ciemność #1

11-11-2007 23:10 | Komentarze: 0

Ciemność #2

11-11-2007 23:11 | Komentarze: 0

Darth Maul #1

09-11-2007 19:00 | Komentarze: 0
Typy spod najciemniejszych gwiazd łączą siły, żeby przedstawić najbardziej fascynującego i przerażającego bohatera Mrocznego widma, Dartha Maula

Ukrywając się od wielu pokoleń, przewrotni Sithowie czekali na odpowiednią chwilę, by się ujawnić i dokonać zemsty na Zakonie Je...

Darth Maul #2

09-11-2007 19:03 | Komentarze: 0

Typy spod najciemniejszych gwiazd łączą siły, żeby przedstawić najbardziej fascynującego i przerażającego bohatera Mrocznego widma, Dartha Maula

Ukrywając się od wielu pokoleń, przewrotni Sithowie czekali na odpowiednią chwilę, by się ujawnić i dokonać zemsty na ...

Star Wars - Część II: Atak klonów

12-11-2007 16:21 | Komentarze: 0

Darkness TPB

12-09-2007 15:35 | Komentarze: 0
Despite his successful completion of previous missions, the Jedi Council still feels that Quinlan Vos, a troubled Jedi struggling to regain stability after having his memory erased, walks dangerously close to the dark side. But when a prison planet under watch by the Guardians is attacked by an unidentified enemy, Quinlan Vos is specifically requested to investigate because of his Guardian ancestry. Fully-recovered, or not, Quin is off on another suicide mission! Collecting the four-issue story arc.

Darth Maul #1

16-09-2007 16:33 | Komentarze: 0
In hiding for generations, the Sith have waited for the precise moment to reveal themselves to the galaxy. Hoping to catch the Jedi unaware, Lord Sidious and his deadly apprentice, Darth Maul, have planned and waited patiently for their moment to pounce. Unfortunately, in the days before the Trade Federation blockade of the planet Naboo, Lord Sidious becomes aware of a threat to his plans. This threat comes from the deadly galactic crime organization Black Sun. But Sidious won't stand for any opposition, and Darth Maul is sent to deal with Black Sun -- as only a master of the dark side can!

Darth Maul #2

16-09-2007 16:40 | Komentarze: 0
The criminal organization Black Sun is feared across the galaxy. There is very little that their power and corruption do not influence. But now the tables are turned as the scheming Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, has sent his merciless enforcer, Darth Maul, to make sure that Black Sun stays out of his affairs. Gaining entrance to Black Sun, Maul works his way to the inner sanctum of the organization -- and that's when the destruction begins!

Darth Maul #3

16-09-2007 16:45 | Komentarze: 0
The ultimate enforcer, Darth Maul, continues his single-handed decimation of the ranks of the galactic crime syndicate Black Sun. As lieutenant after lieutenant falls under the swift blade of Maul's cold wrath, Black Sun pulls itself together to discuss how to deal with this new theat. Aware of Blac...

Darth Maul #4

16-09-2007 16:49 | Komentarze: 0
With Sith Lord Darth Sidious' master plan for the overthrow of the Republic in jeopardy, Sidious' apprentice and enforcer Darth Maul has cut his way through the ranks of the galactic crime syndicate Black Sun, and now there is only one barrier left between Maul and Black Sun's total destruction. Maul must go toe-to-toe with the personal bodyguards of Black Sun's top lieutenants before he can reach the pinnacle of their organization! It's Black Sun vs. dark side, and the winner takes all! This is one explosive finale you won't want to miss and is a key event in the Episode I story line!

Darth Maul TPB

16-09-2007 16:38 | Komentarze: 0
In hiding for generations, the evil Sith have waited for the precise moment to reveal themselves and take vengeance upon the Jedi Order. But in the final days before the Trade Federation blockade of the planet Naboo sets into motion the Sith plan for the overthrow of the Republic, the scheming Sith ...

Infinities - A New Hope #1

23-09-2007 11:58 | Komentarze: 0
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...The events and players are very familiar, but something isn't quite right. Luke Skywalker valiantly attacks the Death Star, fires his torpedoes and... they miss their mark! Welcome to a Star Wars you never imagined, a Star Wars shattered, wh...

Infinities - A New Hope #3

23-09-2007 12:22 | Komentarze: 0
In an altered Star Wars timeline, the Death Star is never destroyed and the Rebellion is seemingly crushed. The Empire's strong presence throughout the galaxy leads to the formation of a new Senate, filled with Imperial puppets. Han Solo and Chewbacca watch in amazement as the newest Senator ...

Infinities - A New Hope #2

23-09-2007 12:19 | Komentarze: 0
Welcome to a Star Wars you never imagined, a Star Wars shattered, a Star Wars where the possibilities are ENDLESS! In a timeline altered by tragedy, Luke Skywalker valiantly attacks the Death Star, yet his torpedoes miss their mark! This one act has incredible ramifications on the enti...

Infinities - A New Hope TPB

23-09-2007 12:25 | Komentarze: 0
In May, Dark Horse Comics and Lucas Licensing will embark on an all-new branch of the Star Wars mythology. Star Wars: Infinities -- A New Hope is just the start of what Dark Horse and Lucas Licensing hope will be a compelling and fruitful exploration of the Star Wars universe based on events that never actually occurred in the official Star Wars canon.

Star Wars #07. Outlander, część 1

11-09-2007 17:30 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi's first assignment after joining the Jedi Council will take him back to the fearsome deserts of Tatooine! The Jedi Council has tracked a long-wayward and powerful Jedi to the backwater world, and it's up to Ki to find him and convince him to return. Unfortunately, not only does he not want to return, but a powerful enemy has the Jedi in her sights, and a blaster bolt can travel a long way across the desert flats of Tatooine!

Star Wars #08. Outlander, część 2

11-09-2007 17:48 | Komentarze: 0
As Ki-Adi-Mundi prepares to return to the desert wastes of Tatooine in search of a wayward Jedi, he is stopped by an old friend and mentor. The Dark woman has news for the Cerean Jedi, and he's not going to like it! Once on Tatooine, Ki meets with the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Despite the fact that the slimy crime lord had only recently threatened the life of Ki's daughter, Ki-Adi-Mundi has no choice but to ask for Jabba's aid in his search. Ki receives the aid, but nothing from Jabba the Hutt is ever free!

Star Wars #09. Outlander, część 3

11-09-2007 18:03 | Komentarze: 0
Only the hardiest beings in the galaxy can withstand the blistering sands of Tatooine for very long, so one can only imagine the fortitude of the nomadic Tusken Raiders who make their home there. But even the toughest among the Sand People, Sharad Hett, may not be able to survive an attack by the dreaded krayt dragon, Tatooine's fiercest predator, unless Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi offers to help!

Star Wars #10. Outlander, część 4

11-09-2007 18:07 | Komentarze: 0
Ki-Adi-Mundi is coming closer to discovering if the mysterious leader of the Tusken Raiders is the legendary Jedi Sharad Hett. Only two things stand in his way: the vicious krayt dragon of Tatooine and the Jedi-killing bounty hunter Aurra Sing! This is one issue you won't want to miss! Featuring the storytelling talents of Tim "Lightsaber" Truman, the pencilling prowess of Rick "Death Star" Leonardi, and the deep, rich inks of Mark "Lobot" Lipka! Plus a cover by Ken "Wampa" Kelly!

Star Wars #11. Outlander, część 5

11-09-2007 18:10 | Komentarze: 0
Bounty hunter Aurra Sing has located the Tusken camp where Ki-Adi-Mundi and Sharad Hett have hidden themselves. Now it's time for her boss, Gardulla the Hutt, to turn up the heat and eliminate the Tusken menace forever! This is one issue you won't want to miss! Featuring the storytelling talents of Tim Truman, the pencilling prowess of Rick Leonardi, and the deep, rich inks of Mark Lipka! Plus a cover by Ken Kelly!

Star Wars #12. Outlander, część 6

11-09-2007 18:13 | Komentarze: 0
Ki and the Tuskan settlement are under attack from a mob of citizens goaded on by Gardulla the Hutt. As if that weren't enough, Aurra Sing chooses that moment to appear and cause even more trouble. Epic battles, revealed secrets, and a hero falls. Tim Truman, Rick Leonardi, and Mark Lipka make this an issue not to miss! Featuring a cover by Ken Kelly!

Star Wars #19. Twilight, część 1

12-09-2007 12:29 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos has lost his memory! And the Devaronian, Villie, is playing him for a bet -- out of the frying pan and into the fire -- as deadly swoops, false Jedi, and a gambler are all trying to kill Quin! Can he survive without the knowledge that he is a Jedi? Only if he can let go and act on instinct!

Star Wars #20. Twilight, część 2

12-09-2007 12:49 | Komentarze: 0
Quinlan Vos searches for his past -- and the Devaronian Villie is his reluctant helper. First stop, the home of Bib Fortuna, right-hand man to the nefarious Jabba the Hutt! Can Quin resist the pull of the dark side when dealing with lowlifes like Bib? His search for the mysterious woman, Aayla, will take him from a band of thugs to a stolen ship pursued by smugglers! Get on board and see if he makes it!

Star Wars #21. Twilight, część 3

12-09-2007 13:05 | Komentarze: 0
Aayla Secura is the Padawan apprentice of the mysterious Jedi Quinlan Vos, and Vos needs to know why she disappeared -- and that knowledge is trapped in the dark recesses of his lost memory. And as Vos searches for answers, he may not like what he finds, as those who appear to be friends turn out instead to be lethal enemies. Join Quinlan in his deadly quest for the truth in the third chapter of Twilight.

Star Wars #22. Twilight, część 4

12-09-2007 13:13 | Komentarze: 0
After finally finding his Padawan apprentice, Aayla Secura, Jedi Quinlan Vos uncovers a chain of corruption and vice that reaches much further than he ever thought possible... leading all the way to the galactic Senate on the planet of Coruscant! It's up to Quinlan to find the parties responsible for the kidnap and torture of his Padawan and bring them to justice. Make sure you don't miss this exciting final chapter in the Twilight story arc.

Star Wars #23. Infinity's End, część 1

12-09-2007 14:02 | Komentarze: 0
The planet Ova and all its inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared. Now it's up to Jedi Quinlan Vos to discover why. His investigation takes him on an undercover journey to the planet of Dathomir where he must take on the role of a slave and bend to the will of the various warring clans of witches who rule the planet. Will Quin be able to find the answer to Ova's disappearance before he falls prey to the dark side? Find the answers to these questions and more in the first exciting chapter of Infinity's End!

Star Wars #24. Infinity's End, część 2

12-09-2007 14:10 | Komentarze: 0
On the witch-world of Dathomir, as Jedi Quinlan Vos continues his investigation into the disappearance of the planet Ova, Quin is forced to dig a little deeper by masquerading as a slave. When he uncovers the secrets of the Infinity Gate and the grotesque hag Ros-Lai, he takes a step closer to the truth about the planet's disappearance -- and a step closer to the dark side. Will he unearth the mystery? Or will he find out that some stones are better left unturned?

Star Wars #25. Infinity's End, część 3

12-09-2007 14:13 | Komentarze: 0
The witch Ros Lai has revealed her true self to Jedi Quinlan Vos, and now she wants him dead. While Quin wants to find a way into the Star Chamber in order to stop it from being used ever again, Ros Lai needs to activate the Chamber's power in order to kill her wicked mother, the witch Zalem. Either...

Star Wars #26. Infinity's End, część 4

12-09-2007 14:16 | Komentarze: 0
The power of the Star Chamber is unleashed! Jedi Quinlan Vos loses a friend while attempting to save an entire planet from destruction. There's no light at the end of this tunnel. Don't miss this earthshaking conclusion to Infinity's End. Written by acclaimed Marshall Law creator Pat Mills and illustrated by the sensational Joker/Mask penciller Ramon F. Bachs with inks by Raul Fernandez, Infinity's End is a white-knuckle Episode I-era blockbuster!

Star Wars #27. Star Crash

12-09-2007 14:26 | Komentarze: 0
This issue, meet Jedi Yoshi Raph-Elan. On his way to a meeting of Jedi, Yoshi is attacked by an unknown enemy. Stranded without even a lightsaber, he must find out what this new threat wants. Along the way, he meets the beautiful princess Lourdes, and learns a lesson about trusting ancient prophecies. And it's all brought to you by Doug Petrie (Buffy: Ring of Fire and writer for the Buffy TVS TV series), Randy Green (Witchblade), and Andy Owens (Buffy and Angel).

Star Wars #28. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 1

12-09-2007 14:30 | Komentarze: 0
Get ready for some electrifying lightsaber battle action! Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant with a mean streak, killing Jedi within the very shadows of the Temple. The Jedi Council must now decide how to deal with the infamous bounty hunter. Several Jedi Knights volunteer for the honor of bringing Sing to justice. But do they want justice or vengeance? It's going to take more than a grudge to bring down an assassin with a reputation for killing Jedi.

Star Wars #29. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 2

12-09-2007 14:37 | Komentarze: 0
With a team of Jedi on her tail, the murderous Aurra Sing meets her next clients -- exiled Quarrens from the planet Mon Calimari. The Quarrens seek revenge on the one who caused them to be banished from their ocean homeworld. And Aurra takes a special interest in this new job when she learns that her next hit is on the one she once called "teacher" -- the Dark Woman! But Aurra's date with her former master gets put on hold when she is confronted in space by a Jedi cruiser! Make sure you don't miss this second thrilling chapter of The Hunt for Aurra Sing.

Star Wars #30. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 3

12-09-2007 14:41 | Komentarze: 0
Aurra Sing tracks her current target and former mentor, the Dark Woman, to a lush jungle world which is being bombarded by a seasonal meteor shower. On this beautiful yet dangerous planet, the Dark Woman seeks respite from the rigors of Jedi life and peace from her past, but her past failure has now...

Star Wars #31. The Hunt for Aurra Sing, część 4

12-09-2007 14:45 | Komentarze: 0
On a dangerous jungle planet, the Dark Woman is shot and wounded while Aurra Sing seeks to kill her next mark -- the corrupt senator, Tikkes. The three Jedi who stand in her way, Adi Gallia, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and A'Sharad Hett, attempt to defend the remnants of the senator's suspicious Quarren expeditio...

Star Wars #32. Darkness, część 1

12-09-2007 15:28 | Komentarze: 0
The saga of Quinlan Vos, a troubled Jedi still trying to regain stability after having his memory erased, continues in this latest Star Wars story arc. Despite his successful mission on Dathomir, the Jedi Council still feels that he walks dangerously close to the dark side. Kiffex, a prison planet u...

Star Wars #33. Darkness, część 2

12-09-2007 15:32 | Komentarze: 0
Bad things are happening on the prison planet of Kiffex. A Guardian outpost on the planet has been overrun by the vampiric Anzati and weapons from the outpost have spread to the inmates. When Jedi Quinlan Vos, a direct descendant of the Guardians, is summoned to help investigate the disaster, he can...

Star Wars #34. Darkness, część 3

12-09-2007 15:38 | Komentarze: 0
The vampiric, primal Anzati, under the leadership of Volfe Karkko, have overrun the prison planet of Kiffex. All lives on the planet are threatened as Karkko sends his followers out to collect beings to feed his hunger. Three Jedi Knights stranded on this planet make a stand against both a cantina f...

Star Wars #35. Darkness, część 4

12-09-2007 15:41 | Komentarze: 0
Quinlan Vos is looking for his missing Padawan, Aayla. Unfortunately, she has fallen in with some bad company -- namely a vampiric dark Jedi name Karkko. To make things worse they are all trapped on a lawless prison planet crawling with mutant vampire-like aliens. Quin's pal Villie has a plan to get them off the planet but it doesn't include rescuing Aayla. That's something that Quin won't consider. He must face off against Karkko and rescue his Padawan -- or die trying. Make sure not to miss the conclusion of the thrilling Darkness story arc!

Star Wars #37. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 2

12-09-2007 23:37 | Komentarze: 0
Iaco Stark has cut off the hyperspace lanes to Republic ships and the remnants of the Republic Army and Navy are stranded with the Jedi Tyvokka, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Troiken. Meanwhile, Tholme and his Padawan discover the truth about the scarcity of bacta. The worst is yet to come in this installment of the Stark Hyperspace War.

Star Wars #38. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 3

12-09-2007 23:45 | Komentarze: 0
The Stark Hyperspace War gets more intense. To prevent the Republic Senate from surrendering, the Jedi must get Senator Valorum back to Coruscant. The assaults grow heavier on the remnants of the Republic forces on Troiken and the fragile defense falls increasingly to Plo Koon. Can Qui-Gon Jinn find the secret of the virus that has corrupted the Republic nav computers and open up the hyperspace lanes to the Republic again? Meanwhile, Tholme and his apprentice, Quinlan Vos, struggle to get what they've learned back to the other Jedi.

Star Wars #39. The Stark Hyperspace War, część 4

12-09-2007 23:49 | Komentarze: 0
While Tholme and Quinlan Vos try to make their escape from Thyferra, the Republic forces on Troiken stage a desperate battle against the overwhelming might of the Stark Collective. Can Plo Koon, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Adi Gallia rally the troops? And can they get Senator Valorum back to Coruscant before the Republic surrenders to Stark's demands? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to the Stark Hyperspace War.

Star Wars #45. Rite of Passage, część 4

13-09-2007 00:33 | Komentarze: 0
To secure the future of the planet Ryloth -- and the continued stability of the Republic -- newly-Knighted Jedi Aayla Secura must breech an impenetrable fortress and rescue the young heir of one of Ryloth's ruling clans, while her former teacher, Quinlan Vos, fights a battle to the death against a father-and-son team of Morgukai assassins who are armed with weapons his lightsaber can't stop. It may be true that Jedi don't seek excitement, but excitement has found Quin and Aayla, and it will take every bit of their training to come out of this adventure alive!

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones #1

21-09-2007 16:36 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones is a seminal tale of the Star Wars mythos, unlocking some of the history and events that laid the foundation for the Rebel Alliance's epic struggle against the Empire as chronicled in the original Star Wars film trilogy. Featuring familiar charact...

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones #2

21-09-2007 16:38 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones is a seminal tale of the Star Wars mythos, unlocking some of the history and events that laid the foundation for the Rebel Alliance's epic struggle against the Empire as chronicled in the original Star Wars film trilogy. Featuring familiar charact...

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones #3

21-09-2007 16:40 | Komentarze: 0
Dark Horse Comics proudly continues the comics adaptation of the long-awaited second Episode of the Star Wars saga. Adapted for comics by Henry Gilroy from an original screenplay by George Lucas and Jonathan Hales, this series tells of a young Jedi coming of age, forbidden love, and a threat that has been a decade in the planning...

Artfully illustrated by Jan Duursema and Ray Kryssing, this four-issue series is a must for the serious Star Wars collector.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones #4

21-09-2007 16:45 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones is a seminal tale of the Star Wars mythos, unlocking some of the history and events that laid the foundation for the Rebel Alliance's epic struggle against the Empire as chronicled in the original Star Wars film trilogy. Featuring familiar charact...

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones TPB

21-09-2007 16:43 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones is a seminal tale of the Star Wars mythos, unlocking some of the history and events that laid the foundation for the Rebel Alliance's epic struggle against the Empire as chronicled in the original Star Wars film trilogy. Featuring familiar charact...

The Hunt for Aurra Sing TPB

12-09-2007 14:33 | Komentarze: 0
Get ready for some electrifying lightsaber battle action! Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant with a mean streak, killing Jedi within the very shadows of the Temple. The Jedi Council must now decide how to deal with the infamous bounty hunter whose favorite targets are Jedi. Several Jedi Knights volunteer for the honor of bringing Sing to justice. But do they want justice, or vengeance? It's going to take more than a grudge to bring down an assassin with a reputation for killing Jedi and a collection of previously owned lightsabers to back it up.

The Stark Hyperspace War TPB

12-09-2007 23:31 | Komentarze: 0
Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Jedi were involved in another major battle: the Stark Hyperspace War. Smuggler and pirate Iaco Stark's "commercial combine" has disrupted the production of bacta, the most important healing agent in the galaxy. By cornering the market on bacta, Stark hopes ...

Twilight TPB

12-09-2007 14:07 | Komentarze: 0
Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos has lost his memory. Not only must he fight to rediscover his past, he must also track down his Padawan, Aayla Secura, who has mysteriously disappeared. With only his lightsaber and a scheming Devaronian named Villie to help him, Quin must face off against deadly gamblers, false Jedi, corrupt officials, and the pull of the dark side if he is to survive! Twilight collects issues 19-22 of the ongoing Star Wars comics series and is Jedi Quinlan Vos' introduction to the Star Wars comics.

Jedi Council. Acts of War #1

24-09-2007 18:16 | Komentarze: 0
Even in the days before the shadow of the Phantom Menace fell upon it, the rule of the Senate was no guarantee of peace. Trouble could come in many forms to any of the thousands of worlds that made up the Republic. When conflict arose, it was the duty of the Jedi Knights, under the guidance of the Jedi Council, to protect the innocent and set things right.

Jedi Council. Acts of War TPB

24-09-2007 18:18 | Komentarze: 0
Even in the days before the shadow of the Phantom Menace falls upon the Republic, the rule of the Senate is no guarantee of peace. When conflicts arise, it is the duty of the Jedi Knights, under the guidance of the Jedi Council, to protect the innocent and restore order. When the warlike Yinchorri threaten the stability of the Republic, a Jedi task force led by Mace Windu and including Qui-Gin Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi is sent to the Yinchorri system to settle matters, and they soon find themselves facing overwhelming odds on three different worlds. Collecting the four-issue series.

Jedi Council. Acts of War #2

25-09-2007 12:33 | Komentarze: 0
The Jedi task force sent to the Yinchorri system is met with a hostile reception, and they soon find themselves facing overwhelming odds on three different worlds. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, a Yinchorri suicide squad attacks the Jedi Temple itself, fighting to the last being and taking as many Jedi with them as they can. Behind all of these events, Yoda detects a controlling hand, but he cannot detect its source...

Jedi Council. Acts of War #3

25-09-2007 12:40 | Komentarze: 0
What began as Mace Windu and the Jedi Council's covert search for the secret government headquarters of the warlike Yinchorri has turned into a confrontation with the military might of an entire planet. The result is a full-scale battle pitting a vast army of heavily-armed alien warriors against but twelve lightsaber-wielding Jedi. Pity the poor Yinchorri!

Jedi Council. Acts of War #4

25-09-2007 12:43 | Komentarze: 0
The Council's quest nears its end as the hiding place of the Yinchorri High Command is at last revealed. But the Yinchorri aren't about to surrender without a fight, and Jedi blood has already been spilled. How many lives -- on both sides -- will Jedi Master Mace Windu risk to bring the warlike aliens to justice? A handful of lightsabers is all that stands between a relatively peaceful Republic and galactic war. Action and heroism in the grand Jedi tradition!

Dark Times #11. Vector, część 5

02-03-2008 22:02 | Komentarze: 0
The biggest Star Wars story of 2008 comes to the era of the Empire as Darth Vader's pursuit of power releases a force unlike any he's ever witnessed!

Beginning the second phase in a yearlong, galaxy-changing storyline, part five of Vector puts the smuggling crew of the Uhumele in their toughest predicament yet, puts Darth Vader in a traitor's sights, and potentially puts the entire galaxy at risk!

Dark Times #12. Vector, część 6

08-04-2008 13:35 | Komentarze: 0
Darth Vader confronts the legacy of the ancient Sith--and the ancient Jedi--as the Star Wars event of the year concludes its second chapter!

Bomo Greenbark and the crew of the Uhumele find themselves unwilling witnesses to a conflict between good and evil . . . and eviler! The outcome of this bat...

Vector. Volume 1 TPB

07-01-2009 22:28 | Komentarze: 0
Vector, an event with repercussions for every era and every hero in the Star Wars galaxy begins here!

In Chapter One Knights of the Old Republic Volume Five, a terrible vision reaching far into the future alerts the secret Jedi Covenant to the importance of Taris. They activa...

Dark Times #13. Blue Harvest, część 1

07-01-2009 22:44 | Komentarze: 0
Picking up where the two-part story on Myspace/DarkHorsePresents leaves off, Dass Jennir begins his first job since the destruction of the Jedi Order only to discover that the job description he was given is not entirely accurate. Facing great odds is all in a day's work for a Jedi, but Jennir isn't a Jedi anymore and his lightsaber must stay hidden.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader returns to Coruscant and must face his master -- and fallout from the events in the Vector crossover!

Dark Times #14. Blue Harvest, część 2

07-01-2009 22:44 | Komentarze: 0
The miasma of the dark times following the rise of the Empire entangles both the high and the low. Darth Vader comes to a realization about how short his future might be if he doesn’t follow his master’s every command.

While half a galaxy away, Dass Jennir, who has kept his Jedi past a secret from his employer, discovers that his employer hasn’t been completely honest with him, either. The job Jennir has been hired to do is only part of what needs to be done, and a Jedi never leaves a job half-finished—even if it means fighting ten-to-one odds!

Dark Times #15. Blue Harvest, część 3

07-01-2009 22:44 | Komentarze: 0
Caught between two rival factions, former Jedi Dass Jennir has only one option left—play both sides against one another and hope that neither side tumbles to his plan!

Dark Times #16. Blue Harvest, część 4

07-01-2009 22:45 | Komentarze: 0
Former Jedi Dass Jennir has woven a tangled web of lies in his quest to topple two opposing gangs. Now, all the threads are about to break, and the gangs will tear the town apart in a war that may doom those Jennir sought to save—but not before they take their vengeance out on him!

Dark Times #17. Blue Harvest, część 5

07-01-2009 22:45 | Komentarze: 0
Betrayed, beaten, and half drowned, former Jedi Dass Jennir clings to life while the town he vowed to save is torn by gang warfare. His only allies have been imprisoned, tortured, or shot.

It looks like the bad guys might win this time . . . except for one thing: a Jedi never gives up.

Star Wars Komiks #04 (4/2008)

19-11-2008 20:15 | Komentarze: 0
Gwiezdne wojny Komiks to miesięcznik dla fanów Star Wars, prezentujący komiksowe historie z różnych epok świata Star Wars. Każdy numer zawierał będzie trzy historie komiksowe, zróżnicowane fabularnie i ilustrowane ciekawą grafiką. Bohaterem każdej historii będą p...

Star Wars Komiks #11 (7/2009)

07-07-2009 21:46 | Komentarze: 0
Star Wars Komiks to miesięcznik dla fanów Star Wars, prezentujący komiksowe historie z różnych epok świata Star Wars. Każdy numer zawierał będzie trzy historie komiksowe, zróżnicowane fabularnie i ilustrowane ciekawą grafiką. Bohaterem każdej historii będą postaci znane z filmów np. Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett oraz inne.

Dark Times #12 1/2. Blue Harvest, część 0

05-08-2009 14:33 | Komentarze: 0

Dark Times Volume 4. Blue Harvest TPB

12-11-2009 01:08 | Komentarze: 0
In a time when all Jedi are fugitives, surviving Jedi Dass Jennir is trying to live as an outlaw without actually becoming one. Accepting a job from a mysterious beauty, Jennir sets out to rid her town of a gang of slave runners. But when he finds that his employer hasn't been completely honest with...

New Avengers #05: Wojna domowa

19-11-2012 07:34 | Komentarze: 0
Gdy pośród herosów wybucha wojna domowa Avengers zostają zmuszeni do tego, by walczyć o własne przekonania.

- Kapitan Ameryka musi uciekać przed przedstawicielami prawa!
- Luke Cage i Jessica Jones muszą podjąć decyzję, która zaważy na ich życiu!
- Spider-Woman znajduje się w ...

Głębia (wyd. zbiorcze) #2: Zanim spali nas świt

09-08-2017 13:48 | Komentarze: 0
Stel Caine ma misję. Niebawem wynurzy się z głębin oceanu, w którym ludzkość skryła się przed pustoszącym powierzchnię umierającym słońcem. Ma być pierwszym od tysiącleci człowiekiem, który postawi stopę na wysuszonej ziemi. Wierzy, że odnajdzie tam kosmiczną sondę zawierając�...

Głębia (wyd. zbiorcze) #3: Wybrzeże gasnącego światła

09-08-2017 13:49 | Komentarze: 0
Ciąg dalszy losów Stel Cain i jej rodziny. Epicka, pięknie narysowana opowieść sci-fi o końcu, a być może także początku zupełnie nowego świata. Remender i Tocchini czarują talentem i wyobraźnią.

Głębia #5: Światłość niesie światłość

02-07-2021 20:46 | Komentarze: 0
Kolejny powrót po dłuższej przerwie. Tym razem Rick Remender zabiera się za konkluzję swojej apokaliptycznej, rysowanej z niezwykłym rozmachem sagi. Album zawiera zeszyty #20-26.


Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

Dark Horse: zapowiedzi na listopad i styczeń

14-08-2010 22:49 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Na oficjalnej stronie Gwiezdnych wojen opublikowano zapowiedzi wydawnictwa Dark Horse dotyczące komiksów z uniwersum Star Wars na listopad i styczeń. Do tego czasu za wielką wodą ukażą się:
Avengers i Wojna domowa od Muchy

Avengers i Wojna domowa od Muchy

23-11-2012 10:48 | Andman | Komentarze: 0
Na 7 grudnia Mucha Comics planuje wydanie komiksu New Avengers #05: Wojna domowa ze scenariuszem Briana Michaela Bendisa. Jest to historia powiązana z marvelowskim crossoverem Wojna domowa. » więcej
Galeria: New Avengers #05

Galeria: New Avengers #05

26-11-2012 15:47 | Andman | Komentarze: 0
Zapraszamy do obejrzenia przykładowych plansz z komiksu New Avengers #05: Wojna domowa do scenariusza Briana Michaela Bendisa. Album ukaże się w grudniu nakładem wydawnictwa Mucha Comics. » więcej